Flatulence is Normal Across Species but They are Say A Lot About Your Health

in #hive-1963873 months ago

Any Animal with a rare end farts and we humans are not an exceptions. From Cats, Snakes, and even fish, animals fart or release gases from their body for different purposes. Coral Snakes fart as a defense mechanism, Herrings which are a type of forage fish fart to communicate, and some animals like the West Indian Manatee would fart so as to regulate their buoyancy in water. When your friend tells you that your fart is about to send them to their graves, tell them you are not a beaded Lacewing that farts to paralyze and kill termites.

In animals, flatulence is normal. It can be as a result of swallowed air that is trapped, or as a byproduct from microbes that digest food in the stomach. In human, when complex carbohydrate gets into the colon, they are broken down by billions of microbes that create gas as they break down the carbohydrate. A healthy human should fart up to 1 liter of gas daily on average and so humans would be releasing up to 7 billion litter of gas daily combined.


The compound in gas that makes it stink doesn't make up to 1% of the fart volume itself. Fart is made up majorly of carbon dioxide, hydrogen, and methane majorly, and they are flammable gases, a quarter of it is made up of oxygen and nitrogen, the less than 1% compounds are made up of sulfur containing compounds that gives the rotten egg smell. If i were to break down the gasses in fart according to percentage, then it is made of 59% Nitrogen, 21% hydrogen, 9% carbon dioxide, 7% methane, and 4% oxygen.

In case you see a person who fart is very smelly then advise them to visit the hospital as it can be a sign of toxicity or a disease but when that friend of yours tell you that your fart is about to send them to the ICU, let them know that there isn't much compound in fart to cause any type of damage to humans. According to a scientific experiment, farts also contain a few microorganisms.

Talking about farting and health, a person with a bleeding ulcer can release flatus and foul smell stool. That rotten egg smell from fart can be as a result of excessive hydrogen sulfide might be as a result of a damaged gut lining, or inflammatory bowel disease, and in severe cases colon cancer.


Coming to noise from farts, people can find them funny as well as find them gross basically because of the smell and the funny or strange sound. When it comes to laughing after a person farts, a lot of thoughts have been shared including that laughing makes the person who fart a little comfortable and less embarrased about the occurrence. Another one is the Incongruity theory that says that people laugh at unexpected things and farting is one of those unexpected things.

Flatulence is a universal and natural phenomenon shared by many species, and while it can sometimes be a source of humor or embarrassment, understanding the science behind it highlights its normalcy and even its necessity for digestive health. Since we all do it, it is good that we have a good knowledge of the act we partake in daily. Whether used as a defense mechanism, a means of communication, or a byproduct of digestion, farts play various roles in the animal kingdom. In humans, they are a sign of a functioning digestive system and usually harmless, though they can occasionally indicate underlying health issues. Fart more, because you need it to live comfortably.




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Forreal though, Mantak Chia stresses the importance of releasing gas. It's lame it's a shame. Let it flow, be flow. I love my friends that have no problem letting some gas go.

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