The Hive Nation: No Longer A One Trick Pony

in #hive-1679223 years ago

When going back to the origins of Hive, we know it started as a blogging platform. The idea was to create something similar to Medium whereby the community would find and reward long-form content. While things didn't go exactly as planned, we see the foundation upon which a lot more was built.

In the early days, there were two tokens, HIVE and HBD. Naturally, HBD was overlooked so it was just there. Some were able to trade it since it was apt to go on huge runs. The idea of the peg was not even considered.

Today, there is so much going on. Before our eyes, we are witnessing the formation of something much bigger. Eventually, many of us believe it will be home to millions of people who are earning at least part of their living from the Hive ecosystem.


Decentralized Network-State

What we are creating is a Decentralized Network-State. The digital world is growing and becoming an ever increasing important part in people's lives. This is going continue throughout this decade.

The end game to this could be the eventual replacement for the Nation-State. Here is a concept that might be running its course. Just like Feudalism was once the overriding governance model, perhaps the idea of the Nation-State, by the end of the century, will be viewed through the lens of history.

In the meantime, we are embarking upon another generation of advancement. Many are touting the idea of Web 3.0, which is going to transition out the use cases from Web 2.0. The later introduced us to the concept of the Network-State. This, unfortunately, operated in a centralized manner. Thus, we are presented with the same structure, hierarchical in nature, utilizing a top-down approach. This is highly effective as we found out and allows for a great deal of control.

What is occurring now is the foundation for the next step forward: decentralization and distribution. While many focus upon tokenization and the monetary aspect, the true power comes from the fact we are dealing with complex systems that are horizontal in nature. Their expansion is organic, with few in charge. To truly see this, it is best to step back and look at the industry as a whole since it is not likely found in any one individual project.

Nevertheless, we are at the point where something like Hive can be viewed similar to a nation. It is a networked entity which has its own monetary system, economy, and governance. Naturally, much of this is still in development, providing room for adaptation and growth.

One of the key differences with the new concept is the fact it is voluntary. Nobody is forced to be part of the Hive community. People are free to exit at any moment and live under a different set of rules. They can find whatever suits their needs if not being met here.

Trying to do this in a world of Nation-States is rather difficult. Simply picking up and moving to another country is not something people can do easily. It is wrought with a host of challenges. Those are removed online.

The Hive Economy

There is no mistaking where Hive stands on the economic scale at this point. Nobody is going to confuse it with the United State or China in terms of economic power in this realm. However, that does not mean it is not achieving a rapid pace of growth and spreading out into many different segments.

When we look at the features being utilized on Hive, we see a lot of the hot buttons for the industry. Here is a quick list of the areas that Hive is already active.

  • Blogging/Vlogging (Social Media)
  • Gaming
  • Decentralized Finance
  • Non-Fungible Tokens
  • Decentralized Autonomous Organization
  • Communities
  • Stablecoin
  • DEX
  • Fundraising

As we can see, Hive is far from a one-trick pony. There is a lot being offered. Does a lot of it need more work? Certainly. Nevertheless, we can see the many different directions that Hive is heading. In the ever-evolving digital world, this is important. We never know what is going to interest people.

Throughout all of this, we see the Hive economy really starting to take off. Since there is activity occurring in the areas just mentioned, we are seeing progress made on all fronts. Many want the overnight success yet things rarely work that way, at least not in the long-term. Growth is a grind over an extended period of time. The efforts being made daily by thousands of people is the foundation upon which future success will occur.

One thing that we already saw is the numbers, across the board, are increasing. As more is created, it starts to follow the network effect which is the standard in the digital world. We know this can happen very quick, powerful manner. Exponential growth curves tell us there is a point (the elbow) where things go parabolic.

Here is an example:


Unfortunately, in the early stages, it is like watching grass grow. This is especially true if we are viewing things from a short-term perspective. Stepping back again helps because it gives us the understanding of where things were a year or two ago. More importantly, it tells us how far things came.

If we continue to utilize the "nation" mindset, we can see how things start to accelerate. There are a number of factors that come into play. They are:

  • population
  • businesses
  • economy

In this realm, the first is users. As that grows, it starts to feed into everything else. We see a simultaneous expansion of the number of businesses (applications) as more developers find their way to the ecosystem. All of this has an impact upon the overall Hive economy.

Of course, with more options, people are able to kick off Reed's Law. People start to get involved with many different applications, all feeding into the Decentralized Network-State.

It will eventually lead to the parabolic growth on the exponential chart. That example uses a 30% annual growth rate, something that is minor compared to what is taking place on Hive. All of this comprises the wealth that is being generated around this network.

For those who believe that Hive is still a blogging platform, it is best to look around. We are seeing an economy that is becoming diverse and resilient. Value is represented in hundreds of tokens, many enjoying their own growth rates.

It all feeds into the same pot. Economic expansion is aided when it is based upon many different industries. Those economies which are built around one or two main industries tend to be fragile and can suffer major setbacks. Hive is spreading out wide. This allows for enormous wealth generation in a variety of areas.

