If you have read my previous posts then you know that I started talking about some of the basics of aquarism that are sometimes not customary to talk about when it comes to a conversation between a buyer and a seller in a pet store, lol.
They say that it is difficult to get into someone else's shoes in order to understand what your interlocutor is thinking, but in this case I had to be both a buyer and a seller.
Each buyer wants to buy a treasured item cheaply, and the seller wants to sell it dearly and moreover sell a bunch of unnecessary rubbish in addition to it who was lying around on the counter of the store and in front of him was a buyer who was ready to pay for everything.
A very rare type of seller who treats the buyer as himself and carefully tries to understand the problem and selects the ideal solution for himself and for the buyer.
But there are times when the seller the hired worker is absolutely indifferent to the prosperity of the business and simply obediently fulfills the requests of the buyer.
At this point I will move on to the main topic of our conversation namely the living space you will understand the connection with what was said earlier, lol.
So all life on Earth needs a living space be it a plant or an animal.
If someone violates this space domination begins the oppression of one species by another or by one individual of another individual.
In addition each organism has its own life cycles for example like humans the period of infancy youth adolescence maturity and old age.
At each stage the need for living space may change but this will be inevitable.
If we talk about hydrobionts, about the fish that enter our aquariums probably the most affected by the lack of living space are Betta splendens or Cockerel a fighting fish from the macropod family a labyrinth fish inhabiting rice fields and stagnant waters poor in oxygen in Southeast Asia.
The definition of "labyrinth" is the name of a complex respiratory mechanism that allows these fish to breathe both atmospheric air and oxygen dissolved in water but they were not classified as lungfish there is a different principle of breathing.
Why are these fish suffering?
They are sold in plastic cups and many buyers think that this living space is enough for a happy life of Betta splendens.
Moreover when the buyer asks the seller if the fish can continue to live in a glass or in a similar container the seller willingly shakes his head in agreement he needs to sell as many of these fishboks as possible the margin from their sale reaches 100 percent or more.
Moreover when the fish dies at the buyer he will come for a new one.
In such a living space Betta splendens develop fin rot because harmful bacteria develop very quickly in a small volume of water.
Now remember that all living things tend to reproduce and sooner or later you will need to buy a female Betta splendens and her, sometimes you will need somewhere to hide from a rather aggressive male it’s not for nothing that these fish are called fighting fish in Southeast Asia and in Ukraine there are people who buy these fish for the sake of fighting with a sweepstakes.
Rumor has it that most of these beautiful Betta splendens go on sale being sterilized so that they cannot give birth and do not compete with fish farms in Southeast Asia but very often the hopes of people and nature are different concepts and nature wins.
Therefore an aquarium with a volume of 25 liters I consider the minimum volume for keeping such a fish and filtration and thermoregulation are required aeration will not hurt the water should be slightly acidic you can add a little peat extract this will give your fish happiness from being next to you.
If I forgot to say something perhaps I will remember later in one of my articles.
All photos are taken at my pet store.
Author @stem-shturm
Posted with STEMGeeks