The World Is Getting Ready For Web3...

in #hive-1679229 months ago

...unfortunately, most do not know it.

We are seeing an increase in calls for changes to social media. This is something that many within cryptocurrency have surmised. Tokenization has the ability to change every industry. We are looking at a completely new paradigm.

Sadly, most cannot see past what is in front of them. Even people on Hive are busy trying to build their accounts on social media. It is fascinating how even people who are exposed (and in favor of something) are stuck in the old mindset.

This is true across much of humanity. People simply cannot see another alternative, locking their minds into what they know.

The Creator Economy

That is a headline from an article on Techcrunch. Notice how we are still talking about 19th century solutions to a problem.

People are now upset that social media platforms like Instagram and TikTok are raking in billions yet are not sharing it with the creators. Have these people been living under a rock? Did they not realize that anything they post on those applications is property of the companies?

From that article we get this:

“On Instagram, I’ll have a video hit 900,000 views and make six dollars,” McGoff said. “It’s insulting.”

So this individual feels it is up to these companies to share the advertising revenue with her? Perhaps they should give them nothing and let them leave if they want.

Naturally, we know this isn't going to happen. In Web3, we frequently see people who had their accounts closed on Web 2.0. Do they make a shift and start their business anew? Of course, not. As soon as they get it back, they run back to the same platforms.

Basically, in my mind, these people are volunteering to get screwed and deserve what is coming to them. Those who are unaware of what is being built in Web3 can always defer to ignorance. However, when people are aware of the alternatives yet still show up on the likes of Twitter, then they are responsible for what they get. No longer can they claim to be a victim.

Those who are stuck in the old paradigm are going to pay the price. It is really that simple.


Web 3.0 is a disruption like the Internet never saw before. The entire economic model is changing where content creators can be rewarded for the activity they take. In fact, it is a built-in part of the system.

Monetization is at the foundation of every online endeavor. We know the money is there simply by looking at the income statements of these corporations. The problem is that we are dealing with a siloed systems where a handful of companies control most of the pie. They are able to enjoy the benefits that come from network effects along with implementing flywheel structures that enhance their profits.

Instead of complaining about the payouts, perhaps it is time for people to question the entire structure of the internet. Naturally, we know that isn't going to happen since few think past the next football game or television program.

It is a good thing there are people who are thinking about this stuff.

Disruption happens when technology meets the acceptance of the population. It is only after people are wiling to embrace something new that we see an acceleration of adoption. As this occurs, those entities which benefited from the old model start to feel the impact.

Web 3.0 is going to happen. Denying this shift is akin to saying that social media could be stopped. Granted, while it was happening, most of us were oblivious to the transition that was underway. In hindsight, however, it is evident.

The same will happen with this transition.

The Network-State

All of this is leading up to the idea of the Network-State.

These people are already conditioned for it. Look at all those who turn to Twitter for their interaction, news, and entertainment. Over the next year, you are likely to see that become the platform for their payments also as the money transmitter licenses are issued.

Of course, that platform isn't going to hand all the advertising dollars over to the content creators either.

Here is where we see the absurdity for calls of a worker movement. To start, we are already watching a shift in their revenue models. Subscriptions are going to continue to be a larger portion of the revenue stream. This is only going to be enhanced as they roll incorporate the LLMs into the platform. Anyone who wants that technology will end up paying.

The crux of the situation is the fact that users and owners are on separate sides of the equation. This always was the case with both social media and gaming. The platforms are looking to make money, with the users being the product. It has been that way since day 1 of social media.

Since users have no stake, they is a disconnect from the performance of the platform. Network-States change this since it aligns the users with owners since they are the same. Those who are holding the coins have an vested financial interest in where things go.

This is the new paradigm. Web 3.0 is offering digital ownership. These new social media platforms are being built upon decentralized networks. This is compounded by the fact that ownership stake is distributed in the forms of rewards. Even those on Web 2.0 are not asking for a stake.

Technology always outpaces human ability to embrace it. The mind is the hardest thing in the world to change. This is something most of us are aware of.

When people are conditioned to open up their X or Facebook application each morning, what do you think they are going to do? Changing that behavior is very difficult.

