ā¦ In the hope of not making spoilers, this is a very personal general opinion, and also a very fangirl one :3 - Collage & Edition in FotoJet, photos by @Tesmoforia ā¦
šŖšø ~ Ayer fue "DĆa de Reyes" y hoy al despertar me encuentro con que a las 11:55 am la cuenta oficial en youtube de League of Legends estrena nueva cinemĆ”tica, y no cualquier cinemĆ”tica:
De hecho vi el anuncio esta madrugada y active las notificaciones, literalmente escribo esto a 3 minutos de estrenarse y me tiemblan las manos š ā š¦
Y vaya, empieza con nuestra merysue favorita, Mel Medarda:
šŗšø ~ Yesterday was "Three Kings Day" and today I wake up to find that at 11:55 am the official youtube account of League of Legends is releasing a new cinematic, and not just any cinematic:
I actually saw the announcement early this morning and turned on notifications, I literally type this 3 minutes before release and my hands are shaking š ā š¦
And wow, it starts with our favorite merysue, Mel Medarda:
ā¦ Will it or will it not be a preview of the next series? Or is it just a season opener? ā¦
ā¦ Screenshots made by me, and Gifs elaborated with iloveimg.com ā¦
Como fan del juego y especialmente de su lore-multi-cambiante donde la producciĆ³n nunca se ha puesto de acuerdo hasta hace muy poco sobre lo que es y no es canon en el universo de Runaterra, estoy mas que complacida: "League of Legends" no solo tiene web donde actualiza la historia "canĆ³nica" de cada regiĆ³n y sus personajes, tambiĆ©n cuenta con universos alternativos, libros, comics, eventos especiales y audio novelas.
As a fan of the game and especially of its lore multichanger, where production until recently has never agreed on what is and is not canon in the Runeterra universe, I am more than happy: "League of Legends" not only has a website that updates the "canonical" history of each region and its characters, it also has alternate universes, comic books, special events, and audio novels.
Pero nunca es suficiente. Siempre habĆan vacĆos en las historias, un hueco argumental. Aunque debo decirlo tambiĆ©n so pena de parecer fan mal agradecida, ha habido actualizaciones que no han superado a sus versiones anteriores a mi parecer, como por ejemplo la de "Monte TargĆ³n"), aĆŗn asĆ, es maravilloso ser fan de LOL hoy y poder ver hasta dĆ³nde ha llegado este universo, que por fin aparentemente veremos reconciliado a travĆ©s de estas nuevas series.
But it's never enough. There have always been gaps in the stories, a plot hole. Although I have to say, at the risk of sounding like an ungrateful fan, that there have been updates that, in my opinion, didn't surpass their previous versions, such as the one on "Mount Targon"),it is still wonderful to be a fan of LOL today and to see how far this universe has come, which we will finally see reconciled, it seems, by these new series.
Ah, ĀæY los diseƱos?, Āæla adaptaciĆ³n de la fisionomĆa, altura, rasgos y armas de los personajes?, en los splasharts originales hay muchas cosas desproporcionadas por motivos artĆsticos (y muchĆsimos personajes no humanos, gigantescos o muy pequeƱos), me asombra lo bien logrados que estan en "Arcane" y ahora en esta cinemĆ”tica, justo como dice mi buena amiga @Volimut:
Ah, and the designs, the adaptation of the physiognomy, height, features and weapons of the characters, in the original splasharts there are many things disproportionate for artistic reasons (and many non-human characters, gigantic or very small), I'm amazed how well they are achieved in "Arcane" and now in this cinematic, just as my good friend @Volimut says: "Fortiche knows how to improve on everything Riot has done.ā
"Fortiche sabe como mejorar todo lo que ha hecho Riot."
Si eres un fan, gamer, otaku o geek curioso y te gusta leer, de los que no se quedan con lo superficial, y sobre todo quieres conocer la biografĆa de los personas que se ven en este nuevo clip de LOL y tambiĆ©n los de "Arcane" DA CLICK AQUĆ y te aseguro que no te decepcionaras.
Desde esta esquina y aunque poco comento las series o videojuegos que sigo (ĀædeberĆa cambiar eso?), tengo grandes expectativas hacia el futuro porque en algĆŗn momento tendremos el arco de "Freljord" que es mi regiĆ³n favorita con mis champions favoritos.
SĆ© que llorare a mares cuando vea a Sejuani animada porque por muchos aƱos en mi momento mas activo en el fandom, escribĆ muchĆsimos rol interpretĆ”ndola (al menos diariamente por unos 3 aƱos) y tambiĆ©n escribi muchos fanfics.
If you are a curious fan, gamer, otaku or geek and you like to read, you don't want to stay with the superficial and above all you want to know the biography of the people seen in this new clip of LOL and also those of "Arcane" CLICK HERE and I assure you that you will not be disappointed.
From this corner, and although I rarely comment on the series or video games I follow (should I change that?), I have great expectations for the future because at some point we will have the "Freljord" arc, which is my favorite region with my favorite champions.
I know I will cry my eyes out when I see Sejuani animated, because for many years during my most active time in the fandom, I played her a lot (at least every day for about 3 years) and I also wrote a lot of fanfics.
āØ š All texts and images by @Tesmoforia š āØ
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