Hive Gaming Expanding Even More

in #hive-1679223 years ago

The development on Hive is starting to expand, especially in the gaming arena.

Leading the way, naturally, is Splinterlands. This is the granddaddy of the ecosystem, striking deals and expanding its reach on a regular basis. The total value of most everything associated with that game is exploding.

We are now seeing moves being made by PsyberX that are exciting. There is a land sale taking place along with a continued promotion of the token (LVL). This could present an opportunity for those who get involved early.

Ragnarok is also lurking out there. This is a bit longer term but it is something that really is exciting the community. We will have to see how this turns out but it is a powerful addition to the Hive lineup.

There are others. Truthfully, the list of Hive games keeps expanding. While few look to have the potential of Splinterlands, one can never tell. It will only take one breakthrough game for things to radically change.


Muterra Coming To hive

Have you heard of this one? It appears there is another game that is in development that is going to give choices to people on Hive. They are utilizing a similar concept as Splinterlands in that they are building on Hive, at least to a degree, while also using WAX.


This is what the website had to say:

MuTerra is a TCG + RPG game. Playable on HIVE blockchain and Collectible on WAX blockchain.

You get Tamer avatars and are tasked with exploring the world of MuTerra and taming mutees. Various maps, terrains, quests, challenges and fights make up the RPG and PvE part of the game.

The PvP part of the game will have tournaments and leaderboard. Players fight each other for honor and glory and ofcourse..



TCG and RPG sounds a lot like what is being rolled out within the #Play2Earn realm. It seems that the two are being combined for the next generation of blockchain gaming.


The team posts under the @muterra account. Here is where they explain the game's tokenomics.

For those who seek to learn more, there is a white paper that provides greater details.

This is for informational purposes only and not advice of whether to participate on any level, especially financially. Do the proper research and due diligence before getting involved.

On Ramp To Hive

What we are seeing is the menu of offerings for Hive expanding.

The market for gaming is huge. It is estimated that more than 3 billion people online engage in some form of gaming. The #Play2Earn concept is going to radically alter the landscape of this industry. With such a huge pool to target, this could be the onboarding mechanism that takes cryptocurrency mainstream.

Of course, gamers are accustomed to in-game tokens as well as assets that have specific powers that are applicable to the game. What they do not experience is true ownership. Here is where the present form of gaming is limited. Once the game is exited, all assets are forfeited. They remain part of the game and cannot usually be transferred.

Blockchain gaming is looking at upsetting this model. With individual wallets tied to blockchains, the player can own his or her assets. They do not reside in the game although can be utilized there. People have the ability to export them to outside exchanges where swapping, selling, and trading can take place.

As for Hive, adding more to the plate means we are expanding the on ramp. Each project has the potential to attract new users. This opens up the entire ecosystem to anyone who gets a Hive account.

Naturally, at the core of all this is the fact that Resource Credits are needed to engage with the blockchain. This is one of the most basic features of the tokenomics of Hive. As the amount of users grow, the activity level is going to necessitate more Resource Credits in total. This can only be generated by purchasing and powering up HIVE.

For this reason, every new project that rolls out is exciting as a stakeholder in Hive. Since all have the potential to pull new users, that is forming a strong feeder system. As the tentacles of Hive grows, it is going to accelerate the process of adding new users. Those who take the time to delve into what is offered here will find there is a lot more than just the application or game that caught their attention.

Hive Application Framework

We are looking at the Hive Application Framework (HAF) going live in the next couple months. This is going to be something that really can help to stimulate development on Hive.

This application enables developers to code in languages they are familiar with. Unlike much of the blockchain world, where one needs to know how to interact with the base layer, the HAF will enable anyone who can set up a website and integrate databases to build on Hive. There is nothing more to it than that. The HAF will handle all updates with the blockchain meaning the applications only have to tie into the HAF.

Could this set off a development boom on Hive? It is possible. Many are deterred from entering the blockchain world due to the learning curve. As we see the expansion on Hive, it could become a destination for those developers.

