My First Wednesday Walk... I Just Realized They Outlawed My Entire Childhood!

in #hive-1555302 years ago

I'm really taking this diet and exercise thing serious this time 🤣 It's finally starting to warm up a little in Buffalo NY and I thought now would be a good time to start doing #WednesdayWalk posts. So, hopefully this will be the first of many Wednesday Walks posts.

There are a ton of interesting places to walk around in Buffalo NY. For my first walk I selected a park along the Niagara River in Tonawanda NY. This place is about a 20 minute bicycle ride from my house and when I was growing up (teenage years) I just about lived in this park. As I walked, I came to the realization that my entire childhood is now illegal! I'm about to share some of the best memories of my life with you, and they're all illegal now!

Today I drove in my car but the walk down the bike path really was a trip down memory lane.

This was the first thing I discovered on my walk.

Image 1: This is cute in a weird way. Never seen an art installation along this bike path. I have no idea who made this, just thought it was interesting so I snapped a picture.

The path I walked along in Niawanda Park, Tonawanda NY

Image 2: As you can see in the above image it was a really dark dreary day! A steady stream of damp mist filled the air. Nothing to bad, the fresh cold air felt invigorating. This park goes for several miles along the coastline. It was around 50°, cold enough to need a jacket, but comfortable enough to enjoy the walk. This river empties into Niagara Falls.

My thoughts turned to nostalgia as I thought about this park in my youth and how much time has changed. In the late 80s and early 90s on any warm summer day this park was almost standing room only for as far as the eye could see. Thousands of people filled this park under the warm summer sun. If it was a holiday, or the weekend, forget about it. It was quite the spectacle! People would also dive in and out of the water along the shore. That's been outlawed. NO SWIMMING!


Image 3: This park road used to run along the shore for several miles. They didn't have all these parking spaces back then. Back in the day muscle cars and motorcycles would line both sides of the road parked side by side on the grass. Cars filled with all kinds of people both young and old would cruise up and down the park road checking out all the Mustangs, Chevelle's, El Camino's (I had a Mopar orange El Camino back then), Camaro's and motorcycles. You could drink alcohol in the park back then and kegs of beer filled several car trunks as everyone partied throwing frisbees and hacky sack circles formed. 🤣 Every car had their trunk open and blasted 97 Rock radio station. It was almost like a concert!

It was a one way road back then, so you'd start at the far end of the park and slowly make your way at about 3 miles per hour until you reached where that yellow awning is on the left side, at the end of the row of houses on the left. You then cruised up that street at about 10 miles per hour on a good day, until you reached the park entrance a few miles down the road. Then did it all over again! Each round trip took at least an hour if you didn't stop to talk to friends or family. It might sound boring to the uninitiated, but it was great fun. Like one massive outdoor party!

People hung out the backs of pickup trucks and car windows talking to passersby on the street or on the park road who were walking by. You'd find a clique of people you knew with a keg of beer and stop for a beer or two or three. It was also a great way to meet girls. It really was great fun.

I have to ask myself if maybe democracy failed here. It's supposed to be majority rules. Obviously some asshat politician seen thousands of people having fun and decided something must be done. So throughout the 90's they did everything they could to tame the park. The first thing they did was put an end to the cruising. They separated the park and made sure you couldn't cruise the distance. They put an end to kegs with a no keg policy. They put these parking spots in and stopped parking on the lawn.

Now instead of several thousand people showing up on any given weekend, it's several hundred. Many of the businesses along the side road closed too because of the lower attendance. The side road was all ice cream stands, bars, and restaurants. It's a completely different vibe now too. Ironically, the only thing you couldn't do back then was smoke pot. The local cops had undercovers all over the place just looking for pot smokers 🤣 Well, at least one things changed for the better. Don't have to worry about that anymore!

I think it's ironic that we pass these laws for the greater good, but the park attendance went from several thousand people to several hundred. Obviously, the majority of the people preferred it the other way, or there would be more people in the park now than then. Sad really. I call them the "fun stoppers" putting an end to a good time near you! We have to stop allowing them to tame us!

We went from anarchy in the park, to a sign telling people how to walk and ride their bicycle.

Image 4: Looking at this sign, we have to come to the conclusion that bitcoin and cryptocurrency may be to complicated for some people. Still, another sign of the times. Pun fully intended! Like we really needed a sign for that! I wonder how much tax money it costed? Sorry, Now I'm just getting grumpy 🙃

I lived on this bridge in my early teens!

