The Making Of "DroeWors!"

in #hive-1688693 months ago

Well Hello Weekend Adventurers!

It's been some time since the hunt but things were a little hectic after that and as much as we regret freezing meat before working it in we had to.
But we finally got around to turning some of that meat into some mince meat and from there on into sausages!

Wors as we Afrikaaners like to say! Bietjie Boerewors daarso ja!

Anyways! It was certainly a very long procedure, could have been worse though, could have been worse!


Not The Wors You Think.

Okay so we didn't just make grilling sausages... actually it's not a sausage, well at-least not on the American standard.... I think? Correct me if I'm wrong... this is basically just mince stuffed inside gut.... yeah like the guts of a pig or sheep or something, pretty nasty but very well and delicious!

We also made "Droewors" we actually intended on making "Droewors" with most of it but things didn't work out that well for us! Or rather we got real lazy!

Well "Droewors" is... I can't exactly give the direct translation for it because that would be "Dry Sausage" yeah that doesn't sound right at all...


Similarity's Yes?

But also not really... It is similar in the terms of being dried out but there is a difference, we hang it up to dry and then in a week or so it's good to chow on.... We do this with thick pieces meat as well.. Almost like "Beef Jerky" but we pickle the meat in salt and vinegar and stuff like coriander, where as beef jerky is laid in sugar water or something and then dried in dryers.

At-least I think so, this is only knowledge I got from a Discovery channel show I watched years ago called "How It's Made!"
It was pretty damn cool! Perhaps someone can confirm that to be true?


What An Eventfull Day!

We were real busy till quite late at night, but we also started late... yeah we could have knocked ourselves for that one!

Anyhow, we got the job done and dusted with! We even chopped up some extra meat there for just plain minced meat. This is a variety of both "Blesbok" and the mince we took from a "Black WildeBeest" Now that is some real good meat!
Some folks aren't a fan really, but one thing that I am quite keen on trying is that Warthog meat! After all that is what the vikings ate... I think! xD xD xD



We Should Have Made A Fire!

Oh we just couldn't resist the temptations!

Let's just say by nightfall not one of us was in the mood for having a full plate of dinner... we just chowed the whole day, might be why we took so damn long to get the job done!

Laughs! At-least it was a great enjoyment of sorts and on top of that I did learn some new skills! For that I can not complain!


To everyone who made it this far into my post Thank you for the read and the support.

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