Hours On End

in #hive-1516624 days ago

“You should be doing something more productive instead of being on your phone for hours on end.” I can't count how many times my parents has said this particular sentence since I got a smartphone. Yes, I can be doing something more productive, it still doesn't stop me from having my phone in my hands for at least 10 hours of my day. There are four particular apps that I must open everyday, just because they fill me with dopamine.

Twitter (X)

If I was told last three years that X would be one of my most used apps and a favorite at that, I would have argued. Back then, I used to think Twitter was filled with people who just liked trading insults, without giving any meaningful opinion on stuff. Then, I got on Twitter and I realized that Twitter was filled with opportunities. There's the good side and the bad side of Twitter of course. But Twitter is funny, it's eye-opening, it keeps you current with it's steady stream of information. And for someone like me who’s always interested in knowing top trends and gist, Twitter is my go-to. I like being on the in of things, knowing almost all the gossip about celebrities and Twitter feeds me quite well. Sometimes, I find myself doing mindless scrolling and I feel guilty. I could have used all that time to read a school pdf or write an article or two. I still scroll anyway, haha.


I'm an addict of aesthetic pictures, quotes, poems and videos and Pinterest is just the app to go to for me. I see mood boards and pins and I could stay there for hours, downloading images that would sit in my gallery for times when I do not have data. I find myself reading and downloading images of poems and quotes about love and heartbreak. When a friend scrolled through my gallery once, he asked if I was heartbroken. I also discover new music, new food, new ways to dress up and new ways to tie scarves. I gulp all this beauty in pixels like a fish needing water.


Music, music, music. Most days, I can't do without music. Sometimes, I just want to hear a familiar tune or a melancholic tune, something that would keep me floating from the worries of this world for a little while. I can spend hours listening to music, while doing other things like chores or scrolling through Twitter, Pinterest and other apps. Some people might refer to my music taste as weird or not cool. I mean I really can't play my songs on a speaker. I wouldn't really say listening to music is a guilty pleasure. I find that it aids my creativity and makes me work faster. But then, maybe not being able to do chores faster or effectively without music makes it a guilty pleasure???


Now, this app is a must open every single day. There's no way I'm going a day without reading a page or two from my fictional novels. And yes, it's a guilty pleasure. Because I am constantly reminded to devote my attention to reading career articles and boring self-help books. Like, who wants to read about how to make your bed everyday? I would probably sleep off before I'm two pages in. They might be helpful and encouraging. But, I still gain life lessons and teachings from fictional books as well, which is what I try to remind people who keep saying fictional books are not intellectually enriching. And I guiltily indulge myself in reading romantic stories. If I cannot have sweet love in real life, then I must have it in my imaginations.

I could spend hours on end using these four apps, without getting tired. But while using them sometimes, I keep thinking that I should be doing something more productive and then, I start feeling guilty. The guilt becomes my constant companion even while I keep using them.

Image designed by me


Uh huh... you're my favourite post today and this is because you highlighted some two of my guilty pleasures. Music and books.

Those two activities are very essential to my day.😅😅
Thanks for reading.

If I was told last three years that X would be one of my most used apps and a favorite at that, I would have argued.

I have been on twitter since 2017 and never used it then, till when airdrops and opportunities started opening from twitter.

I also love Pintrest too, i get carried away looking at pintrest

Twitter is really helpful in getting jobs, earning money and making good connections. Pinterest is just a sweet darling app.😅
Thank you for reading.

I used to avoid X, too. Turned out to now be where I know what's going on. And people even get jobs there now. Pretty thumbnail. And note the right tag is #digi-prompts

If tou look in the right places on X, you could be getting good opportunities to set you up career-wise. Thank you.

I have fixed the tag already. Thank you for reading.

Twitter is one of the apps I've been trying hard not to fully get involved with because the trends are always topnotch. That's where you get to know what's popping and it's very hard to just view and leave without getting involved 😅

For real!
It's so hard not to get involved. You could just go on Twitter for one purpose. Before you know it, you are seeing one topic of interest and then you become stuck for hours.

Thank you for reading.

In high school, I created a Twitter account, thinking it was like a serious version of Facebook. I didn't find it appealing at the time, so I left it to gather dust. About a year and a half ago, I gave it another shot and finally got the hang of it. I wouldn't say I'm addicted to Twitter, but I enjoy the vibe there.

Yeah, Twitter is very interesting and has nice vibes 😊
Thank you for reading.