Hi to all you zapficers and freewriters!
Welcome to Sunday and it is the end of another weekend and October for that matter!
I hope that you had a good one! Mine was relaxing, and that is the most important thing for me😁
This post is my entry for the 52nd ZapFic50Friday! To check out the rules and how to participate ✍️ then please read Yippeeeee! It's almost the weekend! It must be #ZapFic50Friday! Write me a story in precisely 50 words!
from @freewritehouse
The jist is that we need to write a story in exactly 50 words about a one word prompt. No more and no less!
The easiest way to check this is by putting your text into a wordcounter, and then you must take a screenshot and add it to the post as proof that your text is exactly the required 50 words for your story!
source Image by Tania Dimas from Pixabay modified by me in pixlr.com
Steve Jobs paced up and down nervously outside the office of his boss.
"Next, come in" boomed a loud voice from the office.
"What can I do for you Jobs?"
"ehm I need an advance on my salary please."
"Oh is that all? Sure you can, have a happy Halloween."
That was my story Salary advance needed
The prompt for the 52nd ZapFic50Friday is advance
This is my screenshot taken from wordcounter.net showing my story is the required 50 words.
Why not join in the fun? You have all weekend to participate.
In the meantime, I hope that you all enjoy your weekend people!