The beginning of the virtual and decentralized holistic Tesseract monastery.

in #hive-1100112 years ago


Welcome to the beginning of the virtual and decentralized holistic Tesseract monastery.

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Sound is vibrations that become audible. If our sense of hearing had a greater range and could perceive all frequencies with any intensity, we would hear the music of flowers and plants, of mountains and valleys, the song of heaven and stars, the same as the symphony of our own body. The knowledge of modern science confirms that everything that the mystics and sages of all cultures knew and have used for the harmonization, healing, and expansion of man's consciousness: All life in creation is sound. Man and his world have arisen from sounds and are maintained by them.

Sound therapy

Musical form: Any class of music, classical music, new age music, or sacred music, from both the Eastern and Western traditions, that has an uplifting effect and makes your heart dance along with life and creation, awakens the heart force of love in your heart chakra and has a vivifying and harmonizing effect on it, also in the sacred or meditative dances, which in their movements manifest the harmony and joy of creation.
Vowel: The heart chakra is assigned the vowel a. It is used in the bass clef of the scale. The a symbolizes the sudden discovery of the heart, just as it is manifested in our exclamation ah! It is the most open sound of all, which represents the maximum possible fullness in the manifestation of the human voice. In the a lies the unprejudiced acceptance of all events, acceptance from which love is born. It is also the vowel most often used by babies, whose intellect cannot distinguish between good and evil, when discussing their experiences.

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We are the beginning of what comes after.Somos el principio de lo que viene atras.

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Music for your soul.

We still have a lot of things to learn about blockchain. We read that Breath is a community for people who start their journey here, so we don't hesitate to share this first blog here, thank you very much for the space. We would like to learn more about various communities where we are recommended to share our posts that are always holistic, evolutionary and even fun at times, as well as more about the hashtags (#) that we can use in our posts, blessings and a hug from a distance .

Aun tenemos muchísimas cosas que aprender sobre blockchain. Leímos que aliento es una comunidad para la gente que inicia su viaje por acá, así que no dudamos en compartir este primer blog aquí, muchas gracias por el espacio. Quisiéramos aprender más sobre diversas comunidades donde nos recomienden compartir nuestras publicaciones siempre holísticas, evolutivas e incluso llegarán a ser divertidas en ocasiones, así como más sobre las etiquetas (#) que podemos llegar a usar en nuestras publicaciones, bendiciones y un abrazo a la distancia.