Happy talkin', talkin', happy talk today

in #hive-1028793 months ago

My happy happy talks and thoughts

This is an article written for the #julyinleo writing prompt series with today being Day 14....

Today's topic could quite aptly be described as a Happy Topic!

Catch the original announcement in this thread

day 14! Share what makes you happy in Emotions and Feelings

Brilliant topic ... I think I am positive person thanks to things that have happened to me ...

I have been waiting for this prompt for a few days. Not writing but just mulling things over in my head.

First things first though, I love music and there is a song that popped into my head evenbefore I started thinking about things....

The lyrics are fluffing bang on!

Captain Sensible - Happy Talk

It starts off with this banging chorus ...

Happy talkin', talkin', happy talk
Talk about things you'd like to do"
You've got to have a dream
If you don't have a dream
How you gonna have a dream come true

Just read those lyrics, I just love them, it really is a catchy upbeat song....

Happy Talk is a show tune from the 1949 Rodgers and Hammerstein musical South Pacific

The laugh is Captain Sensible cofounded the punk band The Damned, so was a huge surprise hearing him release this. It is of course a cover of "Happy Talk" a show tune from the 1949 Rodgers and Hammerstein musical South Pacific

So yes for me music is massive in making me happy...

... but what I call catchy upbeat music I love.

Things like ska, 2 tone etc ...

Excuse my Bab Manners but check this out before we move on ... (I don't want this to be purely a musical post!)!

Bad Manners - Ne Ne Na Na Na Na Nu Nu

Their lead singer is called Buster Bloodvessel, awesome fun band and their music is such a pick up!

You know there is always someone somewhere who is worse off than you at any given time. So come on and put a smile on your face.


You know even though I love the band Bad Manners I love good manners. It is something I assumed people have, it was part of my upbringing.

I am shocked today with how little manners people of today have.

Mid your p's and q's we were told. p for please and q for thank you. I always say them, I always say sorry even when I am usually in the right!

But yeah I am shocked at today's kids and young people that don't do this!

But back to kindness, I call it RAOK Randon Acts of Kindess, holding the door open for people, helping little old ladies cross the street. They are all normal things to do, that are kind and put a smile on my face!

This brings me onto helping wildlife.

How cool is it, that we have a platform like Hive, where we can earn Hive and then go buy some food like this 👇

Then when you go feed the wildlife, damn that makes you feel good and happy too!

The little brown pellets in the water they are eating is the swan food I buy from Amazon with Hive money ...

The grey and white camouflaged swans are baby cygnets of you were wondering.

I am a feeder

I have inherited this from my father. Mrs T says I am a feeder. We used to have huge parties where I would cook and cook and cook as if Iwas feeding a fluffing army.

But you can never have too much food right?

Now though we don't entertain anything like on the scale that we used to, so my days or army cooking are behind me.

However Chef T does love to feed people, seeing someone with a contented smile on their face makes this cook well and truly happy!

Duck and orange salad anyone?

My god that was tasty!

Talking of tasty, something that has always made me happy is females.

I remember moving to a new school up north at the age of 15. I was from Edinburgh and the boys seem to resent me. The girls meanwhile were delightful and I sat beside them all in classes.

My grandmother would say my eyes lit up whenever I talked to girls.

Mrs T says I have a phone voice for females and indeed nothing gives me more pleasure than helping a damsel in disress!

As I said I am a positive person, you can find happiness when you look for it.

It does not have to be a big thing, but once you get into a state of mind to be positive and happy then boy oh boy life is more fun!

I could bore you to death with lots more things that make me happy.

I hope you enjoyed some of what makes me happy!

Thanks for visiting and have a great week ahead.

Sources and Reference documents

This article is an entry for this month's Inleo writing initiative #julyinleo

You can find all the details in this thread

Today's prompt is Day 14 | What makes you happy

All ramblings are from me, the mad Scotsman TengoLoTodo unless otherwise stated, note lead image is generated with AI on pixlr .com from a prompt by me.


Haste Ye Back!

@tengolotodo.leo July 14th 2024

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


By far my favorite song by Captain Sensible... What's not to like, it was a fantastic remake of the South Pacific song.

The duck and orange salad looks great! It must have tasted wonderful!

Yeah the salad was brilliant, especially as the duck breasts were about 80% they had to be sold that day hehe!

Yeah I remember it coming out and was damn,where did that come from!

How do you enjoy that much Peas?! You really love your vegetables. And happy happy happy… of course. Never forget to be happy. Someone always has it worse…

I like the tune. Sounds like a nursery rhyme but it’s very nice and positive

Yes the peas those were fresh and raw, I could have them instead of chocolate at times!
Happy ah yes, I guess should do a solemn post, eith a picture of a broken record...


I really smiled a lot reading your post 😄 Or your "ramblings" 🤭 I think music really makes him happy.

I really enjoy eating. That also makes me happy. So I would be part of the army 😅

As an animal lover, I think any person who is willing to take care of them, feed them and love them, is a happy and good person. Thank you for sharing 🤗

jeje yes I tend to ramble on alot!
Yes we had quite a few similar happy things on our posts.

I love feeding the birds and animals, it is relaxing and yes I talk to them too jeje

Thank you for your wonderful commets :)

Hello dear @tengolotodo.leo 🙋‍♀️

We thought it was great to know that part of you as a feeder. And that photo in the lake is beautifully done. I think feeding those birds in such an environment brings not only happiness but also peace and harmony. 🤍

We were very happy to read that you were captivated by today's proposal and were thinking about it for days. Thank you very much for expressing it since it encourages us to continue creating this kind of proposals for everyone every month. 🌞

Thank you for giving us such beautiful content today.

Thank you so much.

This really was a wonderful prompt, and I am having fun going through the other posts on the prompt.

Thanks for creating this prompt, and I look forward to the next one.

💃🎵 Ne ne na na na na nu nu nu 🎵💃 Tito Ed made me humming and dancing, lol! I see why music makes you happier😊

That salad looks yummy! Mrs T is blessed to have a feeder in her midst and so are the swans at the park :)

Yeah music, I like upbeat music I must admit hehe and glad Ne ne na na na na nu nu nu got you humming and dancing CJ hehe.

I must admit I relish being a feeder now 😀

This music Videos sounds very interesting, the beat is also aligning with the sounds. Sometimes i get to feel old music are the best lyrics makers.

The little brown pellets in the water they are eating is the swan food I buy from Amazon with Hive money

I love this, you spend money on feeding this lovely creatures.

Did that parrot just say 'alright', it means it featured in the music. Lols. I knew it was going to be old time from the setting. Nevertheless, words of wisdom has been exchanged through that chorus lyrics.