Gaming is one of the key aspects to the expansion of cryptocurrency. This is an arena that is familiar with the concepts that we use. For that reason, it is great to see a game like Muterra being developed on Hive. It appears the team is committed to involving the community and supporting this ecosystem.

Check it out and let me know what you think in the comment section.

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Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


Hive, given you varieties of options to choose from.

Hive needs some metaverse like games like those platforms, FPS or the minecraft like version of the games on the hive. You get rewards for selling items, doing stuff inside metaverse type. I am sure that would open up new doors for people who want to join Hive.

Hive is expanding. We are a long way from the Metaverse so I am not worried too much about that. Web 3.0 is the focus now and Hive is positioning itself nicely there.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I can't do any more card games, it is way too hard trying to keep up with even a handful of the great ones already out there. Hoping to see some other games come to Hive soon, or to any blockchains really

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Nice one.. I hope this expands and many people can have access to it

Thanks for putting this out there Task, with Splinterlands haven got its hook on me, I am always on the look out for another game on HIVE to replicate same impact on me.

Gaming on HIVE is expanding, we shall see how far we would be come end of the year.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I would suggest looking at this closer. I didnt research it much so I cant say what they are up to.

Could be a winner though.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


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Thanks for the heads up! I have been waiting to for Hive to deliver a 3D land sale and it looks like Psyberx might be the one.

I'm talking to the guys from the defunct alien ships (my favorite game ever) about coming to hive. They are open to moving here but gonna need some support (wink wink)

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Well Hive is to their benefit. At some point, developers will realize that. Perhaps when the HAF goes fully live, we will see something completely different.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I'm pushing hard. I shared your article in their private discord. They need to rebuild. There are some serious guys in there but they will need a little investment from hive community. I've explained that comes built in with any hive games. We'll see where they land. great little shooter game like space invaders or asteroids. Cool NFTS too. I'm sorry it initially failed.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Muterra actually looks very promising, nice find! Gonna need to try and find more info on it.

One more Splinterlands-like hype train and Hive is going to explode.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Will we finally have competition for Splinterlands? haha

Seeing how bad the Splinterlands rewards became recently, I hope so. We need proper play-to-earn games, and not pay-to-win games, like Splinterlands nowadays. I write nowadays, because Splinterlands is used to be a very good play-to-earn game in the previous years. Mostly in 2019. I started playing Splinterlands on 2018.12.30, but nowadays I rarely play it because of the above mentioned reason.

Good luck and have fun.

I think that the problem with play to win is in regards to how to make the economy sustainable


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Hive might not be the next Ethereum, but all these games coming to Hive are a proof of the functionality of this blockchain.

I am not into gaming and so far blockchain gaming doesn't look to be having fun factor, but considering the industry is still young that will for sure change.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

That is true. Hive has some characteristics that make it appealing to game developers. We will see how far this ecosystem can go.

The fact more is happening is encouraging.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

We need real, playable video games. But to have those, we need game developers first. Probably they will discover the advantage of the blockchain, and there will be real games on the Hive blockchain in the future.

Good luck and have fun.

I really appreciate this platform with so many opportunities here to take part and benefits, it's awesome

Hive is just perfect for NFT Gaming, mainly due the feeless + instant transactions. It's great to see that more and more games are being brought to Hive!


That is true. We do have certain advantages with this blockchain.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Feeless and instant transactions is what exist in any "regular", non-NFT game. You don't want to pay 20 USD gas fees when you're trading your items on World of Warcraft, neither you want to wait for several minutes/hours to receive your new shiny sword. You just do the damn trade and then go back to gaming.

I don't know how people actually want to build "real" games (eg actually fun and engaging) on ETH where you have to wait half an hour to trade stuff. It's so nonsensical, it's almost sad.

mhmm! Play to earn games vs pay to earn games .. Really cannot wait for the commencement of Muterra on hive. It’s such a nice development!

Its an interesting time to be on HIVE. Lots of positive development has happened in a short period of time. I can't wait to see what the next 12 months brings.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

wow that is very good ,we are expecting it to expand more and more. this is great development

I've heard and read countless opinions that the gaming sector will be the next boom in 2022. Well… I am not interested in gaming that much, but I hope this adds more value to our beloved Hive Blockchain.

