Elon Musk's Bannings Shows The Need For Hive

in #hive-1679222 years ago

Elon Musk took over Twitter promising the end to censorship and bringing freedom of speech to the platform. This created quite a stir which reveals a great deal, much of it outside the scope of this article.

The core of the issue was the fact the right was upset by the tactics of the platform for banning accounts without cause. We now see the situation flipped as the left is getting upset.

What happened most recently is very interesting. Musk banned a number of journalists for posting real time data on the location of his family. This is evidently against the rules of Twitter and Musk said that journalists also had to comply.

The fact there is the ability to monitor the location of another and release it publicly is a problem that is also outside what we are discussing here. Perhaps that should be looked into. However, even if we agree with the fact that people should be banned for releasing this information, it does bring up a larger point.

As stated in part articles, it is not whether Musk (Twitter) ban people. The challenge here is the ability exists.

This is the major difference between Web 3.0 and Web 2.0. With the latter, even if the dictator is benevolent, it is still a dictator. Obviously, this is what leads to tyranny as, eventually, benevolent ends up being removed from the equation.

Here is where Hive enters the picture.



The Need For Hive: No Dictator

Hive is the epitome of the evolution of the Internet in the fact there is no dictator. True account ownership is offered at the blockchain level. As long as one has his or her private key, access is granted. At the same time, whatever is posted on chain is immutable.

Some claim there is censorship on Hive. This stems from the belief that when downvotes are given, a post "disappears". This is not true. While some frontends do "hide" the post, the option is usually provided to view simply by clicking a button. Also, not all front end do this. Leofinance, for example, will show all posts regardless of the voting.

Finally, one can look at the data on the blockchain directly by going to a block explorer such as Hiveblocks. This will allow one to view the text of the post exactly as it is in the database (pictures are removed since they are not on chain).

Hive makes a guy like Elon Musk obsolete. Whether one believes in his cause or not, the fact that he is undertaking it shows the problems with Web 2.0. Essentially, like the banking system, we have a situation where the trust model is completely broken.

Unfortunately, this gets even worse. By releasing the Twitter files, we are learning that the US Government was able to influence the banning of content. Not only did we see this politically motivated but the security agencies were also involved. Hence, we have departments of the government essentially telling Twitter what to remove.

This is a bad scene when the government starts to control the narrative. Most are aware the deep state is a major problem. This is further evidence of it. Sadly, it goes much further than politics.

Here is where the software and distribution of Hive offers a different alternative.

Hive Is A Challenge To The Legacy System

What makes Hive so different?

Blockchain takes centralization and turns it on its ear. Instead of a basic controlled server environment, this relies upon a distributed network of computers. Here we see the operations moved outside the reach of the legacy system (and agencies). It is also where it becomes a challenge.

Using Twitter as an example, this is taking on authority at every level.

At the top is Twitter itself. We covered this in detail so we won't go into it. The only thing to highlight is the fact that Twitter, like Hive, uses a front end tied to a database. For Twitter both are controlled by the company. With Hive, we have a permissionless database that is accessed by many different front ends.

Then we have the political establishment. If political parties are using their influence or connections to have opposing viewpoints censored, that ability ends with Hive. No matter what they want to do, once it is on chain, immutability takes over.

Finally there is the government itself. Whatever alphabet agency wants to stick its nose in, using the common excuses like terrorism they want, they find the same results as the politicians. Hive is global, outside the claws of the US Government. While it could make things a bit difficult, stopping Hive is impossible.

Of course, at this point, Hive is so far off the radar, we basically can do what we want. This is a blessing since it gives us time to prepare for the eventual onslaught we will face. Development of infrastructure is crucial as well as further distribution.

No Dictator Is Freedom

The only way to have freedom is to remove the dictator.

Our digital world is full of entities that are in control mode. This is something that we are working on changing.

People do not realize how revolutionary Hive is. We hear a lot about regulation. Not only is it not possible to regulate Hive, we could not comply even if we wanted. To adhere means filling out documentation for the agencies to process. Since there is no company in control, even completing the paperwork is impossible.

True account ownership is a concept that goes unnoticed. When one loses it, they take to other social media platforms screaming how unfair it is. Never do they move and start building in an area where their account is in their control.

The key here is that everyone on Hive is building something that cannot be taken away from them. Without a dictator, Hive offers freedom.

As for Musk, even with the best of intentions, it did not take long for the dictator to emerge.

Hence, Twitter is just switching chairs on the Titanic; from one controlling entity to another.

Once again, Hive solves this.

If you found this article informative, please give an upvote and rehive.

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Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


The rewards earned on this comment will go directly to the people( @taskmaster4450le, @joydukeson, @jam728, @wilsonthe ) sharing the post on Twitter as long as they are registered with @poshtoken. Sign up at https://hiveposh.com.