Resiliency also protects one from outside attack. With big money players entering the arena, this is vital. Ultimately, it comes down to resource availability. Resilient economies tend to always have resources accessible.

The Hive Nation is spreading its wings. As we close out 2021, we can see how far things came from the start of the year. If we were able to formulate some kind of GDP, we would be up a massive amount over the prior year. This is how things unfold.

We can look forward to more of this in 2022. This story is just getting started.

If you found this article informative, please give an upvote and rehive.

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Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


Great improvement boss

I don't see the Nation state surviving the decade, tbh.

TLDR - Get into Hive ecosystem now :)

All my work compressed. I could have saved a lot of time just coming to you and getting the post.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Could have but then I would miss the rush of emotions I get while going through all the explanations and examples you provide in the article :D

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

can I get a Hive passport? :)

Sure send me 10 HBD and I will make sure you get it. LOL

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I'm new here, and really, I didn't know that there was a treasure in Hive, I only used to trade the cryptocurrency on the exchanges.

Glad you are here and welcome. Trading is just one aspect to Hive. There are many more options and ways to get rewarded.

For example, you comment just earned you a bit of LEO, which you will get in a week.

It all keeps building.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Every time I enter Hive there is always something new, it is really a delight all the content that there is and the new projects that come out every day.

Seems like there is something on a daily basis new.

It is growing rapidly.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I love exponentials when they are working in my favor. !BBH

Stay out of debt and they do.

That is one area where the exponentials work against you.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Yep. That's what I tell my math students. Never be on the wrong side of an exponential.

For a newb like me, all of the opportunities on Hive make it dangerous like a minefield.
When presented with a minefield the average person will be overcome by confusion and fear because they have no idea where to step safely without being blown to bits.
That might not be a good analogy because the opportunities on Hive are numerous and payout well. With us newbs, we sometimes get a bit too scattered spread a bit too thin, and instead of a natural accumulation of tokens over time, we experience a frenzy from 1 opportunity to the next.

It is great seeing this improvement occur in the blockchain and a better progress in the future as well. Hive is really showing that effort to be one of the best platform to be no doubt it is because it's an awesome place to be anyday and anytime.

I agree. It is my home so I keep trying to make it a better place. Hopefully many feel the same.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Because this is such an awesome post, here is a BBH Tip for you. . Keep up the fantastic work

Looking at current situation in most Nation-States today is very depressing with this trend towards more bureaucracy and expanding reach of the parasitical class. Given the freedom to choose a nation where I can stay, I will choose one that resembles the freedom we have here on Hive. The good thing is people don't need to migrate physically to become a Hivean. Technology is offering such opportunity to anyone transfer his/her "citizenship." Decentralized-Network State though it seems very remote for now, but it is a brilliant idea!

Bang, I did it again... I just rehived your post!
Week 86 of my contest just can now check the winners of the previous week!

HIVE is definitely far better than the current legacy systems but I still think there needs to be a bit more decentralization here. It seems like the block chain is far more decentralized compared to the various projects on HIVE. HIVE Engine has its own team and when outposts went down, nobody could fix it until a single person came back. There was also the fires in Europe that knocked a lot of nodes offline almost a year ago too.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Layer 2 is definitely a different matter and they might never be fully decentralized.

As for HE that is true. But you look at DLUX and that is being built with decentralization in mind.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


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Really exciting with HBD playing a more prominent role these days. I can see HBD booming more and more as Hive prices rise making it more attractive to invest in. It is already but more so if you are earning decent hive rewards.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

The key is for people to utilize HBD, not so much invest in it. For that to happen, we need a lot more to occur. We are starting to see options rolling out. Hopefully that will trigger more use cases as others innovate and integrate it.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

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One of the things I am hopeful about is that commerce, in the form of a marketplace of goods and services sees more development in the Nation of Hivelandia in 2022. It's the one use case that consistently seems to be ignored or minimized... We have lots of creative "makers of things" in the community, as well as lots of "users of things" who'd just as well buy directly from someone they actually know as opposed to WalMart. It's time we had an active and dynamic peer-to-peer marketplace!


Check out what we are building at! We have a full on classifieds community on the Hive Engine layer with defi pool and NFT marketplace as well as the that lets Hive users sign up to be vendors and sell their products. We also have a print on demand service that vendors or really anyone can use to submit designs and make recurring income from it.

There is also an affiliate program for people that like to sell but not necessarily make things. We pay out 3% to affiliates.

@hivelist is one that is already moving in that direction. I wrote about it in my latest post.

We are now inching in that direction. How about an Etsy on Hive? That would really take things and push them ahead.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

There's a alot, Hive is offering. When you come in terms of tokenization,I believe in Hive. The blogging alone,give me happiness. Hive is the first platform that show me how to blog and be getting token same time.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Same thing to me i like hive. Hive will expand very well soon and be sought after

Yes. I believe in them

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

For those who believe that Hive is still a blogging platform, it is best to look around. We are seeing an economy that is becoming diverse and resilient. Value is represented in hundreds of tokens, many enjoying their own growth rates.