Image 5: This was the end of the path back in my day. It now goes for several miles connecting to yet another park in the next town. When we were kids, early teens, we would ride our bicycles to this train bridge and swim here all day long. We'd actually climb to the top and jump off. 🤣 Friends would stop by in boats and we'd boat around the river for awhile then return back here. This is the mouth of the Erie Canal. It was a big thing back in the day. There were always at least 30 or 40 kids hanging out at the train bridge.

There was an older kid we called animal. I never knew his real name. He would climb to the top like a monkey, then climb to the top of that tripod looking thing at the very peak at the center of the top girder. It was in much better shape back then, less rust. Everyone would be chanting, "animal, Animal, ANIMAL!" louder and louder as he climbed. He would then do a flip in the air off the very peak and dive into the water. The guy probably could have tried out for the Olympic diving team!

Yup, you guessed it. Anyone caught on the train bridge now gets arrested! Sure occasionally people got hurt, but these were good freakin times! Sad to see future generations deprived of such fun 🤣

Where these houses now stand. used to be our vacant field. The picture below was taken directly opposite the train bridge.

They just started building these when we were kids.

When they started building the houses for the rich people, we all knew the party was over. It didn't take long before they ended everyone hanging out by the train bridge. My understanding is anyone caught on the train bridge is arrested and charged with trespassing. IDK, the libertarian in me, says, there should be a sign that says, "Swim at your own risk".

Some birds hanging out along the shore on some driftwood.

Another thing we used to do was take car inner tubes, fill them with air and float down the river on them. Sometimes we'd get a huge group of people and tie them together and fill the center inner tube with beer! We'd stick the inner tubes in the water just outside the city of Buffalo, then get out at the train bridge. Which was at least 5 miles away. Yup, that's illegal now also. The coast guard will actually arrest you for floating down the river in an inner tube.

It's funny, I enjoyed this post so much. The nostalgia I felt as I snapped these pictures and remembered people I hadn't thought of in at least 30 years. I'm really saddened to actually realize these bastards have outlawed my entire childhood. And we wonder why these kids coming up don't go out and stare at their mobile phones all day! These were such good times, it's a shame future generations will be deprived of these experiences.

Sure, some of these things might have been a little dangerous. But that's part of growing up. We live, we learn, we make mistakes. In between all that, we enjoy life to the fullest. I'm really grateful for the childhood I had growing up. On top of that, I can't help but think that this is the "freedom" true freedom, that we're slowly letting go one petty law at a time. Just sayin...

Well, this post is long enough. Now I'm actually a little depressed. Thanks for taking this trip down memory lane with me on this Wednesday Walk!

I'm curious now, if you're older (above 40), are there things you were allowed to do growing up that are illegal now? What were they and how do you feel about that?


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I expect a lot of new rules/laws are to avoid getting sued. How many people died or got injured swimming there? I know the US suffers from over-eager lawyers. That may be why the cruising got banned too. So maybe blame the lawyers rather than the officials.


How many people died or got injured swimming there?

Sorry meant to answer this. Believe it or not. Not many. Probably once every four or five years somebody got pretty seriously injured on the train bridge. You would have thought more considering how popular it was. The water current is pretty strong in that part of the river though, I think more people drowned then get injured. That's usually boaters though.

That's a good point. I blame both though. The officials should have passed laws that stopped "stupid" people from suing people for the stupid stuff they do! You are 100% correct though. Litigation is a nightmare in this country. You really don't know what you can or can't get sued for these days. Same goes for the city, someone falls down in the park, hit's there head on a rock and the city gets sued. With all the senseless laws they passed, maybe they should come up with ways to stop "stupid lawsuits". It really is a nightmare.

I think I'm out of Pizza today, and not sure about beer, so have some...


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Is it a coincidence that a lot of politicians are lawyers? The local authorities can't do much to prevent lawsuits, but they would be the ones getting hit, so they act defensively. I don't know what the solution is.

I may have !BEER, let's see.

Hello dear friend @the-bitcoin-dood good afternoon
It's good that you're taking walks seriously, I should follow your example, it's been a while since I walked even a hundred meters

What you say is very true, the same thing happened here too, we can't do many things that we did as a child.

We loved coming to the beach during siesta time hidden from our parents, and so that they wouldn't notice, we didn't swim naked in the river. Today that cannot be done, if they do not see children swimming naked they are detained

I wish you much success in your walks, that you enjoy it a lot

Thank you so much! This is the first walk I've taken some time. I really enjoyed it. I'm going to try and commit to doing it weekly now.

We loved coming to the beach during siesta time hidden from our parents.

It really was all about getting away from the adults back then. We'd find the strangest places to hang out back then.

Hope you consider joining us on some Wednesday Walks! Cheers!

