(ESP-ENG) Joyas del Super Nintendo, Top Gear - Super Nintendo jewelry, Top Gear

in #hive-1402173 months ago

Hola querida comunidad amante de los videojuegos, siguiendo con esta entrega de joyas del Super Nintendo, quiero compartir este juegazo de carreras, Top Gear. Recuerdo muy bien que este fue mi segundo juego de la consola SNES y fue una grata sorpresa ver que junto al juego venia un segundo control para mi consola, lo cual fue muy apropiado para disfrutar este competitivo juego.

Hello dear video game loving community, continuing with this delivery of Super Nintendo gems, I want to share this great racing game, Top Gear. I remember very well that this was my second game on the SNES console and it was a pleasant surprise to see that along with the game came a second controller for my console, which was very appropriate to enjoy this competitive game.


Top Gear es un juego de carreras publicado en 1992 por Kemco, para la consola Super Nintendo. Es considerado uno de los mejores juegos de carreras de la SNES y sin duda marco un hito que seguirían los precursores y desarrolladores de otros juegos de carreras. Aunque tuvo entregas posteriores para la SNES como Top Gear 2 o Top Gear 3000, ninguna tuvo el éxito ni la acogida de la primera entrega.

Top Gear is a racing game published in 1992 by Kemco for the Super Nintendo console. It is considered one of the best racing games on the SNES and undoubtedly marked a milestone that the precursors and developers of other racing games would follow. Although it had subsequent installments for the SNES such as Top Gear 2 or Top Gear 3000, none had the success or reception of the first installment.

top gear.PNG

Mi pista favorita sin lugar a duda era en Las Vegas, piénsalo es de noche, estas en Las Vegas y las luces de la ciudad de fondo te inspiran a acelerar, acompañado de una emocionante banda sonora a todo volumen. Creo que este es uno de los momentos mas icónicos del juego. Nuestras farolas alumbrando en la oscuridad de la pista, le daba un toque muy moderno para la época y que decir de los cambios de horarios durante las carreras.

My favorite race without a doubt was in Las Vegas, think about it, it's at night, you're in Las Vegas and the city lights in the background inspire you to accelerate, accompanied by an exciting soundtrack at full volume. I think this is one of the most iconic moments in the game. Our streetlights illuminating the darkness of the track gave it a very modern touch for the time and what can we say about the time changes during the races.


Uno de los aspectos mas interesantes del juego son sus locaciones en diferentes regiones del mundo. Cada temporada es en un país o región especifica, y en los fondos de las pistas podemos encontrar fabulosos detalles que hacen alusión a estos lugares. Podemos encontrar lugares icónicos como Machu Pichu, Paris, hasta Stonehenge. Sin duda es mucho mas divertido ver todas estas regiones ahora que tengo un poco mas de noción de geografía.

One of the most interesting aspects of the game is its locations in different regions of the world. Each season is in a specific country or region, and in the backgrounds of the tracks we can find fabulous details that allude to these places. We can find iconic places like Machu Pichu, Paris, even Stonehenge. It is certainly much more fun to see all these regions now that I have a little more idea of ​​geography.


Aspectos memorables del juego, uno de los aspectos que causaron mas agrado en el publico fue su excelente y emocionante banda sonora, compuesta por Barry Leitch, que ha sido elogiada y comparada con el nivel de producciones musicales muchos mas avanzadas. Barry Leitch tiene una gran vitrina musical de composiciones hechas exclusivamente para videojuegos y se gano un lugar importante en el mundo de la producción musical para videojuegos.

Memorable aspects of the game, one of the aspects that most pleased the public was its excellent and exciting soundtrack, composed by Barry Leitch, which has been praised and compared to the level of much more advanced musical productions. Barry Leitch has a great musical showcase of compositions made exclusively for video games and has earned an important place in the world of music production for video games.


Pantalla dividida siempre, esta modo de juego de pantalla dividida ya lo habíamos visto en otros juegos de carreras, sin embargo estábamos acostumbrados a verlo solo en modo multiplayer, Top Gear propuso este modo de pantalla dividida incluso en el modo de un solo jugador, lo que hacía las carreras con la maquina mucho mas interesantes y competitivas.

Always split screen, we had already seen this split screen game mode in other racing games, however we were used to seeing it only in multiplayer mode, Top Gear proposed this split screen mode even in single player mode, which which made racing with the machine much more interesting and competitive.


Sabias que? Los automóviles encogibles tienen diferentes características como aceleración de 0 a 100 km en segundos, velocidad máxima, consumo de combustible y adherencia de los frenos. Los carros de esta fabulosa entrega están basados en estos autos relaes: Cannibal, el auto rojo inspirado en el Ferrari Testarossa, Sidewinder, el carro blanco esta inspirado en Ferrari 288 GTO, Razor, el morado inspirado en el Jaguar XJR-15 y por ultimo el Waesel, azul o verde? Inspirado en el Porsche 959. Interesante, no te parece?

Did you know? Cars have different characteristics such as acceleration from 0 to 100 km in seconds, maximum speed, fuel consumption and brake adhesion. The cars in this fabulous installment are based on these relatable cars: Cannibal, the red car inspired by the Ferrari Testarossa, Sidewinder, the white car is inspired by the Ferrari 288 GTO, Razor, the purple one inspired by the Jaguar XJR-15 and finally the Waesel, blue or green? Inspired by the Porsche 959. Interesting, don't you think?


Espero que hayas disfrutado este post tanto como yo disfrute hacerlo, recordando buenas épocas y aprendiendo un poco mas de los videojuegos que marcaron nuestra infancia. Gracias por tu apoyo.

I hope you have enjoyed this post as much as I enjoyed doing it, remembering good times and learning a little more about the video games that marked our childhood. Thanks for your support.




Keep up the good work. 👏

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Interested to to help music map cXc.world spread more good vibes on Hive?.

This game was very good at that time, I remember playing it a lot, at that time the Nintendo and SNES were the best consoles, and I think they will continue to be, because it gives us a lot of nostalgia remembering those good times.

Thanks my friend. The truth was that it was a phenomenal game.

When i saw Nintendo i knew it was a racing, the looks sure looks exactly like Nintendo products. Is this one mobile friendly?

Thank you very much for your support, you can play on mobile or PC, you just have to download an emulator for example SNES9X and download the roms you want to play, I invite you to try it. If you have any questions you can let me know!!!! Thanks again.

Ohh thanks so much for this update