A Cup of Coffee to Chase Away Worries [ENG/ESP]

in #hive-1525243 years ago


Hello dear community , my greetings and my respects to all fathers and mothers responsible for their role.

Hello dear community and readers who love coffee and carry it in their veins.

In recent days in my country, Venezuela, the arrival of Cyclone Bonnie was expected. These winds were going to arrive in first place by the coastal zone of the country, which is precisely where I live, in a place near the sea and that in these days has been characterized by the presence of heavy rains.

This really shocked the entire population of the eastern part of the country, since we are not used to these natural events, although we are a seismic zone, but we are not the target of hurricane winds.

The tension and nerves were the order of the day and that is why nothing better to calm them than a cup of hot dark coffee, so while watching the alarming news on social networks I set out to prepare it, as this drink has the particularity to relax me and although it was very late at night when I prepared it, particularly to me it has never produced insomnia and I can consume it at any time without paying attention to this detail.

When we are in moments of stress and a lot of pressure, coffee definitely becomes a fantastic ally and that is why it is one of the most consumed beverages worldwide, since it is present in any situation, whether in a pleasant conversation, as well as in extreme moments where we need to relax and the idea of sharing a coffee is always well received by everyone.

As the hours went by and with my cup of coffee in hand, sip by sip my nerves calmed down and my anxiety went down, since coffee produces that magical effect of activating the hormones of pleasure and what I thought was going to be a night of terror, since it was expected that at 2 in the morning the cyclone would pass, became a moment of feeling the certainty that nothing bad was going to happen and it was then that at midnight I decided to sleep with confidence.

The next day I woke up at 8 am and my surprise was the patio of my house was only a little wet and I imagined that it had rained, the cyclone weakened and only a little rain fell, so at that time I prepared my new coffee, this time with a little milk and the whole day passed in complete normality.

When you feel anxious and worried about the uncertainty of something, believe me that coffee will be an excellent ally and even more if you share it with someone who makes you feel calm and peaceful, so when you feel nostalgic or worried and even when you are very happy, coffee will always add good moments to your life.

Thank you for reading my post and every day thank you for opening your eyes to the world.



Hola querida comunidad y lectores que aman el café y que lo llevan en sus venas.

En días pasados en mi país Venezuela se esperaba la llegada del ciclón Bonnie. Dichos Vientos iban a llegar en primer lugar por la zona costera del país, que es en donde precisamente yo vivo, en un lugar cerca del mar y que en estos días se ha caracterizado por las presencia de fuertes lluvias.

Realmente esto nos tenía conmocionados a toda la población del oriente del país, ya que no estamos acostumbrados a estos eventos de la naturaleza, aunque somos una zona sísmica , pero no somos blanco de los vientos huracanados.

La tensión y los nervios estaban a la orden del día y es por eso que nada mejor para calmarlos que una taza de café oscuro bien caliente, así que mientras veía las alarmantes noticias por las redes sociales me dispuse a prepararlo, ya que esta bebida tiene la particularidad de relajarme y aunque era muy tarde en la noche cuando lo preparé, particularmente a mi jamás me ha producido insomnio y puedo consumirlo a cualquier hora sin prestarle atención a este detalle.

Cuando estamos en momentos de estrés y de mucha presión definitivamente el café se convierte en un aliado fantástico y es por ese motivo que es una de las bebidas más consumidas a nivel mundial, ya que está presente en cualquier situación, ya sea de una conversación amena, así como en momentos límites donde necesitamos de una relajación y la idea de compartir un café siempre es bien recibida por todos.

Luego que transcurrían las horas y con mi taza de café en mano , apreciando sorbo a sorbo los nervios se fueron calmando y la ansiedad fue bajando, ya que el café produce ese mágico efecto de activarnos las hormonas del placer y lo que pensé que iba a ser una noche de terror , ya que se esperaba que a las 2 de la mañana pasará el ciclón pues se convirtió en un momento de sentir la certeza de que nada malo iba a suceder y fue entonces que a la media noche decidí dormir confiada.

Al día siguiente me desperté a las 8 de la mañana y mi sorpresa fue el patio de mi casa solo estaba un poco húmedo y me imaginé que había llovido, el ciclón se debilitó y solo cayó un poco de lluvia, así que a esa hora me preparé mi nuevo café , esta vez con un poco de leche y todo el día transcurrió en completa normalidad.

Cuando te sientas con angustia y con inquietud ante la incertidumbre de algo créeme que el café será un excelente aliado y más si lo compartes con alguien que te haga sentir en calma y sosiego, así que cuando te sientas nostálgica o preocupada e incluso cuando estés muy feliz el café siempre va a sumar buenos momentos a tu vida.

Gracias por leer mi publicación y cada día agradece por abrir los ojos al mundo.



Gracias por dedicar un tiempo para leer mi publicación, la escribí con mucho amor.

Thank you for taking the time to read my post, I wrote it a lot of love.

Me despido.

I bid you farewell.

Todo el contenido que se encuentra en esta publicación es de mi autoría, cualquier duda hacer mención a mi persona y con gusto les responderé @surglen.

All the content found in this publication is my authorship, if you have any questions, mention me and I will Gladys answer you @surglen.

Las Fotografías son de mi propiedad, excepto las citadas con su fuente.@surglen

Photographs are my property, except those cited with their source. @surglen.

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Hola amiga el café siempre cae bien por eso sentimos calma. El ceclon alarmó a mucha gente porque siempre aquí son unos exagerados por yo no le pare y a pesar que soy nerviosa no le puse atención ya que cuando va a pasar algo pasa nadie lo sabe.
Y a seguir tomando café
Saludos paisana

That's right, my friend, I also decided to be calm, it was a complete abuse the news that was circulating. Long live coffee at all times.

Así es amiga yo también me dispuse a estar tranquila fue un completo abuso las noticias que circulaban. Que viva el café en todos los momentos.

Hello @surglen
Yes, you are right, I've never heard much news about Venezuela being hit by a hurricane. That's the last thing your country needs now with all the economic crisis that it's being faced with.
I agree a nice cup of coffee is the best way to calm the nerves, to cope with all the devastating news.
Wishing you a lovely day, and I hope the winds will change directions🙏

Thank you for those words full of understanding, thank you that everything is fine, just a few rains but the cyclone weakened. That cup of coffee really relieved my nerves, that's why I never miss a good coffee powder in my house. Greetings and blessings.

😍 All good wishes :)))



Greetings! Thank you for sharing your coffee experience. Blessings

Hello @surglen I totally understand your nerves, it was inevitable that everyone in the country was nervous with this forecast, thank god it didn't happen to major, I am also from the east of the country although now I live in Caracas I was very worried about my people there, good that your coffee has been able to calm your nerves 😉

I'm glad to hear that the cyclone didn't do any damage to your home. That's awesome. I wish that I could drink coffee at night without it affecting my sleep. I'm not that lucky though.

Thank you for your good wishes. I can really drink coffee and sleep like a baby no problem, I am lucky.

Hahaha a little humor. that cyclone scared us and that's why it didn't affect us so much hahaha.

But it is true as you say, after the rain comes the rainbow, and me and my wife saw it when after raining all day we saw a beautiful double rainbow in the sky.