Bitcoin: $21 Trillion Market Cap?

in #hive-1679222 years ago

Bitcoin is getting a lot of attention at the Bitcoin Conference in Miami. There is good reason for it. We are starting to see a shift in the entire financial landscape. We are still in the very early stages but things are starting to align.

The world's largest cryptocurrency is getting a lot more attention these days. One recent announcement has Honduras making Bitcoin legal tender in a special economic zone. This comes on the heels of El Salvador doing the same thing last year across that country.

So we have to indulge in the idea of Bitcoin to $1 million. This would give it a market cap of $21 trillion.

Is this really possible?



Bitcoin Bulls

There is little doubt that Michael Saylor and Kathie Wood are both long time Bitcoin bulls. The former is a Bitcoin Maxi believing that Bitcoin is the only thing worth holding. Wood takes a more open view of things also investing in the future of Ethereum for its smart contract capabilities.

Whatever the view, both feel that Bitcoin is heading towards $1 million. Wood has that target being met by 2030.

Her premise simply resides on the fact there are so many opportunities within the present financial system.

“We are so early. That $950 billion dollar market cap gives you a sense of network value, gives you a sense of how early we are. And the various use cases that we have written about… as institutions move in, where an appropriate asset allocation will be given risk and return parameters, various ones, and we also have dimensions, the use cases, the insurance policy that this represents against not only unhinged monetary policy but outright confiscation of wealth in other countries, demonetisation, trade settlement…

As for Saylor, this is what he had to say:

“I think the last 12 months has been just a 180-degree turn. If you roll back 12 months, you had so many smart people that had a lot of money and power saying ‘Bitcoin looks too good to be true, it’s so good [that] someone’s going to ban it’… and I think a couple of weeks ago with the executive order, what we had was the President of the United States giving a green light to Bitcoin…

“You have a one-page memo, and it says whereas 40 million Americans rely upon this and this is part of their future, I hereby direct every government agency to get educated on Bitcoin and figure out how you incorporate into the government. And I think that if I scan the last hundred years of history and I ask when’s the last time the president of the United States directed the government to embrace a new asset class, the answer is never…


These are two Wall Street minds who have a fair understanding what is taking place. They know how the traditional financial system operates and where the needs are. Also, both understand how money mangers will pounce on opportunity.

Up to this point, Bitcoin, like all of cryptocurrency, is mostly about speculation. People simply operate according to the greater fool theory: find someone who will pay more. That is what an overwhelming percentage of people in the industry are doing.

Saylor is not in that group. While he firmly believes the price of Bitcoin is heading much higher, he stated he will never sell it. That is because he understands the world of collateralization. His goal will be to leverage Bitcoin by using it as collateral. Here is where he is onto something.

Pristine Collateral

Distributed Collateral is creating a brand new economic system. This is something that is going to penetrate the entire financial sector, regardless of what governments and regulators do.

If we want to deal in the lending system, especially the overnight market where most major financial institutions operate, we see that there is only one form of pristine collateral: US Treasuries. And the best of the breed there is T-Bills. Everything else is at least one step below this.

Could Bitcoin enter this market and become an alternate form of this collateral? It is evident with such a large level of debt that we have a massive shortage of quality collateral. Unfortunately, the private sector has yet to create collateral that can perform at this level. Perhaps Bitcoin is the first innovation that solves this purpose.

When have hundreds of trillions of dollars in debt globally. With an estimated $20 trillion in US Treasuries, we can see how there is a major shortfall. Notice how we are dealing in trillions here. To be a player on this stage, those are the numbers Bitcoin is required to deal in.

At present, the market cap of Bitcoin is just shy of $1 trillion. That means there is a lot of upside.

Of course, to fill this collateral void, there are a few things that need to happen. The first is the market needs to get much larger. Volatility is death when it comes to collateralization. Lenders do not want a loan backed by something that has the ability to move 10% overnight. Everyone knows the volatility of Bitcoin yet it should be reduced as the market cap get larger.

Growth in the market will also help the second criteria: liquidity. To perform in this area, the Bitcoin that is acquired by a lender needs to be moved immediately. Naturally, the fact that the market is open 24/7 is helpful on this end. However, the market needs to be able to absorb hundreds of millions in a sale or two. If not, the appeal goes does a great deal in the eyes of lenders.

Distributed Lending

One area where this is going to come into play is with distributed lending. Here is where Saylor could be missing a big piece of the puzzle. Being a Wall Street veteran, there is little reason for him to believe in this premise. Yet, it seems that Wood is more attuned to this side of the equation.

Lending is done by institutions. This is what Saylor knows. Wood grasps that Decentralized Finance (DeFi) on a blockchain like Ethereum is not going away. This means that lending, in the future, is going to have a distributed component to it. Not all will be done through regulated institutions. In fact, there is a strong chance that more is done on decentralized platforms in the DeFi world.

To achieve this end, a lot more infrastructure is required. However, there are projects being worked on where that is the case. Do not be surprised to see many of these able to operate outside the reach of regulation. We also have to keep in mind that blockchain performs one function very well: it is trustworthy.

This is at the heart of the financial system. Without trust, everything simply collapses.

There are two ways to get really big numbers:

  • few transactions with high dollar amounts
  • Lots of transactions with low dollar amounts

With the second, we can see where things are heading. Billions can be reached in lots of thousands. It just takes lots of people engaging in the borrowing and lending practice. With distributed lending, this is likely.