I was reading this with the view of Hive against the Web 2.0 system and against the influence of government on what content should be allowed on Hive but also thinking about the attack that might come for us and you mentioned the below statement;

Of course, at this point, Hive is so far off the radar, we basically can do what we want. This is a blessing since it gives us time to prepare for the eventual onslaught we will face.

The under-the-radar status of Hive is a blessing for us, we are observing all that is going and I believe our devs are building infrastructure to withstand attacks that might come our way.

Hive does have a solution for dictatorship

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Resiliency comes from decentralization, distribution, open source, and redundancy.

If we keep moving in those directions, we will get more powerful.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

So much for free speach there.

Well is free speech expressing ones views or releasing information about where someone is.

Doxxing is actually illegal in some states in the US.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

He banned more people than just the "Elon's jet" account, it wasn't just that. People who made fun of him got banned too.

Yep. My friend posted "fuck you @elonmusk" and he was banned.

What Elon really meant when he said that he would bring free speech to Twitter was that he would only ban people he disliked.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


OMG ELON couldn't even control himself and already banned all those media people. I was shocked and at that point realized Twitter was no longer.

Hive is the epitome of the evolution of the Internet in the fact there is no dictator. True account ownership is offered at the blockchain level. As long as one has his or her private key, access is granted. At the same time, whatever is posted on chain is immutable.

Free speech is allowed on hive!

People will understand by osmosis... but in HIVE case, its a directional (or at least a very healthy one) way of conversion, and when critical mass is achieved, it will be like a new galaxy being created. It's just going to expand. No matter the FUD...

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Good food for thought.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Bang, I did it again... I just rehived your post!
Week 136 of my contest just started...you can now check the winners of the previous week!

Hive so far is one of the only decentralized crypto projects I have found.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Therefore, it seems Twitter needs another takeover for freedom of speech :) What makes HIVE different is that I have the real ownership of my account.

That is true. I dont think people realize what that truly means.

They will especially when social media and finance merge.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I agree but I wonder if it's any different from a tribe muting someone. Sure, your account is still there to an extent and people can find your content on a different front-end. So I guess it's slightly different from that point of view.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I was thinking the same thing yesterday. Freedom of speech yet I keep getting all these updates about how this account and that account is banned based on personal preference of one person now. Something really wrong with that and it's going to kill the good thing twitter had going for it.

Why is it now a problem when Twitter bans certain users now that Musk owns it? Where was the outcry before now, when it is now proven that the previous management colluded with government entities to silence dissenting voices?

I guess it is not that he is banning, it is who is getting banned. It seems he flipped the switch.

To me, it was a problem all along, as with the other platforms.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Exactly, so if that WERE the case, where's the problem now? It was ok when the other team lost.

However, you're making the assumption that Musk is behaving like the previous managers of Twitter. This video covers this very topic.

Here we are, almost a month later down the track. Has Twitter imploded? Not at all. It's settled back into the normal flow for users again after the FUD campaign failed.

Accounts that I saw calling for people to follow them over on Mastadon are still posting on Twitter... because that's where the audience is.

I'm all for distributing one's content across many platforms, hence I post on Hive also. 😀

What do you think seems to be the problem why for years, we're not yet getting that attention we are expecting? I'm a long time Hive user and I was kinda hoping we could match atleast 30 percent of the population of the online.

We all know the advantages of Hive and we can talk to people about it. But the problem to solve is how we can get the exodus from something Twitter to end up here. Mastodon does not solve anything as it only has a number of little dictators.

He's about to suspend twitter accounts for sharing link of other Platforms like Facebook etc and I'm more worried about hivers now can't imagine Getting suspended for sharing link of our own content.

I dont think he is going to ban those accounts. He is simply going to block the links.

Not smart in my opinion but his platform. Personally I would simply develop a full digital ecosystem that offered what the others did.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Seems to me that Elon Musk... pretty much like any person claiming to be a visionary, and having some power and influence... is a big fat hairy hypocrite.

"Everyone should have free speech, as long as it is my VERSION of free speech!"

That's even true with a decentralized consensus-based system like Hive. Sure, maybe your account can't be BANNED here, but we already know that the consensus can put up a virtual "invisibility cloak" around anyone who has a fringe-unpopular point of view.

Not even saying that as a criticism of Hive, saying that as an observation about human nature. Whatever we may say, the vast majority of people may be in favor of free speech, but ultimately want a "sanitized" version of free speech.

Strikes me there really aren't any straightforward or easy answers, there...


Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

we already know that the consensus can put up a virtual "invisibility cloak" around anyone who has a fringe-unpopular point of view.

That is only true on certain front ends. Others do not have the invisibility. For example, Leofinance shows all of its content regardless of the voting status of the post.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Blockchain and open database are both a blessing and a curse.

