How can we be sure if we are going to heaven? MCGI Topic Review

in #hive-18207411 months ago

Every week I looked forward to this teaching and write my review and in this week teaching I learnt that we have two main destinations in this world and the afterlife through the teachings of Brother Eli Soriano. Even the decision of which path to take to get at our desired destination on the last day is up to our free will. According to DEUTERONOMY 30:19.

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We have a choice between choosing hell fire as a road we want to take or choosing to go to paradise where we can rest calmly and unwind with our heavenly father. If we wish to choose eternal life in Christ Jesus or to choose to experience the torment of hellfire, God has brought us to the point where we must wisely decide whom we will admire and follow. Christians should ask many questions every day because they are God's children.

Every time we consider going to heaven, our minds are filled with dreadful uncertainties. Knowing that there are two possible destinations in the life that comes after this one: Heaven and Hell, we are left wondering which one will be our final resting place. This terror is so horrible.

As a follower of Jesus who fully understands eternity after death or the rapture of the saints, I never forget to consider where I will end up. The promised home of those who follow God's message and gain His approval to be there is heaven. Jesus, our Lord, has vowed to prepare the home He has promised to build for us.

In my own understanding, our sin is the one thing that will prevent us from entering heaven. One argument is that sin involves rebellion against God, and heaven cannot accommodate an attitude of defiance. The fundamental reason, though, is that God is perfectly pure and holy, and even one sin would be sufficient to drive us from His presence.

In the sight of God, "whoever keeps the whole law, and stumbles at just one point, is guilty of breaking all the law" (James 2:10), according to the Bible. Because we will never be good enough to appear before God, we will never be able to save ourselves via our own good deeds. And this is why we require Christ, who entered the earth to atone for our sins. Although He was sinless, all of our crimes were heaped on Him on the cross, and He received the penalty we deserved.

Anyone can now enter heaven by placing their faith in Jesus Christ because He paid the price for man's sin and rose from the dead to guarantee His followers redemption and new life. Man cannot be good enough to be with God in heaven on the basis of his own merits because of his inherent wickedness from the first man. Man cannot even look at the beauty of God. God forbade Moses from seeing His face for the sake of the Almighty.

Therefore, only salvation through Jesus can make any man make heaven and staying away from sin, not even a scratch of sin in you will give you the opportunity to have a glimpse of paradise. So thank you to Bro Eli for the wonderful sermon. God bless you.



Brother we are waiting for you on our Zoom meeting

Do you have sermon same time today Sunday?