No one else sees the stress here but just me. Does this spell out the statement “How much does a dress cover”?
And so, I woke up early this morning without even knowing what to wear but decided to go to church instead of streaming online which has now become a norm way.
It was a little difficult choosing a wear and was worse because according to my church, today is the first Sunday of a new month and that comes with a dress code of “Native”. Not like it's compulsory but it's makes one feel a little different than the rest if dressed in English.
I never mind that really
However, I just felt like following protocols for today. You could say I woke up at the right side of my bed today from my step-by-step follow-up all through to church but as I said, picking wear became really difficult and after a long while, settled on a purple gown that blends well with the dress code of the day. But choosing it was one thing and another was dressing it.
Oh! I had a stressful week and the weekend wasn't an exception. I felt the stress all the way through is capable of telling on my appearance and that was one of the reasons I picked that wear but then again, I couldn't fit it in properly.
Oh! Not by size but by appearance. Shame couldn't let me take a picture with my scattered unmade hair🥲 and the idea of a wig was too heavy for my body.
To let you guess the level of stress.
But I picked it already and instead of going through the brain work on trying to sit for a complete outfit, I decided to go on with an elastic black cap, a little face touch, and my glasses. I honestly still felt too simple for my attire, but my body couldn't carry more than its capacity and ta..da. Church closed, I took a pic, visited an eatery, and before you knew it, am home again.