A Cup of Coffee, a Scientific Event and a Cup of Tea

in #hive-1525248 months ago
Hello to all the members of the community, it is a privilege to be able to publish and leave you a singular experience that happened to me during the 29th and 30th of January. It is true that what I am going to tell you is very simple, but, for me, the most profound things are in the small details of life.

I accompany the above with another thesis of life that says that I love to have fun learning and when you love what you do, publications like these come out. Without further reason, here is my publication.

On Monday and Tuesday we held the II Workshop on the Coastal Vulnerability Index developed by our center, which aims to measure how much the sea level is rising, to deliver this information to the State management, to take measures to take care of the population.

This year there was international participation with the presence of a PhD student from the Geological Survey of Ireland, but who is a Spanish citizen.

So far so good, but what is new or novel?
It happens that for the first time in the six years that I have been in charge of the organization of scientific events, it had never happened to me that in a cafeteria that provided us with service there was no coffee as a morning or courtesy drink, and that happened when the director of the Petroleum Convention Center, where the event was held, told me that she did not have coffee for the two days, and even for the first day the coffee she had was very little.

When I spoke with my colleagues at the event and with my co-workers, the immediate solution appeared and we all decided to provide the steaming beverage that we like so much, but there was more than one proposal. I will now tell you what was proposed:

  • Some proposed that with the coffee collected we could give coffee on both days.
  • Others proposed to give coffee only one day, from what they had in the cafeteria and the other to start the day with a snack.
  • However, a 68 year old researcher made the following intervention (This is the essence that I make because I did not know that today I would make this publication): We always start our events and scientific workshops with coffee, that is not bad, but there are elderly people and others who do not drink coffee and do drink Tea and launched the initiative: A cup of Coffee one day and the other the Cup of Tea.

Similarly, and to make our start of the day more enjoyable, they proposed to address different elements about these beverages, in the cafeteria itself, before starting the work sessions. They were interesting moments, especially on the day when tea was toasted.

I recognize that many of the things raised about Tea I did not know. Many of these researchers have been in countries where this beverage is widely consumed and they gave us some information that I did not know. For example, that there are some types of tea that have as much caffeine or more than coffee itself, the importance of drinking it in the winter, they explained the amount of minerals it has and how they prevent the cells from oxidizing because they are antioxidants. They also told me to drink tea to lose weight and that instead of eating at night I should drink this delicious beverage.

After so much explanation we decided that our workshop would have two protagonists lifting spirits and spirits, so we decided that in the event one day we would give Coffee and the next we would give Tea and so we did.

I must say that the proposal was very well received and each of these beverages was offered. So our scientific event was between a cup of Coffee on Monday and a cup of Tea on Tuesday.

Note: I have used the translator DeepL Translate.
The photos are of my property taken with my Samsung J2.


It's lovely that you could form workplace habits that are inclusive to everyone's tastes. Tea has so many hidden joys, it is wonderful to hear that you are exploring the benefits of it. Switching off between coffee and tea each day is a wonderful chance to learn new things, as well as bond with your coworkers! 😁

That's right my dear @grindan. It is true that coffee is my favorite and I consume it much more, but Tea is very good and in my workplace the elderly also enjoy it very much.
Thank you for commenting. Have a nice day. Cheers and best regards.

It's great to see you, as always! Have a Coffee-Licious Day:)

Add a he-3.jpg

All images belong to millycf1976

Thank you very much.
I'm still glad you stopped by and read me. Have a great day with your loved ones and a cup of coffee. Cheers and greetings.

I loved how they decided on the drinks for the meeting, and that in addition to being just a time to relax, it also became informative.
I really like to drink tea

The good thing about this election is that it was vriteri of the majority and, at least, everyone was pleased, even if it was on one of the two days.
Thanks for commenting.
I like both drinks, but I prefer the Coffee. Happy day.
Cheers and best regards.