Passage Of Light On The Lake [ENG/ESP]

in #hive-1949133 years ago


Hello Hive friends and photography lovers! Today I show you some photos in Miami – Florida, specifically in Miami Lakes, one of the neighborhoods of this beautiful place.

Hola amigos de Hive y amantes de la fotografía! El día de hoy les muestro unas fotos en Miami – Florida, específicamente en Miami Lakes, uno de los vecindarios de este hermoso lugar.

All the photographs were taken in the same place, but at different times to be able to appreciate how the light of day illuminates the lake as the hours go by.

Todas las fotografías fueron tomadas en el mismo lugar, pero en distintos horarios para poder apreciar como la luz del día va iluminando el lago al paso de las horas.

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What I like most about photography is capturing the precise moment of the “Magic Hour” this is a very specific moment that takes place at dawn before the sun rises and at dusk during sunset and the arrival of the night. Also in the cinema this moment is usually used to give a more cinematographic touch to the scene.

Lo que más me gusta de la fotografía es capturar el momento preciso de la “Hora Mágica” este es un momento muy específico que transcurre en el amanecer antes de que salga el sol y en el atardecer durante la puesta del sol y la llegada de la noche. También en el cine este se momento se suele usa para dar un toque más cinematográfico a la escena.

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In this case it was not something planned, just by chance I had to get up very early to do some things and I saw that the view of the lake was incredible, the sky had a very intense and beautiful and clear color, I could not let it go, I grabbed my cell phone and took some pictures. Already in the afternoon, as it was summer, the duration of the day is a little longer and there I was able to plan to find the right moment at sunset to take other photographs. Then comparing the sunrise ones with the sunset ones, I noticed that they are very similar, in fact I showed them to a person and he couldn't tell which was which. By the way, do you think you might know which one was taken in the morning?

En este caso no fue algo planeado, solamente por casualidad tuve que levantarme muy temprano para hacer algunas cosas y vi que la vista al lago era increíble, el cielo tenía un color muy intenso y hermoso y claro, no pude dejarlo pasar, agarre mi celular y tomé algunas fotografías. Ya en la tarde como era verano, la duración del día es un poco más larga y allí si me pude planificar para encontrar el momento justo en la puesta de sol para tomar otras fotografías. Luego comparando las del amanecer con las del atardecer, noté que es muy similar, de hecho se las mostré a una persona y no sabía distinguir cual era cual. Por cierto, ¿Crees que podrías saber cuál fue tomada en la mañana?

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The rest of the photographs were already taken during the day, one at noon, another after lunch and so on progressively until nightfall. Apart from doing this, I also took advantage of the tranquility and peace that this place offers and I relaxed for a while listening to music. I hope you liked all the photos, greetings!

El resto de las fotografías ya fueron en el transcurso del día, una al mediodía, otra luego de almorzar y así progresivamente hasta llegar la noche. Aparte de hacer esto, también aproveché la tranquilidad y paz que brinda este sitio y me relajé un rato oyendo música. Espero les haya gustado todas las fotos, saludos!



I love the first picture, they have horizontality and nothing better than a suitable light thanks to the sunset of the day. Best regards !

Thanks! the first picture was my favorite 😃

How pretty are these😍 Love the shots

thank you so much!😃

Están geniales esas fotos

Gracias! 😊

Wonderful landscape. Loved the light at dusk 🌇

Yes it's a beautiful place 😊

Increíbles esos paisajes además de que el sol se ve reflejado en el agua, le da detalles escenciales a las fotos.

Amazing landscapes and the sun reflected in the water, giving essential details to the photos.

si, definitivamente los reflejos le dan el toque😁

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The people doing V2K want me to believe it is this lady @battleaxe Investigate what she has been up to for 5 years. Its the next step to stopping this. Make her prove where she has been for 5 years or where she is now. She is involved deeply with @fyrstikken and his group. Her discord is Battleaxe#1003. I cant say she is the one directly doing the v2k. Make her prove it. They have tried to kill me and are still trying to kill me. I bet nobody does anything at all. Make @battleaxe prove it. I bet she wont. They want me to believe the v2k in me is being broadcasted from her location. @battleaxe what is your location?