Hello Friends. I present to you all my drawing of the fascinating character from Splinterland, Queen Mycelia as my entry for this week's contest. I found the character to be unique and her story is one of the most interesting ones I've read so far which is why I decide to make this drawing /fan art of her. She was a noble woman who was pushed by greed and her desires to violently force her slaves to work hard and search for riches buried under the Earth and its mountains. This went on till the slaves unearthened a horror that poisoned their food and caused vines to block the doors and windows of their homes. The horror also corrupted the slaves and made their bodies turn into a host for parasitic fungus which killed them.
The noble woman then went to the mountains to find answers about the horror and then got consumed by Queen Mycelia who turned from a collection of fungus in loose physical form to the form of the noble woman. Queen Mycelia therefore corrupted every land she travelled on and claimed both the plants and the people as she moves in a fog. This is quite a scary tale and it was one reason why I got interested in this character.
The most challenging areas of the drawing were the detailing and drawing of the form which took quite some time. I created this drawing using both the scribble and hatching shading techniques. I hope you love it
Thanks for stopping by my post. Enjoy the rest of day♥️