Web3 Capitalist

in #hive-1679228 days ago

A core aspect of web3 is decentralization. To the average user, I think this doesn't mean much unless put into context.
For example, web2 apps tend to be centralized, there's a single point of failure, etc.

I think what really gets to web2 creators is this aspect of not owning your creation on web2, how it can be taken away from them through getting banned or their account(with all the content in it) deleted from the platform, for example.

After such a kind of realization, the possibility of that happening may be minimal but it still becomes hard to view web2 apps in the same light as before, despite the great distribution they may have achieved and which you can leverage.

Financial Ownership

Ownership is another core aspect of web3, and even beyond the ideal(s) it confers, speaks to many of us in a practical way. I can own what I create and not merely rent it.

Being able to make money from it, directly or through peer to peer is a nice incentive to bootstrap and hone a myriad of creative abilities.

In a way, you get paid while even in the "apprenticeship phase" which is really interesting to think about because the process of developing a skill, how ever long it takes, can be less of a burden, financially.

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If there's no financial component, will web3 be web3? Arguably no, because building a digital ecosystem without economic power is akin to a car without wheels, it will lack a lot of usefulness.

Capitalists tend to argue that financial incentives are a crucial driver for innovation and progress in a capitalist system. In the context of web3, this can be seen in the ability for individuals to financially benefit from their creations through ownership and decentralization.

Perhaps, the potential for profit provides a strong incentive for people to give their best in developing new skills, creating valuable content/products/services, and contribute to the overall growth and development of the Web3 ecosystem.

On top of that, the financial component of web3 gives its contributors a chance for a more equitable distribution of wealth and opportunities.

In contrast to traditional web2 platforms where a few large corporations tend to control the majority of the value, web3 enables a system where everyone who contributes to the platform can also benefit from its success.

I think this aligns with the spirit of capitalist ideology of merit-based rewards, individuals are rewarded in proportion to their contribution and effort.

A Truly Global Pie

From a capitalist mindset, I often think about owning a piece of a pie. For example, owning one percent of a web3 project.

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Keep in mind that web3 projects are usually inherently global in nature, since they're built on a decentralized open and permissionless network.

Maybe, I should replace "web3 project" with "web3 network", later down the road.

Owning one percent of a web3 project/network isn't necessarily about owning a small stake in a single venture. I think that's the misconception I had at first, but the potential reality is owning one percent of a project can have far-reaching implications and potential for growth.

For one, web3 projects are typically built on open and permissionless networks, meaning that they can be accessed and used by anyone, anywhere in the world.

As a result, the potential user base and market size for a web3 project are significantly larger than those of traditional web2 platforms.

Also, owning one percent of a web3 project/network can also provide access to a diverse and interconnected ecosystem of projects and networks build on or around that project/network.

Of course, if you're super early and make the right moves with a bit of foresight and patience, owning more than one percent is very possible too.

Thanks for reading!! Share your thoughts below on the comments.


I think that, if harnessed, we can make this a substantial amount of work for people in the future. At a time where AI and robots are being pushed to replace humans we need something to fight back against the decimation of job loss and purpose. This is one of those possibilities!

Definitely! It's an approach where users can take back control and own their work while also having to expand into newer possibilities afforded by the digital landscape. I think AI and robots can be good mercenaries for the web3 missionaries building on web3.

Thanks for stopping by :)