Reflection on Dreams and Reality; Life unexpected journey

in #hive-12615229 days ago

A couple of years ago, I had an unexpected encounter with an old friend at the bus stop. I was on my way to a nearby town to submit my CV for a potential job opportunity when I ran into her. It’s been almost a decade since we last saw each other in person, although we occasionally see each other’s posts on social media. Seeing her in real life, though, was a different experience entirely.

The last time we had a meaningful conversation was on our final day at Ilesa Grammar School, where we talked about our plans and what we hoped to become. Back then, she was in the science class and dreamed of becoming a doctor. I, on the other hand, was in the art class and had my sights set on becoming a lawyer. It’s funny how life rarely goes according to plan. She became a surveyor, and I ended up as a teacher.


As we boarded the bus and began our journey, she shared how life had not been kind to her. She talked about the struggles she faced in getting through school and the difficulties she encountered in finding a job after graduation. Her story resonated with me because I, too, have faced my share of challenges in trying to secure stable employment. I did apply for countless positions in government institutions, but nothing has ever come of it then. The only difference between our stories is that I managed to find a part-time job as a teacher in a private school. However, the pay is meagre, far less than what a graduate should earn, and there’s no job security or benefits like gratuity. It’s a job that feels unsecured and unsustainable in the long term.

As she spoke further, I could hear the frustration and weariness in her voice. She had worked so hard to get where she was, only to find that the opportunities she expected weren’t there. I could say her experience was a subtle reminder that life doesn’t always reward hard work and determination in the ways we hope. Sometimes, despite our best efforts, things don’t turn out as planned.

The long conversation made me think about my own life and the choices I’ve made. Like my friend, I had dreams and aspirations, but life took me in a different direction. I never imagined I would end up as a teacher, particularly struggling to make ends meet on a part-time salary. I always thought I would achieve more, but now I’m not so sure. Life has a way of humbling you, of making you realize that you’re not in as much control as you’d like to believe.

As we continued our journey, we talked about how difficult it is to stay optimistic in the face of so many challenges. It’s hard not to feel disheartened when you see others around you succeeding while you’re still struggling to find your footing. We both agreed that it’s important to keep pushing forward, even when the road is tough. But it’s also important to be realistic and to prepare for the possibility that things might not turn out the way you want them to.

When we finally reached our destination, we exchanged contact information and said our goodbyes. As I watched her walk away, I couldn’t help but feel a sense of melancholy. Our conversation had left me with a lot to think about. It reminded me that we are, in many ways, products of our environment, shaped by forces beyond our control. Sometimes, no matter how hard we try, we can’t rise above what life has in store for us. But that doesn’t mean we should stop trying does it?

In the end, I realized that life is unpredictable. We can’t always control what happens to us, but we can control how we respond. It’s important to keep moving forward, to keep striving for something better, even when the odds are against us. Because, in the end, it’s not about whether we achieve our dreams but about how we handle the journey.