The Online Game: A World Everyone Must Play In

in #hive-1679223 years ago

The entire world is changing. What we knew is transitioning before our eyes. Opportunities are shifting which means that people are having to adapt. The "old world" ideas will soon be gone.

We romanticize the days when good paying jobs were plentiful. Many harken back to a time when the middle class was strong. Income and wealth inequality was not as noticeable because many where able to sustain themselves.

Today, that is no longer the case. The organizations we can to depend upon no longer serve that purpose. Through the idea of globalization, securitization, and maximum profits, people are just a line on an income statement. If things get tight, remove them.

That said, there is no better time to be alive. This sounds odd with all that is going on but it is true. We now have opportunities that never existed before.

For this reason, all will need to adapt. There is little choice. The old models are becoming very select, excluding most. Therefore, the online game is something everyone must play.


Total Inclusion

The online world is one that most anyone can get involved in. As long as there is Internet, one is eligible. There is no entry fee or test to take. It is simply a matter of signing on. We now see the number over 5 billion in terms of the number of participants.

While many see online as separate from our physical world, the reality is more is shifting to this new realm. Plus, we have to always keep in mind the opportunities, for the majority, in the latter are dwindling.

Tokenization opened up brand new opportunities for everyone. This is something many feel is just a phase; an idea that will pass with time. The reality is that it is starting to influence many aspects of our online world. We see where the tentacles are penetrating areas which it cannot be removed. In other words, this is not going away.

Anyone with a phone can open up an application and engage. This can take the form of creating content on a platform such as TikTok or delving into the world of gaming. The challenge is that the Internet became a hybrid of the old model. It was a realm monopolized by organizations.

That is rapidly changing.


Unlimited Upside

We have little downside risk with this. Being a content creator does not truly cost anyone anything. Other than perhaps some social penalties by saying something out of line, we are not really exposed. Thus, the risk/reward ratio is enormous.

The digital world does not face the same limitations as the physical. It grows at an exponential rate, increasing in size every year. Billions of nodes are connected, a number growing each day, increasing the computation that can occur. This all leads to more expansion.

With the introduction of cryptocurrency as a core element of this world, we see how the "earning" potential of any individual is vastly improved. To start, one is no longer dependent upon his or her local economy. The physical world is basically one of geography, at least for the vast percentage of people. One's life is mostly predicated based upon where he or she was born. Essentially, it is a case of being part of the lucky sperm club.

Our online world removes that barrier. While it is still true to a degree, it is diminishing. The key here is to be able to get online. That is the main metric. After that, much opens up.

Of course, this is causing many governments to step in a throttle this. We see the control of the Internet, further enslaving their citizens. It is where the most recent battle for freedom is waged.

That said, once in, people can immerse themselves in opportunities that keep growing. This is something few have truly understood. Basically removing limits is not something we can comprehend so easily since it is not part of our existence.


A Game Everyone Must Partake In

Why do we look at this as a game? Life is a serious matter.

That is certainly the case. However, when dealing with this realm, we realize that gamification is a big part of it. Game theory is something that developers and project teams use. In the world of bits, experimentation can occur without much downside. Cost is rather limited and feedback is instant.

Being involved in a game does not make it less real. Nor does it mean profitability is reduced. Look at the revenues generated by the established gaming industry. Or, for contrast, take sports. What do we call what is being played? A game. However, we all know that professional sports is big business. The fact it is a game does not make the money any less valuable.

Cryptocurrency is monetizing our online activities. This is opening up an entirely new paradigm to everyone. Few realize it now yet it is something all will have to get involved with. In other words, it is not going to be a choice.

The transition is already underway. We are seeing the opportunities in the physical world diminish at a rapid pace. Automation is accelerating with entire industries looking to replace human workers. This is only going to cause a greater impact in the next decade.


The Global Melting Pot

We are now immersed in a world with people from all over the world. Even platforms such as Facebook, with 2.8 billion users, bring people together from every corner of the globe.

Since the introduction of tokenization, that creates an enormous marketplace. Everyone is able to "buy and sell" their wares. The Internet excels at bringing people together, enabling individuals to find their niches.