Didn't know about Muterra. And undoubtedly gaming is first real major use case that won't need masses confirmation. This revolution has already happened. Great to see so many gaming projects choosing hive. Once this resource credit thing gets sorted out i.e account wide sharing gets introduced. Its gonna become a lot better option that can be implemented and utilized in so many innovative ways to take care of user transactions.

Thanks for sharing this master. :)


Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Bang, I did it again... I just rehived your post!
Week 95 of my contest just can now check the winners of the previous week!

#Hive is developing very good ecosystems and not just games. I am very excited to belong to this great family and I look forward to the opportunity to join this entire internal world of #Hive.

Muterra! Muterra! Oh Muterra! First time to hear about you here at Neoxian City. Though I have a Wax wallet, I almost have zero knowledge how the platform operates. Time to learn Wax. And also another whitepaper to read. Thanks for the info! Rehiving for my reference.

#Hive is developing very good ecosystems and not just games. I am very excited to belong to this great family and I look forward to the opportunity to join this entire internal world of #Hive.

It is strengthening.

Hive is growing and expanding. This will benefit anyone who is involved.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I see this and it sounds and looks interesting would want to try it out

Really excited about the Ragnorak's Airdrop. Reading about Muterra for the first time. Will look into it! It's great to see how gaming industry is developing on Hive. It could potentially attract so many outside users to Hive.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I'm just getting to know about muterra for the first time actually. I think these games are getting to be motivated by the fact that splinterlands has done it big time. It's opened the gaming industry wide and gamers can come here to build with the knowledge that splinterlands and co have set a precedent or a prerequisite.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Splinterlands was a very good play-to-earn game in the previous years. Nowadays it is mostly pay-to-win. I am very happy to read about upcoming play-to-earn Hive games. I started playing Splinterlands on 2018.12.30, but nowadays I rarely play it because of the above mentioned reason.

Hopefully the upcoming Hive games will be proper play-to-earn games.

Good luck and have fun.

We will see what happens with these new games. They have a chance to change the direction of things.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I think it changed because of the excessive competition.

This is probably true. Much more people play Splinterlands nowadays than in 2019.

It is a copycat world. Everyone is going to try and duplicate the success of Splinterlands.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

We exactly do not mind as its more reaction for Splinterlands.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

MuTerra looks promising I invested a bit in it early on because you really just never know. It could be another splinterlands where a $1,000 investment turns into $100,000 lol or it could turn into nothing that why I only invest what I'm willing to lose. I have a feeling though MuTerra might do pretty well. One of the biggest things they need to do on launch though is have some high numbers in buying and selling on Atomichub. People will take notice to that top list and wonder out checking it out. Picked up LVL token about 2-3 days after their first introduction post on Hive and I have a good feeling about that one as well. Lots of older developments finally coming into play now but what's really cool is new ones are kicking up as well.

There is always a chance. Some are who are following this one are optimistic. We will see what they come out with.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I was confused about Muterra and I didn't really feel like buying packs on WAX. There are just too many games and I am unsure how many of them I can follow. Maybe I will just stick to a few rather than spreading myself so thin.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Too many choices is a problem. We need to remain focus and concentrate on our core holdings. Those need to be built up.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Great designe of art😃

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Nice article, and didn't know about Muterra. Will definitely check this one out.

Gaming will definitely continue to play a big role in the mainstreaming of HIVE. As you say, the tentacles keep stretching further and further out into the mainstream consciousness. At some point it's going to explode. Slow, slow, slow, fast. It's coming.

Personally, I think #PsyberX has a very legitimate chance at being the next big game, not only on HIVE, but on the blockchain in general. If they can deliver what they think they can deliver, the number of users could be off the charts. Time will tell.

In the meantime, we can just keep building our bags with the major Defi economy being built through Hive, Leo, and CUB. :-)

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Agreed. We might have a gold mine on our hands with that game. They have big plans and we hope they can pull it off.

What do you think the chances are? What odds would you give them?

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

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