I am frankly surprised... not by the result of the elections, for me it was more than obvious that Trump would win (although I do not agree with him), but by how shocked many of my neighbors and friends seem to be with respect to this result...
But what the hell did they expect? Did they really believe that after how badly things have been managed from the White House there was any hope of victory by the Democratic Party?
Honestly, my response to their surprise regarding these elections is always, "Imagine how bad the Democratic Party is for Trump to win these elections so easily."
I still have some colleagues who try to find an explanation arguing that all this is because of Social Networks... in the sense that Republicans seem to dominate this area more than Democrats, which is not true at all.
In my opinion, both parties have used social media in a populist and manipulative way...it's just that, perhaps, the Democratic Party tends to fail more with respect to the promises they make.
Surrounding themselves with "good-sounding" words and do-good speeches has not helped them this time...simply because people are not as stupid as they seem to believe they are...
Normally, most "Good Intentions" do not come to fruition.
I remember the typical phrase my father used to say to me when I tried to justify my naive and irresponsible behavior when something went wrong:
"Everything is fine, son, the only thing I want you to keep in mind is that the cemeteries are overflowing with people with "good intentions"...referring to all the people who had died for some "noble" but also stupid cause (LoL).
Most of the time one thing is "the wish" and another very different thing is "the viability" of that wish becoming reality...People like to be told about nice projects, common solutions, the happy world, the end of hunger and widespread solidarity...but when they realize that reality is more complex and that there are many interests in the people who pronounce those nice words, then, the disappointment becomes generalized and what happens is...the opposite reaction.
The truth is that Trump has won "widely" and, unless you think that everyone is an idiot, this is enough remarkable not to be surprised yourself about it and embrace the idea that current politicians are the worst there have been in decades...especially in Europe :-).
For me, Trump's victory was inevitable and rational, everything else, that is, Kamala's victory, was a fantasy.