This brings back the illustration of the cockroach if people really look around very well they will see the cockroach having smaller cockroach under his wings and those smaller ones are becoming to fly high enter small places that the big ones can not enter. Those that build a very good system on hive are now get tons of benefit but not see world wide but they are striving 💪.

Naturally, HBD was overlooked so it was just there.

And nowadays it looks like a good and low risk investmemt with 12% APR. I currently have $542.367 HBD in savings, and the estimated investment for 2021 December is $3.355 HBD. Hopefully it will work in long term. If yes, then this will be one of the things, which will help me to get out of the financial discrimination (nowadays I live under the local minimum wage in Hungary).


It is a sold return and I think the opportunities with HBD will only keep growing.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I read something yesterday that I think is definitely worth keeping in mind with the growth of Hive and the increased utility of HBD.

It's good food for thought. We should definitely be cautious as we continue this growth, to make appropriate adjustments to things so that it minimizes abuse where possible. My proposal and idea would be to have HBD interest rate fluctuate much like vote values do, over 3 day averages (I think?) so that we can promote using HBD savings but not lead to massive dumps at high interest rates.

The growth and increasing complexity of a place like Hive is awesome to see. I think one of the beauties of it all is that, much like a really good company, it has people from all kinds of backgrounds. We have a good set of core developers but that's not all we are attracting.

I think one of the downfalls of things like Ethereum projects is they are mainly attracting the tech people whereas Hive has people from all walks of life, retired folks, gamers and everything in between. This is what I think leads to our long-term success!

The problem is that people want to compare it to debt like a corporation. That is completely invalid because HBD, while debt, is also a unit of transaction. That means there is an entirely different dimension as compared to corporate debt. Here is where the old way of thinking is causing an issue.

Also, even looks at the HBD to HIVE conversion believing that most are going to do it. I see the term "dumping". Who dumps a stablecoin? People dont dump that, they buy something different. It might be HIVE, could be BTC, or might be a pair of sneakers.

Each time I read a post about that, nobody answers how HBD can be a valid stablecoin following that path when there are so few out there. The author discusses ownership, well that just means more are needed out on the open market.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Hive is a platform, an ecosystem, on which to build a whole series of services. It doesn't make sense call it a blog. It's vital for this ecosystem to attract new users, but even more so to attract new developers who can further expand the platform and create new features. People have realized the importance of their personal data and what it is worth, I see a great future for our platform.
You refer to rules, actually on HIVE there are few of them and many times they are not respected by everyone. I see content of little value, few words for upvotes (or worse autoupvotes) of tens of dollars. For a new user to see these disparities is discouraging.

In my opinion should be implemented stricter rules if not automatisms, I do not know how much this is technically possible though.

There is a lot more to Hive in just those rewards. Each time I see this, it is best to remember there are a lot of other tokens being distributed daily.

Many are making more in the H-E payouts than in Hive.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

It's not about money, it's about justice and fairness.

justice and fairness

All the basis for tyranny. That was always at the core of all tyrannical behavior.

Justice and fairness according to who?

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Basis of tyranny? Really? I believe that some basic rules are common globally, including the condemnation of plagiarized content or vote farmers. It would be tyranny if one or a few people made the single rule, but these are basic moral rules commonly accepted by all.

Ho Ho Ho! @taskmaster4450, one of your Hive friends wishes you a Merry Christmas and asked us to give you a new badge!

The HiveBuzz team wish you a Merry Christmas!
May you have good health, abundance and everlasting joy in your life.

To find out who wanted you to receive this special gift, click here!

You can view your badges on your board and compare yourself to others in the Ranking

Check out the last post from @hivebuzz:

Christmas Challenge - Offer a gift to to your friends

I remember when I first heard about Hive four years ago or so it was presented to me as a place for high quality tech content. I was really intimidated by that and didn't feel like I had a place here. Then I finally got my account and saw all the crap that was boosted from vote buying and I realized it wasn't as intimidating as I thought. I am glad I didn't let that keep me from carving out my niche here.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

We are glad you are here now and didnt get intimitated either.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Thanks! I was just using one of the tools that @livinguktaiwan shared today and it was crazy to look back on my first posts!

Hey, @taskmaster4450,

Thanks for this remarkable analysis of Hive's development and potential for expansion. You've opened my eyes to some very interesting possibilites.

As a voluntaryist, I absolutely love the idea of non-coercive, decentralized societies that can collaborate and cooperate without the destructive brokenness of states and nation-states as we've always known them.

I've been doing a lot of thinking and study and writing about how Christian churches can and ought to reflect this kind of non-coercive, decentralized organization as part of the Kingdom of Jesus/God. And although I haven't yet explored this idea in my library of articles on the topic, I hope to make it very clear that as Christians begin to truly understand and develop the overlooked Kingdom of Jesus/God in the present day here on this planet, our assertion that Jesus is in truth KING of kings and LORD of all, this need not at all be viewed as a threat to the non-religious. It is of course a threat to the existing "Powers That Shouldn't Be," but is rather an opportunity and invitation to participate in a voluntary way to everyone else.

Merry Christmas!