Those who produce content, which is everyone, are able to find those communities that will follow them. Each of us can turn others into "fans". We all have a platform to exhibit whatever knowledge we have, something that can add to the lives of others. For that, they will be drawn to us, a move that can generate rewards.

The physical aspect is essentially removed. People do not have to even reveal who they are or where they are from. Open source applications enable people to sign on easily and without hassle. From there, the entire spectrum of what is offered is available.

Not only are more people getting involved but the options are also increasing at an exponential rate. More is rolling out each day that provides not only choices but more opportunity. Again, the near unlimited nature of this realm means that we are now dealing in abundance. Here we also see a shift in mindset that is not easy for people to make.

The Internet was the most financially valuable innovation in human history. It is now worth tens of trillions of dollars, more than any other single invention (or industry). What we are witnessing now is going to move into the quadrillions of dollars in value. It is simply the exponential nature of technology.

We are seeing a massive gold rush taking place. Fortunately, we are not dealing with a limited or scarce resource. Instead, we are constructing a real which essentially has no ceiling. When automation is applied to this arena, we see how massive this can get. If we just use transactions as a basis of value, the upside should be clear. It basically does not exist.

This is the new model that is forming. For the moment, it appears to be a choice but it is not. Over the next decade, it will be clear, this is something that everyone must play in.

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Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


Bang, I did it again... I just rehived your post!
Week 97 of my contest just can now check the winners of the previous week!

Being a content creator does not truly cost anyone anything.

And here is the problem. Nowadays everyone wants to be a content creator. But where are the content consumers? The lack of the balance between these two leads to a lot of ignored and/or overlooked posts. This somewhat destroy the opportunity for most people. Many people end up earning a few cents per day. Or literally nothing, because their posts are not reaching the payout threshold. This will obviously not change their life, nor mine.

The lack of the balance between these two leads to a lot of ignored and/or overlooked posts.

Too many expect things to come to them. Being a content creator does not mean that is the end of it. One also have to engage, get involved, and market to others. It is no different than other aspects of life.

The opportunity is before people. Sadly, few are willing to put in the effort to be successful. I guess it is easy to fail and accept that.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


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The opportunities keep expanding each day with a better progress to hope for and am really excited to be part of this awesome change that is occuring to change lives positively

Crypto and web 3.0 are really changing the game because it allows us to actually get paid for our daily activities, rather than working for free to big techs, as is the case with web 2.0


Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

That is big. It is also introducing us to other opportunities. We are still in the early stages.

How about #Share2Earn. That is something we havent seen but likely will.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I spend so much of my time thinking about this stuff. I wish I had the ability to parse out more of my thoughts and write them as clearly as you do. Great post!


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Certainly a good time to be alive! What ia being build and where the economics of the world are going is very exciting!! Go all things Hive!!!!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Yes there is a lot going on with Hive and the associated tentacles. It is really exciting to witness.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Life itself is a game.

We need to spend our tokens (Years) Wisely.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

If you're not moving forward, you're getting passed. As frustrating as it can be at times trying to learn all this new technology and how to interact with it, the rewards will be far greater for those who take the time to figure it out NOW rather when they are truly forced to later.

Just look at email as an example. It wasn't that long ago that my parents said it's "not for them". They were too old to learn it. Now, while they're still not exactly comfortable with it, they have no problem sending and receiving, opening files, attaching pictures, etc.

This progress will continue whether people like it or not. Far better to hunker down, figure it out, and get involved now.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

That is the way it is.. Learn it or get left behind. Those of us in it now are not only learning, we are earning. Hence our bags are filling up, something that will set us ahead down the road.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Internet has turned life into a game and cellphones into gaming controllers.

LOL that is true. When one makes enough money to have sustenance, then it is truly just a game that one plays.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Truth be told, I am not really an online game enthusiast, but hearing constantly the excitement associated with tokens being acquired, I am seriously thinking about participating.

I do hope that you are right, and this keeps getting better. In the world you describe, one can literally live off of anything that interests them!

This article has been upvoted by the VYB Curation Project

!PIZZA !ALIVE !LOL !LUV !hivebits

In the world you describe, one can literally live off of anything that interests them!