Of course, those that do it are going to be ahead of the curve. Over the next 3 years, there will be a massive shift away from the traditional social media platforms as people start to question the models. With the buildout of Web 3.0, we are seeing a new structure emerging.

The established social media platforms are going to be as relevant as the old 1980s party lines are today. They were a thing 35 years ago but are no more. Technology made them obsolete.

In the future, it is going to be absurd to use anything that you do not have stake in. Sadly, for most, it is going to be a spell before they realize it.

What Is Hive

Posted Using InLeo Alpha



It is actually a matter of time before the world comes to the full realisation of the power in Web3 and adopt it that it is here to stay

This is a good but inevitable development. But I guess the biggest reason on why they always return to Web2, is because for successful creators, Web2 earnings are still better than Web3. I don't think Web3 has Twitch alternatives, and 3Speak doesn't garner as much views as Youtube. For smaller creators though, I have seen some posts detailing that Peakd earnings are better than what they are getting.

I am curious with Inleo though. I heard they have the premium service, and they share their ad revenue. Since it is in the early stages I can see the split of the creators can be higher. But once it gets popular, will it suffer the same fate as these big corporations, where they pocket most of the ad revenue?

That is all true, for now. However, we have to remember we are paid out in assets that could appreciate. With Web2, you get cash. It is great to pay bills but a 2x in HIVE means the rewards that were received just doubled (if the coin is still held).

these people are volunteering to get screwed

I like that.

In the future, it is going to be absurd to use anything that you do not have a stake in.

That will be a great future and it is good that it is now unfolding . . .

At least here in the US I think that many will be driven to Web3 due to all the various forms of censorship on the Web2 platforms. Personally, I want to be involved in Web4 by the time 'the masses' begin flooding into the Web3 spaces.

I am not sure what Web 4.0 will be but it is interesting to think about. If we are using timeline, that certainly could be in the next 15-20 years.

I am not completely sure either but I have some ideas for it. Gonna be holding those cards close to my chest though. I am slowly learning not to share all my ideas. I was thinking more like the next five to ten years before its infancy but fifteen to twenty is probably more accurate.

Lols, you call it 'a spell', that's funny. Anyway, the future of online fair profiting is definitely found in web3. The challenge currently is changing the minds of people who have been trapped in this system for years. I must say, since I found hive, my presence in the web2 system has reduced. Why spend time where the platform owners keep the money. It may take some time for web3 mass adoption but it will come to fruition.

I would say that my actions are the same.


Good point! People get stuck in their ways. I have several friends/relatives who will on the one hand talk about how evil Facebook is, yet won't spend even a few minutes looking for an alternative social media.

You can be of help to them by introducing them to web3

I've tried (and I'll keep trying) but 99% of the time they don't even consider it, and 1% of the time I get someone to sign up, but they don't stick around. Facebook just has too much momentum for them. They have a lot of sunk costs into that platform. If they do go to an alternative, it's usually something dumb like Truth Social.

I guess they have little to no knowledge of where the future is heading to. Web3 is the next big thing, the earlier they climb onboard the better

I agree with everything here. "Technology always outpaces human ability to embrace it." - A good historical case is the invention of the machine gun in the late 1800's. Then when WWI came along, you had these set in their ways generals who kept ordering calvary charges against machine guns despite insane casualties because that's what would've worked in 1870. It was disastrous in 1916. Hopefully Web3 isn't as bloody of an adjustment.

Video conferencing is another, and more recent, example.

The disruption is here. Sadly the disrupters what to go back to what they are meant to disrupt. If Larry Fink is crying for Crypto it means, the crypto community have made it into the future. It’s high time people realize the power of Web3 and unite to build solid structures that can take over and rescue humanity and fast. Because the house is starting to put in too much work to steal from what’s being developed in the crypto space.

When Larry Fink is supporting something, it shows the hijacking is taking place.

It should be a warning to all.

The anticipation of a significant shift away from traditional social media platforms within the next 3 years aligns with the ongoing evolution towards Web 3.0. This post of yours serves as a thought provoking glimpse into the future landscape of digital engagement.