Thoughtful Daily Post Curation Compilation #26

in #hive-10928812 days ago

By conveying our deeper thoughts on Hive, we can uplift and support each other across the blockchain. This week we had some wonderful authors visit to share their life reflections, wisdom, and snapshots of their experience on this rock with us.

No matter if they have responded to our weekly prompt, or posted on their own topics, we wanted to take a moment to celebrate thoughtfulness on chain! We hope you will consider taking the time to check their writing out and support their work! You may even make a new friend. ✌️

Today in thoughtfulness....jpg

Baby-Proofing Our Past by @honeydue

When I talk with people older than myself about parenting and trauma, they point to the fact that their generation didn't have the tools to heal themselves. Back when my parents were kids, people didn't talk about transgenerational trauma, co dependency or toxic coping mechanisms. Now they do, and while it's healthy to do so, I do wonder if we're not talking about it overly much sometimes. With an increased focus on mental health (good), on figuring out where your parents went wrong and how that hurt you (also good), I've also noticed a growing number of women who say I'll only have kids when I'm sure not to pass down any of the trauma that was passed on to me. I know multiple women in this situation, with this mindset

#ThougfulDailyPost - Choose to Be Brave by @zekepickleman

Trying to hammer my schedule down and get back to daily posting and thoughfuldailypost is a great one to bring back! @Wesphilbin waves the @thoughtfulposts flag for us as the curation account that rewards them thoughtful posts. Please consider delegating if you are the thoughtful type and want to encourage people to share their positivity. Here are a couple that made me pause, ponder, and made the cut for thoughtfuldailypost. Now with added matched music fun

Blood is Thicker Than Water: Fact or Fiction? by @nhaji01

Blood they say is thicker than water and I totally agree with that. Family is very important in our lives as humans and thinking about it, our family is actually our first identity. No one chooses the family they are born into and so we must learn to accept our family and love them for who they are the same way they do for us. Once you’re born into this world, the first thing you’re identified by is your family. I’ve walked into places and I’ve been asked which family I’m from

Family: our blood bonds are really mandatory? by @gwajnberg

Banner created in canva   It is my first time posting at the ThroughFulDailyPost Community which is exciting. The topic today about "Blood thicker than water". The prompt helped me to understand a bit better this quote which isn't used in Brazil to relate to family bonds. But I totally understand since it makes sense. Scientifically speaking, blood is water plus lots of proteins, cells and other molecules, while water, at least filtered water, you can find only some minerals

Lightning, thunderheads and baseball: September 20 2024 by @jayna

Sometimes the sky brings us amazing, wondrous displays of color that take our breath away. This happened when we went to my son’s baseball game, with the sky threatening a storm that magically stayed on the horizon so the game could go on. For the record, my son is that dot of red in the center of the field. He is a left handed pitcher, and loves this elite role as he is always in demand, since right handed pitchers are more common and typically have fewer surprises to throw off the batters. Here, let me zoom in a bit

Sending that call is necessary by @repayme4568

Each and everyday I must make sure that I reached out to my brothers and sisters and get to know how they are doing, the deal is, If I do not, they will. Two days ago I was with friends and we were having some chat and playing Ludo game, then a call came in my phone, it was my turned to play the game, we were four players in numbers, but because I had to picked the call the game was halt. I answered the phone call right at the spot thinking she just wanted to say hi as we do on other days, but it wasn't so, that day was different, as she asked me more deep questions, like how l have been managing all these while coupling with the recent economic story at hand, if I used to have work and all the rest. Therefore, when I understood that the conversation might take long I get up from where I was, so that I wouldn't distract my friends, then told them to continue playing, because I didn't want to exit the fun from the game, because if they continue waiting for me, it automatically means they might get bored of waiting. So after the call I came into the place, and I was now watching as they played, after the end of the day, one of them stick around, others left to their houses because they came from a somehow far distance

It's all in the blood......TDP #13. by @beckyroyal

Ever wondered how you were able to bear with your annoyingly irritating siblings? Well think no further because it is all in the blood. There have been many times and cases in my family when I made silly decisions to turn my back on my family but those decisions never held water and every time a call for help reached my ears, I would always rise up to answer the clarion call...... like a faithful soldier. Those "silly" decisions long forgotten

Prompt #13 (Blood Is Thicker Than Water): Familial Love by @alyssum07

After I read the prompt 13: Blood is thicker than water, I began to wonder of the origin of this idiom until I discovered that it isn't the full phrase at all. Instead, it's a shortened version. The origin of the phrase is: blood of the covenant is thicker than water of the womb. Interesting enough, those two phrases have completely different meanings, and the modern phrase that we know today was completely diverged from the original, turning into an alternative meaning. In fact, they are completely opposite

Lucky even if unlucky by @intishar

It was a hot day, and all of a sudden the temperature increased a lot compared to last day, and the reason is still unknown to me as I didn't check the weather report. The weather is indeed hard to predict, and as now it's raining heavily and the environment is very cool. I was watching a drama online, and it has been stopped due to a power outage. I tried to use my mobile data, but somehow it's not working well. So right now I am in front of my room window and trying to feel the rain

Smile. by @balikis95

We never know if it is real or not. The only person who knows the realness is the person with the "Smile". As simple as the word is, it steals and kills which is opposite of what it truly stands for. I really don't know how some people do it. Smiling at someone they don't like or detest the person's actions or the person had hurt them

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That’s a wrap for this week! Thank you for checking out our curation compilation of thoughtful posts from the community. Want to help elevate the awesome on chain?

Delegations to @thoughtfulposts help to support the community, as well as giving back liquid Hive rewards in the process!


These are all lovely posts. Thanks for the highlight and features.