What does the forest hide from us? Or not, not so. What we don't see, although no one is hiding it from us. The world around us is amazing. And very beautiful. Even on a cloudy winter day, you can find bright colors. But for this you have to want to see a miracle.
The most ordinary green tump in the forest. Well, what could be interesting here? Some branches and last year's leaves... But we look closer... closer... closer... Oh, when I say that, I feel like a Doctor Lecturer from the Silence of the Lambs 😂
Even closer...
And suddenly we start not just looking, but seeing. We are beginning to see a surprisingly bright and beautiful world that is not hidden somewhere on a distant planet, but is right here at our feet.
It's really a miracle. Our planet is so beautiful! Nature is a real creator and artist. It is ready to reveal to us all its secrets, just show a little curiosity!