Hence, we revert back to the idea of collateral. What is going to offer the best rates with the least risk? It stands to reason that Bitcoin could fill this role.

For this reason, we can see a market cap of $21 trillion in Bitcoin. In fact, if it is to be a valid form of collateral on the world stage, it is going to need to be this size.

It is the pathway to how it reaches $1 million.

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8 years for that to happen I see it very close, but nothing is certain.
How do you think the crypto world would be affected if the dollar collapsed?

Why would the dollar collapse?

  • there is $150 trillion denominated in USD which means it will have to be repaid.

  • the US is the largest economy and they pay in USD so if you want to export to the US, you need to take USD.

  • there are 4 generations of people who understand the USD as a unit of account

  • US Treasuries, which are future USD, is the only pristine collateral out there.

So the idea of the USD collapsing isnt likely.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

It's unlikely, but not unlikely, and with the current war problems affecting the economy, I think anything can happen.
In a supposed scenario that the dollar collapses, what would happen to cryptocurrencies?

They might go up in value.

Or we could have a breakdown of society where, as they say, food and bullets, will be the main currency.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I would say gold, but surely it would be chaos.

Yes for now you're right the US Dollar is trusted by the world, but things do change as we've seen in the passed.

The Spanish had the world reserve currency, until the Dutch empire rose, then it was replaced by the English, the American empire eventually became stronger (as we know it right now), eventually there will be a different world reserve currency to take the place of the dollar.

It's only a matter of time, historical patterns don't lie. And these days it does seem like the American empire isn't very far from starting to be visibly declining.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Cool post haha

Informative article as usual . I feel as it is now it is no longer in doubts of bitcoin’s solid feet cemented in the sands of time. $1T market cap is definitely no child’s play.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

It is a huge accomplishment when you think about it. However, it is small compared to where it might end up going.

If that is an agent of collateralization, it could really skyrocket.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

The Future, Indeed...

It seems Bitcoin at first will be the rescuer of the Latin Americano countries that suffer from econmic crisis.


I agree actually. I did a post a while back targeting a $40 trillion market cap due to the collateralization aspect of things.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Crypto for lending makes more sense than selling it as why would you sell and of the same opinion as Saylor. Growing your bags now is the most important thing anyone can do no matter what the token is if you believe it has a future.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

The reason people think about selling is we are not accustomed to operating in a realm like Saylor does. Most do not think of collateralizing their assets or taking a loan out against it.

It is a completely different mindset.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Not an easy feat to accomplish, but I think it's definitely possible. It's going to be great for all BTC holders and I think that would drive the price of many alts as well.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Certainly it is smart for everyone to get a little Bitcoin to have in their portfolio. After all, a 30x return is nothing to get upset over.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

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I agree that BTC will be good collateral but at some point, I wonder if the price will just stay the same. After all, there won't be that many BTC being produced and there might be even less in the open market.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Wow, good stuff. I haven't been lucky enough to hold a full BTC, but I own some fractions of one. I had always anticipated that when BTC got to something like 1m per token I would sell and do whatever with the profits. I might have to rethink that now. The ability to use the BTC as collateral seems like it would be the smarter move. Is there a saying about rich people never spending their own money to make more money?

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

That is the cool thing about crypto. You do not need a full one.

And at $1 million each, you will likely be sitting pretty with the partial BTC.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Yeah, that is what I am thinking. My relatives will likely want to get out. I might have to find a way to buy theirs off of them before we get to that point.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

haha you're absolutely right on the borrowing against it instead of selling it. I'm just looking to find a way to collateralize without being bitten by the tax man... it is a loan after all, but is it legal?

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

It's only illegal if you get caught... :) Right? I have a feeling by the time we are ready for that they might have some more guidelines in place.... maybe...

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I have heard of people buying solar panels and a tesla powerwall using a crypto backed loan....
I'm gonna investigate this further

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

That would be awesome!

The guy I'm thinking about is John Bush of the Freedom Cell

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

There is this talk about Bitcoin beeing the next reserve currency. If this would happen then all of these price predictions are somewhat irrelevant in my opinion. Furthermore, we would have to consider that the Dollar is losing more and more of its value, meaning that what a dollar is worth today, might only be worth 10 cents in 10 years.

These thoughts would take this astronomical price tag of 1 million Dollar per Bitcoin a little bit in perspective, in my opinion.

It might be a little bit of an extreme thought that came to my mind while reading through, I thought I share it :)

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Of course. If we are going to price it in USD, then we have to take into account the fact that, if the USD falls, the BTC price is skewed them.

My view is the USD is not going anywhere so it is really going to be based upon the role BTC fills.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

B20. I'm confused about the calculations. lol, how much is the hive going to cost with that kind of bitcoin? Eight years is not such a long time. But, if a titmouse in the hand, before the arrival of the crane, shows us a Hive in the region of 10-20 dollars, which, as I understand it, is possible with bitcoin in the region of 80-100 thousand dollars, it is quite possible that in a year or two, or maybe. already this year, we'll see).

Hive doesnt really have a direct correlation to Bitcoin. That said, I expect we will see $20 HIVE at some point.

But that is just my guess.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Be that as it may, the effect of bitcoin on the Hive is clearly visible on the trading charts). The hive reacts to bitcoin changes instantly, without delay, especially to its fall.

Much of crypto follows Bitcoin in trend. When it is down, most goes down.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

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