"Georgie" the Honeybunch

in #hive-196708last year
Let me introduce this snowy furball, "Georgie" the Honeybunch". He is one month old and became a family member of ours exactly one week ago. Despite the obvious differences and circumstances of birth, he considers me his mother and dozes off to my warmth. The joy and contentment that he has brought with his arrival are truly amazing. The wounds sustained by animal attacks before he came to us, are now healing. And he is as perfect as ever, and loved to his heart's content...

Before Georgie, I've only had one kitten as my pet, whose untimely demise by a sudden illness made us grieve for him for years. The thought of adopting another kitten was painful with those sad memories, but having Georgie curl up in my lap and hearing him gently purr, drives away all that pain and brings me hope.

Georgie still cannot drink milk on his own, so we have to feed him, which is an extremely sweet task that we love to perform. Although he has a bed of his own, he still prefers to sleep with us. My eight years old nephew is his favourite playmate, with whom he rides toy cars and plays hide and seek.

Having a kitten as your pet is not so different to have your own child. They expect the same amount of love and caring, and they do not disappoint us with the joy they bring in return. I feel blessed to have Georgie in my life, and hope that he feels the same too.

Yes, it takes a lot of work, and time, and love to bring up your own pet. But the peace, serenity and bliss they bring with them, will justify all of your labors, I promise...