Days Gone: In Remembrance Of Alvarez

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Well Hello There Fellow Gamers And Hivers

In the previous episode of Days Gone I finally got around to searching for the package Leon hid in the graveyard. Ironic how we're still talking about Leon even though that character died out in the first episode at the very start of the game ey? Well I geared up and filled the motorbike to the brim with gasoline and then I went over to the graveyard.

It was a mighty scary experience, it really was but I took my time clearing it and eventually came across The Weeping Angel which was the marker that the stash was close by. Now getting the stash wasn't the problem, it was getting out alive that was the problem. See the moment I grabbed the stash their was a NERO helicopter swhooshing directly over my head! Naturally this attracted and woke up every sort of zomboid in the area.

Well I was lucky enough to have made it out alive and I then tailed the helicopter and found out that there might be a slight chance that Sarah could still be alive. Although I'm not staking any hopes on it!

Straying From The Storyline

Now as much as I do love a good story I hate it more if they end, so I decided to do some sidetrack quests!

One of these quests wasn't too far from where I was, in-fact majorly close. What was tucked away in the lumbering camp had to be dealt with not because I want to but because I had to, the zomboids were making nest upon nest over there and it is dangerously close to where me and Boozer are hiding out.

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In Remembrance Of Alvarez

As much as the lumbering camp had to deal with I had a slightly more pressing matter that I needed to attend to before heading off to the camp where the chances of me dying was high.

I had to burn the remains of Alvarez, she rode with us and it didn't seem right leaving her body to rot in the sun.

Damn If I could throw Leon to the zomboids again I would have.

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I raced back to the graveyard, this time better equipped to deal with what needed done.

I am fortunate that nothing has clawed their way onto Alvarez's remains. I stood around in remembrance of her for a little while and then radioed Boozer to inform him that all is taken care of.

Hard times are what we have waiting for us now.

Rest in piece Alvarez.

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Trouble On The Road

Well Shit...

See what I see?

A bastard running out from the woods and a wire spun across the road, this isn't bound to end very good for me. (At-least I dealt with Alcatraz's remains)

I am about to get my head ripped off with the biggest concussion I have and will most likely experience, if I don't get knocked the hell out the chances of me surviving this ordeal was very little.

Well brace yourself Deeks you are in for a storm of shit now.

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There I was flying through the air with my vision impaired like a man in his 90's. Not to mention the fact that I am moving at a fair pace of 60km/h and slamming to a dead stop.

Boy oh boy here comes the broken bones Deeks! What did you think not keeping an eye out anymore! You got lazy and this is what you deserve for that!

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Somehow by some miracle I wasn't knocked the F@#@ OUT!

I did take one beating of a baseball bat before I was able to scramble to my feet, my legs felt like jelly but this was no time to cry about what happened.

I needed to get up and bolt now or die right here!

This could have gone in many different ways, I tried bartering with them but to no avail. As I said before I don't kill women unless I absolutely have to... They didn't back off so I put a bullet or three in each of them.

If they were a little more prepared having at-least a crossbow... well then Boozer back at the safehouse would have headed North without me.

I was almost a lifeless sack of meat bleeding out next to the road!

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Needless to say the bike was scrapped from that little incident and I had to do some major repairs on it and I had to get myself back in tip tip shape, I got bruised up badly but I was fortunate enough to escape with a few minor injuries and luckily no broken bones!

I set off again to the lumbering camp, where I almost died a few times on the road AGAIN!

There was a sniper someways off in the distance that kept on spamming me with bullets, but I made it through and into the lumbering camp!

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The Lumbering Nest Camp

After crawling and scraping my way inside the camp because of fear for the sniper I finally made it in ALIVE, how long it would stay that way I just couldn't say with certainty!

Spotting out the nests inside the camp was very easy, these zomboids are messy creatures (Wait? Can we call them creatures? Or are things more suiting? I certainly can't call them animals since not even animals are so filthy.)

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A simple molotov thrown into the nest seems to be working very well as it does most of the job but don't be fooled thinking it would be as simple as throwing a molotov cocktail in each of the nest.

The molotov cocktail certainly sets the nest on fire but it wont evaporate the zomboids within an instance.

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No no

Once the nest was on fire those zomboids would come out in force and believe me they are angry as hell coming out of that burning nest!

Word of advice to myself, next time be better prepared! I was not at all expecting the outcome of what I went into!

Each nest let loose around three zomboids and well with three zomboids chasing you at once it got pretty difficult to handle. I mean it's easy to just pull the gun out and shoot but when under stress you tend to miss most of the shots and those shots go out very fast as bullets aren't exactly easy to find nowadays!

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I think I was about halfway through the clearing of the nests when all of a sudden a biker gang comes rolling in!

Now let's be frank about this, if it was me alone speeding in with a bunch of noisy bikes those things would be all over me.

Never the less, they sped in here in search of something, I don't know what but they were here and I needed to deal with them!

This proved to be a problem since I was very low on ammunition and shooting a gun now here wasn't the best idea to start off with, not only would it attract the attention of the whole gang but it would also attract the attention of every zomboids within this camp!

Slow, silent and steady is the way.

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I killed only those that needed killing, those that were in my way. Silently ofcourse but I will come back for the rest of the gang after I dealt with the last of the nests!

And the last of the nests was a big one, they were held up in a warehouse! Yeah the last three all in one building, if I thought I was in for a rough ride watch till I throw this molotov cocktail into this building and having those zomboids running out crazed as fuck!

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This place was so foul I dared not even enter, although I had to because most of the nests were in the far ends of the warehouse. Sheeeshh I almost got infected by just standing there!

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After dealing with the nests I went back to the drifters who rocked up in the camp (Half asleep, not hearing the racket of gunshots I made just up the hill)

Well I dealt with them, they were a lot more than I thought there would be but they left behind quite a few motorcycles and for that I do not mind one bit!

Gas, tires and spare parts? Well those are always needed in this fuckup of a world.

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I went back to check up on Boozer at the safe house, I am starting to think that Boozer doesn't really want to play in the field anymore since he isn't exactly doing a fast healing process over here. I'll have to step in soon. Although he did stay up all night because of worrying about me. So there's that!

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Until the next episode! Keep on gaming like you've only got one life left!!


Dated 22/04/2023

To everyone who made it this far into my post Thank you for the read and the support.

If you found this entertaining or educational please consider a re-blog and up-vote.

Most of all please leave a input in the comments below, whether is good or bad critic I would like to know, whether its your opinion or your way of doing things in a different manner I would like.

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Wooh. This is so engaging. I have been playing games on my MacOs computer. I have steam on my computer but can't login. As soon as I find a way around that i will smack some adventures games. Nice one here.

Thanks a lot bud!!

How come? Did you lose your password 😢😂...

Days gone is insanely fun to play.. Not even going to lie😂 I at first thought that I was hyping myself up for a game that won't be great but this is better!

Goodluck with steam.


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$PIZZA slices delivered:
@technicalside(3/5) tipped @mehmetfix
technicalside tipped tykee

I think the way you and I play these kinds of games are similar. 🤔
This is my first time reading your post and I liked it very much. The thing I love the most while playing gun games like this is actually constantly throwing bombs everywhere or burning something. I really like doing this, especially while driving. 😀

Hahahaha you can actually shoot while driving in this game... Not so sure if you can throw bombs while driving but you can atleast throw some bombs around😂 be careful the zombies will hear them no doubt 😂


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