go enjoy the amazing natural scenery, with friends, to find entertainment, and peace in life.
Hi beloved hive blog friends, today I am back with you, to tell you about finding peace by enjoying the natural scenery on a very beautiful hill.
I have been to this hill before, but I didn't have time to go around to the top, yesterday I went around the hill to the top with my friend, and I saw the view up there was extraordinary, photographing the natural scenery and housing in the city center very clearly, so that we can see together the beauty of the natural scenery on the hill.
I was very entertained when I looked down with such stunning beauty, and showed very beautiful hills and cliffs, I really got extraordinary peace, did not disappoint the vacation to the hill yesterday.
On the hill above the last peak, there is a hut selling, previously I thought there were no sellers on the hill I visited yesterday, but when I got there I saw the atmosphere, and a place to relax on the hill. which has been cleaned to sit and relax very well!.
so that you are not curious about this very beautiful hilly place, here I will show my friends the beauty of the hill, this is what the last hill looks like, which is very beautiful and very suitable for a place to relax, enjoy the beauty of the natural scenery! .
on the last hill there is what I call a very nice seat, which has been prepared by the seller, and shows a very clear view from the seat, so it is very good for us to sit and relax enjoying the natural scenery, accompanied by seeing the housing in the middle of the city which is very clear, and this is the view above beaten by the seller, who provides a garden for relaxing which has been designed very well.
I have a friend who is sitting on a hill, my friend is having fun and I laugh, and exchange ideas with him, if this place is made a tourist spot it will definitely be very good, and this place will have many visitors. even though this hill is in the interior of a remote village, it may still be very tightly guarded by the villagers who are near the hill.
on the hill I visited yesterday it was tightly guarded for couples who wanted to climb together, who were not yet legally husband and wife, it was strictly forbidden to spend the night on the hill, does this hill have a history?, but I don't know what the history is, what is clear is that this hill looks very beautiful and brings extraordinary peace and tranquility, this hill is also kept clean, so that visitors are very comfortable to relax because the air is very fresh, and the place is clean from garbage!.
Even though this place is not yet a tourist spot, visitors to this place are very crowded to relax, and for visitors who want to visit this place, they will definitely not be disappointed, with the beauty of the natural scenery in the hills.
I was really satisfied yesterday because I was able to go around this hill, to the last peak, and saw its beauty for myself, and it made me no longer curious to enjoy the beautiful scenery on top of the hill, I really never get tired of enjoying the extraordinary natural scenery, especially the nature on top of the hill, which looks very beautiful and the scenery is truly amazing.
While having fun chatting with friends, I didn't realize that it was already evening and starting to get dark. I saw a beautiful sunset, radiating an extraordinary charm, and I saw a young man riding a motorbike up a hill, with a very beautiful sunset view. and the young man, put his motorbike very neatly exposed to the rays of the setting sun above his action.
because it was getting dark, I decided to make the journey home. Because the journey home was quite far, it would take about 5 hours, so while we were making the journey home, we enjoyed the view of the hills below.
As usual, the obstacle on the way to the hill, which is less comfortable, is the badly damaged road, if the road to the hill was really good, it would be very pleasant to climb the hill.
Okay friends, I hope you were entertained by my trip yesterday, with my friend, climbing a very beautiful hill, it looked very spectacular from top to bottom.
All the photos of the natural scenery, which looks so spectacular on the hill, I took using...!
Camera used | ponsel redmi note 7
| - | -Traveling
F-stop | -
Iso speed | ISO
Focal length | MM
Photography | Landscape
Photographer | @suarlex
This is me under #@suarlex, a #photographer, I like exploring the forest, and traveling, I also like telling stories about anything I get, about interesting things, so this hive blog is suitable for me who likes to tell stories.
Okay friends, that's all I can tell you about my journey and enjoying the natural scenery on the hill, I hope you are entertained and like my writing this time, about my journey and enjoying the beauty of nature, see you in my next interesting travel post!