Retirement is scary! My first post to Silver Bloggers

in PhotoFeed2 years ago

Welcome Silver Bloggers. I'm in my mid 50's and have earned my Silver Hair (which means that me with my wife in the picture up top). I'm about a year away from the final 1/3rd of my life all going well. I guess I have to say that because my father and grandmother both died before the age of 60--I never know how long I have left!

As a way of introduction: My first third of my life was devoted to schooling. It started off pretty rough because we were poor, my mom moved from place to place doing her best to take care of us which means I moved from school to school. A Lot. But I did pretty good. I graduated top of my class in high school and deans list in University.

The next third of my life was playing husband, father, and Pharmacist. Lots of family outings and travel. Lots of memories both good and bad. Money saved and investments purchased. However, in about years time youngest son will graduate from High school and I'm wanting to retire.

** But retiring is scary! **


My brain tells me that it will all be ok.


  • There are funds in the bank
  • We have funds in investment portfolio
  • Social Security, Canada Pension Plan, Old Age Security benefits will all come
  • Our home is paid off and we have rental properties.


I think my heart plays tricks on me.

I get a big attack of the "What If's"


  • What if there is a stock market crash
  • What if my health fails or my wife's
  • What if hyperinflation hits
  • What if society collapses
  • What if global warming causes food shortages
  • What if social decay leads to ....

and the list just goes on and on

** THEN **

I need to contemplate how to find meaning and purpose.

When I was a student it was easy : Learn well and get good grades leading to a job

When I was an adult it was easy : Find a wife, work hard at my job and be the best Dad I could be.

** But what now**

I have one final chapter to write in my life and I want to make it the best it can be.

  • Where should I look to find purpose?
  • Where should I look to find friendship and community?
  • What do I want to achieve with the Wisdom, Finances, and Learning I've accumulated?
  • Will I have the energy and time to get it done?

Which leads me to:

What's the plan?


I count myself lucky to be a Christian.

That makes my decision for the future easier (and harder)

What's my answer? In light of the previous passage I think I would say it boils down to :

"Be the change you wish to see in the world"

(Quote attributed to Mahatma Ghandi but actually only paraphrased)

Regardless I want to try and Be the Change.

If I could do anything in this world I would want to

  • Save the environment
  • End poverty and Hunger
  • End conflict and strife

Now I certainly don't think I could do all that.

But this is what I will endeavor to do :

  • Lead a lifestyle that doesn't harm the environment and try to clean up what little I can.
  • Find ways to find those in need or charities helping others and support them.
  • Create a place where people can come that is peaceful and quiet--free from conflict and strife.

and while it doesn't really correlate to anything above I have two others goals for my retirement:

  1. Learn to be a blogger.

No good trying to be a light in the world if no-one sees it! So, as I work towards my Goals I'd like to share with others along the way. Hive seems to be an awesome place to do that.

  1. Learn to be a coder

I'd rather I never have to say "I'm retired" after I quiet my main job. Honestly I don't think I ever want to stop doing something productive. That may be maintaining a nature retreat in Rosswood, BC and hosting guests. It may be maintaining a nature retreat in Maddarulug, Philippines and again hosting guests. It may be being a travel blogger and bargain hunter as I wander the world with my wife.

However, I'd REALLY like to learn how to code. Ideally I want to make dApps for the Hive site. I see such potential in this blockchain and web3 in the future.

What better way to be a part of it than to write the apps that run on it!

Plus I don't think I could find a better work from home on my own time gig than being a coder!

To Sum it all up

Retirement is scary!

Leaving what I know and venturing into something new makes me cringe.

...but it's also exciting.

I get one final chapter in my life and I sure hope I can make it a good one.


Hi @terganftp, fancy bumping into you here, welcome to Silver Bloggers :)
I hope you enjoy our community and that you will join in some of our writing prompts.
Have a great Friday.

Welcome to the Silverbloggers Tergan!

Thanks for the welcome.

Happy to be here.

A buddy of mine who's bald told me gray is here to stay. I've since rocked silver like the boat Jonah took off on. = }

Welcome to Hive.