Welcome to the Wednesday Walk, walking is my favorite and for years had been my only form of exercise :)

That first decoration is kind of cool kind of creepy LOL
I find around 50 is a nice temp for walking, I like it as a jacket is needed and I with carrying my camera gear like a jacket on photo walks so I can slip things into my pockets

Times sure have changed, yes I am older, well over 40 and so much has changed, some for good logic, but many as you say its like the new laws have bene invented by people who just don't like the idea of people having fun.
I havent lived back in NZ where i grew up for decades so I don't know how much it has changed from when I was growing up there but no doubt it is a lot,.

What does come to mind when you mention signs is back when I was a teenager in the 70s, there was hardly any signs saying what we couldn't do now they are every where you look.
The only signs were street name signs speed limit signs, and impromptu signs put up when people organized a beach or river side party telling people where it was, for sure that wouldnt be allowed these days

Thanks for joining Wednesday Walk :), I truly enjoy exploring the world virtually each Wednesday seeing walks from all around the globe and feeling I am there and experiencing it all myself, such as I did in your post just now :)

That first decoration is kind of cool kind of creepy LOL

IKR, thought the exact same thing. 🤣

Times sure have changed, yes I am older, well over 40 and so much has changed, some for good logic, but many as you say its like the new laws have bene invented by people who just don't like the idea of people having fun.

The fun stoppers are everywhere now!

What does come to mind when you mention signs is back when I was a teenager in the 70s, there was hardly any signs saying what we couldn't do now they are every where you look.

It's pretty wild, and each sign kind of represents a freedom we no longer have. It's bizarre really! These are really strange times we're living in. I'm in my fifties now and remember the very end of the 1970s. Another great era to grow up in for sure. Consider yourself lucky!

Thanks for joining Wednesday Walk :), I truly enjoy exploring the world virtually each Wednesday seeing walks from all around the globe and feeling I am there and experiencing it all myself, such as I did in your post just now :)

Thanks for reading and commenting. I'm looking forward to participating as well. Wish I would have started sooner!


Glad to have you join, just remember the rules, and there is only one the rest are guidelines and that rule is have fun, it snot banned yet :)

I haven't been back to Germany where I grew up and lived the first 28 years of my life but I'm sure at least some of the things you mentioned happened there, too. Even when I was still living there I noticed how things had changed. Places that I would go to as a child, meadows, woods, and little rivulets (where I broke my arm because I couldn't jump over it - LOL) - have changed so much and a lot of them have vanished to build houses on them. You are right that kids these days just don't get to play outside as much as we did. Funny thing is - that's exactly what my (10 years older) siblings accused me of i.e. they played outside even more than I did - LOL.

Don't even get me started on signs here in the US, they're ridiculous. I always joke with hubby about the myriad of unnecessary stop signs everywhere that the city must have won them in the lottery they got so many

Yes, there are things that have been made illegal that I used to do. I'm originally from Milwaukee, Wisconsin, and we used to have Hwy 100 that everyone would cruise up and down on Friday and Saturday nights. Young and old participated, it was fun to see all the cars and everyone you would see from around the area that you would see each weekend. Shortly after I moved away, they made it illegal to drive either way more than three times in a given time (I forgot what time that was).

I'm sure some people got in trouble there, but for the most part it was just good clean fun. Back then there weren't as many kids getting into trouble drinking, smoking, or whatever. Yes, there were some, but for the most part we were just looking for good clean fun.

I don't know if it was the businesses that complained (yes, we would hang out in some of the parking lots, like McDonald's and the like) but we always purchased something while there. We felt it only fair to do that. And we were respectful.

When you can't hang out in the open anymore, you're going to get in trouble. And I wonder how the businesses did after everyone left and had to find somewhere else to hang out.

For you, it may have been those who lived there who complained. Can you imagine trying to get home in traffic like that? or leaving home?

I'm originally from Milwaukee, Wisconsin, and we used to have Hwy 100 that everyone would cruise up and down on Friday and Saturday nights.

Cruise nights are awesome. This must have been a blast!

Shortly after I moved away, they made it illegal to drive either way more than three times in a given time (I forgot what time that was).

This had to be a nightmare to enforce!

When you can't hang out in the open anymore, you're going to get in trouble. And I wonder how the businesses did after everyone left and had to find somewhere else to hang out.

I'm sure the businesses felt the pinch. I know a lot of the businesses that used to be by the park, closed shortly after the crowds started coming.

For you, it may have been those who lived there who complained. Can you imagine trying to get home in traffic like that? or leaving home?

I think some of the people complained, but this was something that had been happening for decades. It just kept growing and growing though 🤣 I always wanted a house on that street just for that reason. Seemed like a cool place to live. But, yes, I'm sure some people weren't happy about it.