Orcanorc's Magical Journey - A Skyrim Tale - Part Four

in #hive-1402173 months ago

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Reachcliff Cave is feeling restless

"Better head on in now, Orcanorc so we can get Reachcliff cave cleared out" announced Eola as they head inside the cave.

Draugr were present and not far in either. Dual flame casting managed to work down the Restless Draugr before a final blow with the steel warhammer took it out for good, with just the archer left to slam into with fire and one handed axe destruction.

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"This is turning out to be a good first place to gain some loot and experience, good to have your help on this one while I work to get stronger, Eola" Orcanorc said as they kept slaying the Draugr roaming this cave.

Tighter spaces or corridors would make it hard to use magic at times, so Eola wouldn't be getting so hurt from the fights but she was very strong and this would make it easier to win each fight they got in.

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"Argh watch it" said Orcanorc as he got startled around a corner, by a Restless Draugr that started blasting him with ice magic.

The return blows to take it out was swift and ensured only a small bit of health would be lost. The strength of this two handed warhammer saw quick amounts of massive damage dealt in the blows, with a final finishing blow straight to the chest, a glorious blow it was indeed.

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"Finally we are at the main chamber, Orcanorc and we must clear it out for this is where the feast will be happening" Eola explained as they opened the door.

There was a couple of Draugr to the sides of the giant table which were no hassle, it was the Draugr Overlord that was of real concern here because even with dual flames blasting it for some time, it had two thirds its health left still and packed a mighty blow with that sword it was wielding.

With the help of Eola who was almost defeated and needed Orcanorc to deliver the final blow to the overlord.. they had cleared Reachcliff Cave and the next step was required.

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"So now this place has been cleared of these Draugr things and is safe to occupy, what exactly is the next step in this plan of yours, Eola?"

"Simple, help and convince Verulus to follow you here and that is when this quest I have you on, can end."

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The main loot from the chest that was being guarded here, was the Welkynd Stone to completely restore all magicka and something which would be very handy in a big fight, something that could save his backside from a loss.

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After traveling back to the Hall of the Dead and speaking with Brother Verulus to come with him, he found some convincing was required.. this took a sum of 74 gold septims in order to convince him, but regardless, he followed Orcanorc to Reachcliff Cave.

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Inside the main hall Eola had gathered some companions to join them on this feast they were about to have. She convinced Brother Verulus to go take a nap due to him being so tired right now, so he did exactly that!

"Okay Orcanorc now you must finish this one and then we can all feast" Eola said before Orcanorc kill Verulus, prompting him to enjoy the first taste of the flesh and become one with this group of cannibalistic people.

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Due to his loyalty and commitment to helping rid this world of Verulus and for enjoying the taste of his flesh, Orcanorc was granted the Ring of Namira as a quest completion reward.

Wearing this would be handy to gain valuable health and health regeneration after or during a battle and the bonus stamina increase, would surely help when using melee weapons or a bow and arrow.

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They both sat down at the table as the group got to chatting about recent accomplishments, among the success witnessed here today, plus it was a chance for Orcanorc to take some time to rest up and get to know the group and what they all enjoy, beside the taste of flesh.

This was Orcanorc's Magical Journey - A Skyrim Tale - Part Four

Stay tuned for more adventures and tales of Orcanorc's journey through the lands of Skyrim.

You can find Orcanorc's Magical Journey - A Skyrim Tale - Part Three here

All screenshots taken are from my playthrough of Skyrim Special Edition with mods.

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