Redefining Gender Roles: Moving Beyond Financial and Physical Expectations in Modern Relationships Lifestyle.

in #hive-17768213 hours ago

So there is this talk about the feminine gender going on, which I saw online today, and I would have shared a picture of the post or probably a link, but I had no intentions of writing about this, and when I was going back there to check for the link or the picture, I couldn't find it anymore. But the bottom point of this post was about whether the female gender is valuable if the aspect of intercourse is excluded from a man's life. So I decided to read through and check some of the comments that some people dropped there, and I could see a lot of guys giving kudos to the person that posted this, and I thought within myself, is this person saying the right thing or not?

So I thought we didn't myself, and I think about things that have been going around, especially for the use of this current time and the ladies in this century. Actually, I'm not a feminist, but sometimes we do need to do some talking about this and make everyone learn from it. Many ladies in this generation are now becoming liabilities to themselves and even to their partners, but I know we are all not the same. Even for guys, there are some guys who are liable to ladies, so the same thing is applicable to ladies also.

But do you know that these kinds of attitudes are initiated by a lot of guys who are not capable enough of what they are doing? And you see some guys who are not financially buoyant, and they see a lady that they like, and the guy will never think within his head if he will be able to cope first with the lady, and you just end up seeing the guy spending recklessly for the lady, and then it becomes something that the lady is used to, so imagine going to another person like a guy to have an affair with. How would you expect the next person to cope with these spending attributes that you have instilled in the lady's lifestyle.

Most of the issues we have today about ladies are things we cause as guys, and these are things that most of the ladies do not value in any relationship that asks their guy for money, and they see every guy as someone who can take care of them and spend for them in every aspect. There is also something that the ladies do say, which is that whenever they have their money with them, whether they are a guy and this are things that most of the ladies do not value any relationship that asking their guy for money and they see every guy as someone who can take care of them and spend for them in every aspect and there is also something which the lady to say which is whenever they have their money with them either a working class lady or the none working class, they believe they own their money, but for the guys they believe whatever they earn should be spent on them.

In this current period and dispensation, we are in a situation where life is treating everyone differently, and this is the time we both, guys and ladies, men and women, are to come to the reality that. Everything in life does not really revolve around just having intercourse in a relationship, but what both parties have to offer themselves. A guy needs a lady who can motivate him in times of trouble and downtime, as a lady needs, and it is not just meant to be a one-sided thing. So I believe to make things balanced, it really depends on both genders to make it work, and we all need to start seeing ourselves as help to want another and not just a parasite.