That Actros V8! Now That Is Something!

in #hive-1020664 months ago


Well Hello There Fellow Technicians And Hivers!

The Actros V8!

Now let me start off by saying that I am hella happy that we've got this truck in! It's always nice to work on the big machinery for a change, the small stuff is getting a bit too tedious!

Also I never exactly knew what an Actros is! Yeah believe it or not and I am in the trade of it but not knowing isn't always the worst thing right? It makes room for improvement! It's always all about how you perceive things to be!

I'd have rather thought that an Actros was some sort of massive long nose truck, yeah I also don't know the right wording for those! Those trucks with the long noses that has something like a hood that can pop open?

Are you with me now? Ah well I suppose it doesn't really matter at all hey!


Immense Work!

I'll only be running through the biggest bulk of the work, the most important bit of work and that would be the differential! Boy oh boy these things are absolutely massive!

Too massive to handle around with the hands and almost too heavy for the jacks! So we decided on pulling in the big guns!

Truth be told I had a real stressful time refitting that differential back into the truck, here's the thing, sometimes you just have to stick your hands into places where you aren't really supposed to stick them in and that is real dangerous!

If the seal on the crane decided to give in it would have been a real big mess! Not to say that anyone would get injured but with the power that the heavy differential will hit the ground with.

Something will surely break!


The Inside First!

We had a whole bunch of other tasks to get done on the truck as well.

Things such as removing the hubs and washing them out, the reason for this was that we were going to fit new seals in the hubs and we really wanted to get all of the old grime and dirt out of there and mostly out of the bearings.

I washed all of the bearings and repacked them properly with grease!

Without a doubt that was the most fun part of the job, mainly because I had charge over that!


I've Got To Show The Candy!

Well there she is! The infamous differential!

She really is a fatty though right? A real fatty with a big tummy on the front end!

Don't start questioning what the screw driver is doing there because things would not make sense at all!
To give you a rough representation of how big the differential really is, take a look at the brown spot. If you can spot it, that brown blotch is my foot sticking out there.

Here's the thing I've already started lifting the differential into the air so my foot would look smaller to it in comparison than it really is!

Truth be told once we got it aligned and straight from there on things went pretty damn smooth, we didn't even struggle with the diff lock at all!



Take note this is not a how to guide, merely myself talking about the work I do and my thoughts around certain things.

To everyone who made it this far into my post Thank you for the read and the support.

If you found this entertaining or educational please consider a re-blog and up-vote.

Most of all please leave a input in the comments below, whether is good or bad critic I would like to know, whether its your opinion or your way of doing things in a different manner I would like.

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@theringmaster passed you the virtual joint!
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For real, handling that massive differential must have been quite the challenge, especially with the crane. It’s awesome to see such dedication and skill in action. Wishing you the very best !WEED

That's a serious differential. Looks like at least 130 kg piece of machinery. I hope those are steel toe boots you're wearing :D