If there are communities popping up catering to all different kinds of interests, then yes I would say people will be living off what interests them.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Niche communities do tend to pop up. The last thing anyone wants to do is create a carbon copy of something well established. It has to be unique to draw people in.


@taskmaster4450! You Are Alive so I just staked 0.1 $ALIVE to your account on behalf of @wrestlingdesires. (6/10)

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Muy bueno

Feels like a new future’s coming up on us quickly. My only experience in P2E has been Splinterlands and LightNite but it still feels early. Once the mainstream learns anyone can be payed to play, the sky’s the limit. I also think the global competition for online work may help really jumpstart professional meritocracy as a whole

Internet is changing lives and it is evolving, cryptocurrency is just one of its innovations that could mold the future, where freedom is achieved. It would be so much amazing to be part of this revolution!

Another great write-up!


I can see more paying attention to the online game later this year. The masses will become involved through need and that is by ordering online through special tokens companies will be launching later this year. Whilst doing my research for the COTI review the Enterprise tokens are launching in Q4 and 2 major international companies are involved. Has to be major players and could be the impetus crypto needs to up another level.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

IT is changing everything and each year it brings new iterations and new opportunities. Such an amazing time to be alive!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

It really is. We are seeing so much changing, there are opportunities everywhere. This is something that people are going to have to get involved with sooner or later.

Sadly for most, it will be later.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Interesting and a little bit weird at the same time. I hope that "we" will be able to handle this new "realities" without falling into one (reality) from were we cannot get out anymore. On the other side, it is about evolution, whatever this can mean.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Data is important, whether it be consumers or producers. So yes I do see the online world being more gamified because it will help technology improve. However, I still wonder if the big tech corporations will be the gatekeepers or not. I hope they aren't though.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Because this is such an awesome post, here is a BBH Tip for you. . Keep up the fantastic work

It is the most wonderful time. To be in from the beginning is fracking awesome.

Now, if I can only get to Mars before my end....



Hmmm is Mars a desired destination for you?

Personally I would choose something closer to home but that is just me.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Strange as it might sound to most, I would jump at the chance to go into space. And I would love to be one of the people that help settle Mars. Big dreams.

I would have to bring Hive with me. #marshive 😉

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I think metaverse can play a huge role in inclusiveness. Like you don't know what character you are going to be and also what you are going to offer as a persona.

So that is a start of new world where things would be lot different I suppose but we have to consider how people adapt to this because now that people are out of pandemic, I wonder how people get into metaverse instead of real life. What do you think?

Depends upon what the idea of the Metaverse is to start. That is a rather flexible term which few have isolated since it is still a lot of theory.

However, there is little doubt the passions people follow online are now being rewarded. This will only keep growing.

All of this will serve to alter what people are experiencing in the real world.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Been saying it for a few years now. Gaming is one of the best places for adoption of crypto and the way it's been shapping up is huge! First we had play2earn, then we had NFTs and now gamefi which is a solid blend of gaming and defi components. I'm curious to see what is next and will continue to support the heck out of it. We have some awesome new games coming to hive this year as well! Three that I know of Ragnarok, MuTerra and LVL token which might have a whole host of games.

The article really didnt have to do with gaming per se.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Definitively, change is also inevitable for me, I believe that technology opens up a range of opportunities every day, facilities, we have many tools at hand as you say, "simple matter of registering" I remember when the internet revolution began it seemed so complicated and look how everyone adapted and expanded, now it's up to the blockchain and cryptocurrencies, if I see there is skepticism, many people refuse to even try, it's good as you mention to remove the paradigm and accept that there is no way back back, that the world is simply changing that evolution is inevitable and that if we don't take advantage now we will regret it later, it will happen like in the pandemic that people refused to take their businesses online and look at the large number of businesses that now have digitized!
Thanks once again, I like your content I'm learning!

The analogy with the introduction of the Internet fits so well because we are seeing the same skepticism as back them. The reality is that trillions were generated over the last 25-30 years due to this medium. Now, with cryptocurrency, we could end up seeing a quadrillion over the next 30 years.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

It will undoubtedly be an important change in our lives, improving the limitations of the internet for business and economic activity, security, among other things!