in #hive-11060last year


While God created the rainy season and the dry season, and also adore it with beauty for our benefit, if I had to pick between the rainy season and the dry season, I think I would choose the rainy season and here is why.

While the rainy season and dry season have their advantages and importance, I believe I would go for the rainy season because, as we all know, crops need water to grow and blossom, without water plant would die, and people might actually die of hunger.With the aid of the rain, crops will grow well, which will assist to produce a large harvest.

Rain has a big impact on solving water constraint issues outside of agriculture. The rainy season helps to
improve hygienic conditions, industrial needs, and community health are all benefited by replenishing freshwater supplies. In locations without water may led to constraints, the regularity of the rainy season would be a welcome remedy.


Despite the fact that dry season has its own advantages, such as shining sun which helps to dry clothes, and the steady weather, it can also result in water shortage, sunburn, and drought. Contrarily, the rainy season helps to provide solace on a personal level. The cold and calming atmosphere of the rainy season can help to create a cool, earthy smell of the moist soil and the comfortable environment of home.
As they feel secure in its embrace, people are motivated to contemplate and be creative.

In terms of lifestyle, the rainy season can also be of benefit to lovers who want to have a romantic atmosphere. The rhythmic pitter-patter of rain can make vision go fuzzy and make lovers lose themselves in their dreamland. Lovers can actually get to play in the rain, rain can help serves as honeymoon vacation without having to travel outside to have fun


We know that the rainy season helps to generate water, and water is really good for the health. There was a day i was actually I'll, the doctor recommended that i take alot of water to help boost my health and beauty. Water has alot of health benefit such as, decreasing blood pressure, lubricating the joint, it helpes to boost the skin without using skincare product.

Although the dry season also has its pleasure , the rainy season is a tempting option for individuals seeking a year-round season of rebirth because of its ability to support agriculture, sustain life, handle water scarcity, and offer a special and comforting ambience.


Hello @teewhy120 you entry didn't meet the prompt rules, feel free to read the rules and make amendments.

Okay george thanks

This your last picture, now I understand why you would prefer the raining season🌚🌚
