Hit too hard, You get it Broken.

in #hive-161155last month


Image by freepik

What are we suppose to do about kids whose wings had been broken in the course of trying to fly..

I guess that's no remedy left for that. But that could just be a little compared to the pain of how it got broken. Oh! How worst if it was a person, terrible if it were in the face of the first human beings you knew in this world, and Africa parents are the closest part to a broken wings.

Its a belief, its a culture a right and then a slogan. Children are brought up in a peculiar way where when we grind. It comes with screams and scares and then we'll hear “ Spare the rod and spoil the child”. We could arrive at any length to fulfill this cost even if means breaking the wings in the process. All that matters is we didn't spoil the child, No! We broke them.


Created by me using Gpt 4o

And watch it, most parent who follows that pattern got no wings too, it gradually became a way of life.
So seems am going round and round..due to copyright I couldn't post the very picture that contains the detailed interpretation since I couldn't get its source.

However, the actual intention of morality is good, only could which is done with caution because not everyone is capable of having their wings back and those who got it went through much pains. Let the change begin with you as it begins with me, a switch in pattern is not unachievable.