Multifaceted Chaos

in #hive-14844115 days ago

When life is coming at you fast, you hardly have any time to process and take in what's actually happening. Usually, your mind is stuck somewhere between what should I do now and what comes next.

Uncertainty is inherent in this modern era we live in. I read a quote some time ago that said "Being okay with uncertainty is the greatest skill to develop in the 21st century."

I'm not sure how this skill is developed but I'm quite sure it is a very long path to achieving such a skill. Too many natural resistances to overcome, Both the body and mind crave ease and comfort, that's just a core aspect of how they're built.

Yet, uncertainty is quite the opposite of these qualities, uncomfortable, constant change and unpredictability.

In a way, achieving this skill of being okay with uncertainty is akin to reaching "enlightenment", in the traditional sense of the term.

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Because when one becomes enlightened, a different lens on life is developed, in which uncertainty and other related challenges of life are merely seen as a wave in the vast ocean, they rise and fall, come and go.

Frankly, would you be bothered by anything that constantly comes and goes?

At first, you'll absolutely be bothered by it but the moment you start getting used to it and see it differently, you become less bothered by it if at all.

Which tells us that one of the key processes for becoming okay with uncertainty is to welcome uncertainty. This seems counterintuitive but it also makes a lot of sense, intuitively.

Defaulting On Common Sense

Common sense will dictate that if you're afraid of uncertainty(or even anything else), then you have to avoid it at all cost(as if that's even possible nowadays!). Otherwise, the fear and discomfort will only grow stronger.

Uncommon sense however will tell you that you must lean into uncertainty, expose yourself to new experiences, and embrace the unknown. Which helps in the transformation from feeling overwhelmed and stressed to feeling resilient and adaptable can happen, and you can also cultivate a sense of peace and contentment in the midst of change and unpredictability, similar to the equipoise enlightened people tend to portray.

Now, that's an interesting challenge to solve in practice. Unlike theoretical knowledge or intellectual understanding, practical wisdom always requires experimentation, patience and persistence.

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I think the last two, patience and persistence are quite lacking for the average modern person. There isn't enough ground to cultivate it with all the pressure, competition, and comparison that society imposes, making it 10X harder for people to accept themselves, others, and the world as they are.

Besides, we're also living in a very technologically focused age, which provides endless distractions, stimulations, and many many ways to indulge on instant gratification. Here the really hard part is for people to just focus, reflect, and integrate their experiences.

No wonder time is flying by so fast, since we don't have time to sit down and take in the very essence of what time is made of, i.e experiences.

Thanks for reading!! Share your thoughts below on the comments.