The ecosystem of the sea is a fragile one with many differing species calling it home. Take our clownfish friend and their bestest buddy the sea anemone.
On the surface they wouldn't look like they're the best of friends but they are indeed. A mutual relationship of love and respect some might go so far to say.
You see the anemones are flowing like they usual do in the depths of the ocean. That is until one day a clownfish, let's call her Joanne passes by. The anemone sees the beautiful colors and smile emanating from this one and wants to know more about her.
She obliges and swims nearby. So close in fact that she grazes along the side of the anemone and rubs off some much needed nutrients in fact. Soon enough they get to know each other.
Long talks on the phone, sleepovers and tons of texting. These sea creatures aren't out of the loop as some might think. No, no they're connected.
The clownfish also provides protection for this sea plant. In return, they provide Joanne a nice place to rest and I've heard they give wonderful massages. These are a big perk after a long day swimming around in the sea.
There's nothing better than discovering a new friend. All you have to do is keep an eye out.
The rules are simple. Write for five minutes uninterrupted. If you're interested you can read all the details, I look forward to reading what you come up with in a simple 5 minutes. Have fun!
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