Two questions for you:

Social credit link and eventual punishment from an authoritarian regime based on your entire HIVE history

  • Since blockchain lives on forever and there is no privacy option, would this cause risks to users? Or those already living under such a regime?

Cease and desist and prosecution by governments against top witnesses

  • As HIVE expands it gets more and more expensive to maintain. 30 to 100 are small numbers for state regimes to take out.

  • Smaller witnesses may not have the know how or capital to carry on the massive amount of decentralized database.

Social credit link and eventual punishment from an authoritarian regime based on your entire HIVE history

Sure they could do that. But they can do it on any social media site as we are finding out. The governments have their hand in it.

Also, the financial institutions also turn over data so there is that. We are monitored even without blockchain.

Cease and desist and prosecution by governments against top witnesses

The witnesses are global in nature so a government can only focus upon wht is in their jurisdiction. Plus there are many witnesses on Hive who are just a username. Do you know Acidyo real name or where he is from? Doubtful.

So it is much harder than people think.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I really got a kick out of Musk banning the corporate journalists, who are in fact, the enemies of the American people. But, you're right. The world needs Hive. I have a lot of conservative friends running to dumpster fires like Gab or Truth Social. I encourage them to get on Hive, but they don't get it. Hive has everything they say they are looking for in social media. Maybe they'll get it someday?

But with that in mind, is Hive scalable? If millions of people came rushing onto this decentralized platform could it hold up? I've heard that companies like FB and Twitter had to spend millions on hardware and data storage when they were onboarding like crazy. Is Hive different in this regard? Where are all these posts getting stored?

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

your articles always offer very interesting food for thought. Musk is a very strong personality but at the same time very strange. He pushed hard for the purchase of twitter and then almost completely turned the platform upside down, blue ticks included, as well as thousands of workers laid off and others forced to sleep in the office. Of course, being a centralised platform, in addition to 'giving' our data to them, we are also subjected to censorship and scrutiny. Hive is an entirely different story, with the understanding that we should not publish someone's real-time movements in order not to endanger them, but we could theoretically do so. Of course, the community will judge our posts: we might be downvoted, but we certainly wouldn't be banned at the whim of one person.

Of course, the community will judge our posts: we might be downvoted, but we certainly wouldn't be banned at the whim of one person.

Even when downvoted, the post and content is on the blockchain. Anyone can look at Hiveblocks and see it there.

As for his actions since be bought Twitter, it was a dumpster fire financially so he had to do something. My guess is he ends up turning it around. Elon only wants the most committed and the best working with him. Those willing to do it are going to get rich.

The rest who were milking the company are finding their way out the door.

It is simply how he operates.

And yes he is a strange dude overall.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

with every shenanigans of this type Musky boy proves he is as much a "stable genius" as every other detached from reality billionaire

When you are a billionaire, are you going to detach from reality or remain in touch.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

who said I'm not detached already ? :P

Elon Musk's take over of Twitter brings back memories to Justin Sun taking over Steemit, back in the days, not realizing that he wouldn't own the community.

Of course it's very different - Web 2 vs Web 3 and the richest guy in the world vs. ... - but what is happening now, makes me smile anyway. His tendency to dictate while also trying to do the opposite, changing plans all the time. Or is it all part of a bigger plan? ;<)

It's good to be on Hive.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

My previous @v4vapp proposal has expired. I have a new one which is running but unfunded right now. I'm still running @v4vapp and all my other services but I may have to increase the 0.8% fee to 2.0% if I continue to be unfunded.

Please consider asking your friends to vote for prop #244 or consider unvoting the HBD stabilizer explained below.

For understandable reasons in the current crypto climate it is harder to get funded by the DHF, I accept this so I'm asking a wider audience for help again. I will also redraft this proposal with more details (coming soon). I'm also looking for other funding sources.

Additionally you can also help with a vote for Brianoflondon's Witness using KeyChain or HiveSigner

If you have used v4v.app I'd really like to hear your feedback, and if you haven't I'd be happy to hear why or whether there are other things you want it to do.

  1. The bar to be funded is set by the HBD Stabilizer, the more votes that has, the more votes @v4vapp needs to be funded. If you want to reconsider supporting that proposal and unvote it, that would also help me (and others so you have to weigh this choice.)

Hive is a decentralized blockchain platform that is operated by the community and has no central authority that sets rules or manages the platform. This has the advantage that the platform is not controlled by a single company or government and that users are able to shape the rules and regulations of the platform themselves. However, Hive may have difficulty handling high volumes of transactions, which can impact the performance and speed of the platform.

On the other hand, services like Twitter and Facebook are centralized and operated by a single company. These companies have control over the platform and decide which content is allowed and which is not. Centralized platforms usually have better scalability than decentralized blockchain platforms as they are able to handle high volumes of user activity. However, they also have the disadvantage that they can collect and use user data and there may be censorship in some cases

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta