The Importance Of SpkNetwork's Infrastructure For Hive

in #hive-1679222 years ago

The bear market is a time for building. It is extremely important that projects take this time to expand their offering. While these markets can be tough, it is where winners and losers are determined.

We saw the clearing out of hype. In fact, most everything is FUD these days. However, sentiment is a tricky thing and can turn on a dime. We might not know when the bull will start running yet we do know he will get going at some point.

Those that build now will be in better position when that occurs.

We are a little over a week from the next hard fork. This is going to really enhance the infrastructure of Hive. Here is where the focus is vital. Those ecosystems that use the bear to build out the base technology are going to do well.

That said, there is something else that is taking place for Hive that is crucial. This came from a proposal by the SpkNetwork which was funded by the community. It targets the second layer yet also is operating in a decentralized manner.

For this reason, we will go through what this team is doing and how it is important to Hive.



Decentralized Node System

What is being built?

This is something that many could be wondering. If we have to sum it up in a concise thought it would he as such: A decentralized node system.

We recently discussed how layer 2 solutions will be a combination of centralized along with decentralized entities. Here is an example of a team that is targeting the second layer for decentralization.

Most are aware that the SpkNetwork team also is responsible for 3Speak. The logical conclusion is we are looking at a video platform being constructed. That aligns with the focus of the team, based upon the information they put out.

Like most things with technology, the original intent ends up being far short of what the ultimate capabilities.

That is why the summation is referring to the infrastructure. Once there is a decentralized node system in place, what is developed on it can vary. Certainly video is one use case, an important one at that. Hive handles text, providing permissionless and immutability. With video, however, it is a different story.

This is the main focus of what this infrastructure seeks to change. By creating decentralized nodes, providing the different services video hosting requires, we can see how this is carried to the second layer.

Already, one can conclude how this will be a major step forward.

Yet, it is only a step. There is a lot more that can be done.

Financial Network

The next area that is being explored is for the expansion into the financial arena. Once there is a decentralized node system in place, development can expand in many different directions.

Here is where the innovation can help to separate Hive from most of what is out there.

There is no doubt that when discussing financial matters, we are prancing right into the line of fire from the alphabet agencies. It is where the true decentralization needs to take place.

When that is achieved, however, all bets are off. With a global network of nodes operating independently of each other, we see the ability to construct whatever is desired without fear of the establishment. The key idea is true decentralization is almost impossible to counter.

Thus, if video content is immutable, ensuring freedom of speech and ideas, then financial activities also will enjoy the same benefits. This is a blow to the established system but that isn't our concern.

Once the infrastructure is completed, we can see this project expanding greatly. We spoke in the past of Hive Bonds. This is just scratching the surface. The opportunity is there to generate many different kinds of synthetic assets along with other financial products. In short, we become Wall Street.

Of course, since we are the ones developing it, we can insert the Hive Backed Dollar (HBD), or some derivative of it, as the central token that is utilized. This would instantly expand the use case of HBD.

The vital thing to understand is none of this is presently possible within the Hive ecosystem. We do not have the infrastructure in place. It is why some projects are accessing other blockchains to provide the services being described here.

SpkNetwork is looking to alleviate that. Infrastructure is not exciting or sexy, yet it is crucial to erecting that which is.

Getting It Right

Hive seems to operate at a slower pace than most other networks out there. We see the hype associated with other projects and get envious. Nevertheless, as recent events are showing, if not carefully constructed, things could get very hairy.

We are seeing the time taken to get things right. While this slows things down, we are progressing without venture capital funding. By setting up infrastructure that is decentralized along with the ability to scale, we are cutting off a lot of headaches before they even start.

These are shark infested waters we are swimming in. Some major entities can have their power base disrupted by cryptocurrency and decentralized finance. For this reason, they are going to muster up all the forces they can to try and counteract it. Here is where we must be ready.

Over the next couple years, we are going to see a lot of projects succumb to the pressure. Since they ultimately are centralized, someone will be targeted. Once that happens, the weight of these organizations will be felt. It is a heavy burden about to be dropped on the heads of many.

Hive is looking to sidestep that. By flying under the radar during the building stage, we can take the time to get it right. Decentralization is a core value to many on here and is being shown in many ways as things progress forward.

Imagine what Hive will be like with full social media applications such as blogging, video, NFTs, and microblogging along with a financial network that can integrate DeFi into all that we do.

To me, that is the future of Hive. It is something that we will keep discussing to help push these ideas forward.

Let us know what your thoughts are in the comment section below.

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Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


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I was reading and I just was mesmerized imagining all the things we will do in Hive in a no so far future.

I remain bullish on SPK Network for the infrastructure it is building and aiming to achieve. I see the Hive ecosystem benefiting a great deal when the SPK Network project is fully completed and up and running.
The slow and consistent building on Hive is going to get us sustainable outcomes. I am very bullish about this.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Hi, I just found out about SPK and I don't know if you can help me with some questions I have.

Will it work in conjunction with Hive?? I mean, if I upload a video to a post I make on Ecency, will the video be uploaded to SPK? Because I see that Ecency already has a new tab to see your SPK balance, but I don't know if they will work together? Or, if we are going to receive SPK or LARYNX with our posts?

Thanks for helping me with these questions.

Will it work in conjunction with Hive?? I mean, if I upload a video to a post I make on Ecency, will the video be uploaded to SPK?

You can read up about If I understand correctly, you should be referring to 3Speak which is part of SPK Network and yes if you upload your video on 3Speak it will appear on Ecency.

A snapshot of our Hive holdings was taken back in January this year, based on each person's snapshot SPK Network is distributing monthly Larynx to be claimed for twelve months. So you should be receiving Larynx token in your wallet monthly which you have to claim otherwise you are lost if you don't claim it.

To earn SPK tokens you then have to stake Larynx to node providers.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

okis thanks ☺

You are welcome

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Besides staking and delegating out tokens for 3speak, is there anything going on that people can use from the speak network yet? I haven't really seen anything about it but I remember people talking about it.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Bang, I did it again... I just rehived your post!
Week 126 of my contest just can now check the winners of the previous week!

i have always been bullish about Spknetwork and by the time hive infrastructure grow more than this we will see the importance of spk network and how hive will greatly benefited from this

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Am I supposed to be doing something with those SPK tokens? I keep forgetting about them. I'd like to see them getting me some kind of return or something.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

SPK is the governance token. So that will be its main use case. Right now some SPK are distributed to node operators and fewer to delegators of LARYNX to node operators (rewards split 50/50 with node operators).

Ah, okay. That makes sense. I powered up most of my LARYNX tokens, but I don't have them delegated to anyone.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

if you are not operating a node, delegate them!!!

At the moment, there isnt a use case. Those will come into play when the SIP is set up.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Okay, thanks for that. I have a bunch of mine powered up now, but I just wasn't sure if I should be delegating it somewhere for a return or something.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Do not confuse Larynx with SPK tokens! Larynx tokens you claim every month, if you're not running a node then you can power up and delegate your tokens which in exchange will produce some SPK tokens, these are the tokens that have no use yet but there aren't many mined tokens around for now:


You produced this SPK from your delegation!

Ah, okay, I understand now. Thanks for that!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Also, if you're interested, I am running a SPK node for Larynx delegations on the account @carloaxie, many listnerders already delegated to my node, including

Okay, I will check it out thanks.

Any kind of return for delegating to you? Sorry, gotta be that greedy SOB you know... :)

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I'm not sure how to exactly quantify it so I'll just give you an example: Jongolson with a delegation of 49,223.930 Larynx resulted in 0.970 SPK in about a month. I know it's not too much but better than nothing.

Or another example, with 50k Larynx of my own and 216k larynx from delegations I got 12 SPK tokens in about a month.

You can check all running nodes here:

I wonder if we'll have an announcement on hiveio about the hard fork...

Thank you for this post. I am currently using 3SPEAK. From your post I understood a little better what SPKnetwork is. However I trust the 3SPEAK team, I'm curious what will come out with SPKnetwork

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I beg to differ that the DOA funds are like a venture capital funding. To be honest if a project has to keep asking for funds in order to operate then it's clearly not operating well and is a negative impact on the money value system of the native token.

These projects need to be run like a business. They need to generate revenue that fuels their own native tokens value and provides real value and growth. These funds are also used to fund development of the project. This is something I feel is critically wrong with many projects on Hive and why we always see downward pressure on hive instead of growth.

I'm sure that's an unpopular opinion but it's my business feelings and finance feelings on all of it. LEO Finance does ALL of this and sure it's a struggle at times but it's one of the very few projects providing value and running things like a real business that grows.

You'd be surprised how much harder you work and less risk you take when your own businesses funds and survival are on the line. Hive projects like this one are bloated, slow and downright ugly.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

LEO Finance does ALL of this and sure it's a struggle at times but it's one of the very few projects providing value and running things like a real business that grows.

Khal is funding a lot of things out of his pocket so you dont see it. He keeps feeding a lot of it so it is a rather poor example.

And when you are dealing with open source infrastructure, it has to be built before it is profitable. You are saying a motel should be profitable while the road is being constructed.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Considering they also take 11% of everything upvoted on their platform they already have a income source. Idk there's just a lot that doesn't add up well for me with SPK lately.

I can't say how much Khal invests of his own money into LEO perhaps it's a little or a lot but that information isn't public so I don't know. I suspect however with 3k+ income coming from ads that that's helped fuel development at least to some extent in the past. Now it's getting paid back to hodlers (perhaps by end of year) but all those fees etc have to be adding up into something decent to continue on the projects.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

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Speak Network is one of my big bets and this is why besides the airdrop I have invested a bunch of dollars in some more Larynx Miners to generate more Speak tokens. While I am sure this will provide a good return at some point, I am finding a gap in the roadmap for the project. Do you know of any roadmaps or progress updates on the project?

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

The accomplishment of this feat would make Hive a network that other token ecosystems would flock to in order to establish their cross-chain capacity. This centralizes the platform as the place where tokens go to meet one another. Exciting times for newbees and crypto veterans alike.

This article is enlightening and shows us details of this valuable project.

I joined the Hive ecosystem in March 2021 and already invested in Hive tokens as a holder, but I only started studying the project in late 2020. However, I only analyzed the fundamentals of the project, without understanding internally the added value of the community.

Throughout 2021 I just used the network as a way to understand how the blockchain works and I was surprised by all the various parts that make up the great Hive.

3Speak has always been one of the most promising projects I have identified within the ecosystem and to envision the next stages of the project as SPK Network is exciting. Thaks.

The bear market is a time for building. It is extremely important that projects take this time to expand their offering.

If it was told to me few years back I would not have agreed to it since I would have been in a loss anyway. But this does really helps me see the outcome from newbies and how they would think about this bear market. It's fair enough but its definitely worth it for those people to dig deep and see what is actually happening in the crypto space.

About HIVEFORK I am kind of excited as well. Looking forward to the changes that are about to come.

Spk Network

I really admire Dan for his efforts and dedication towards HIVE eco system. Hive will not forget what he has contributed to be where we are at. Coming from him and the team, I always believe if the team is transparent and they have dedicated focus towards what they are building it will attract users. Hence the utilization and the infrastructure would be string enough. It might take time but if executed wisely a success will be seen. See how Splinterlands took so many years to be where it is now. It does takes time to build something unique and sustaining. I am quite excited about the NODE btw. Although at this point I've just staked the tokens and delegated to the current node hodlers.

HIVE really needs a Video sharing platform. 3speak has been performing the job for now. While we need more users and utilization along the way. Since it will take a long time for web2 users to see the true potential of decentralization and censorship issue. So its perfect time to build something unique along the way.

Imagine what Hive will be like with full social media applications such as blogging, video, NFTs, and microblogging along with a financial network that can integrate DeFi into all that we do

Can not wait to see that day and smile while going through them :)