Don't Let go

in #hive-1611552 years ago


Generated by Midjourney

When people come into your life, you know they are there to stay forever. To sort of any purpose, to teach you a lesson or to help you achieve who you really are or want to be in the future. You never know who these people might be, maybe your roommate, perhaps a neighbour, a colleague, a long-lost friend, a childhood friend, a lover or even a stranger, but when you're blind to them, you realize that they are affecting your life in some profound way.

Sometimes things happen to you that may seem horrible, painful, and unfair, but at the end of the day, you find that you would never have realized your potential, strength, willpower, or heart without overcoming those obstacles.

Everything happens for a reason; nothing happens by chance or fate. There are valid reasons behind the mere events of life, illness, injury, and stupidity, all of which test you. Life would be like a train on a smooth, straight track without these little tests. It will be a safe and comfortable zone but dull and utterly meaningless life. The people you meet in everyday life, those who influence your life, and the successes and failures you experience help make you "you". Even a lousy experience offers great lessons in life; in fact, bad situations are perhaps the most poignant and important.

If someone hurts you badly, betrays you, or breaks your heart, forgive them without question because you have learned from there the importance of being careful. But, on the other hand, if someone loves you, love them unconditionally, Not because they love you, but because they teach you to love and open your heart and eyes.

Count every day of your life. Appreciate every moment, whether bad or good, because you'll never get to experience what you can't get from those moments again. Talk to people you've never talked to before. Try to do something new every day. Let yourself fall in love, set yourself free, and set your goals high. Keep your head up at all times because you have rights. Always present yourself as a great person and believe in yourself because if you cannot believe in yourself, it will be challenging for others to believe in you.


Everything happens for a reason; nothing happens by chance or fate.

I believe in that.. I believe everything happens for good. Allah has better plan then us.

I'm a true example of this . When I'm in college I fall in love with a girl. I prayed a lot to achieved her. But, I lost her in 2018.

But at this moment, I can feel that's happened with me for good. If she still present in my life, surely I'm not able to achieve these thing which I have achieved now.

Thanks to Almighty. Still I Love her. But I don’t want her in my life again.

People come into our lives and we start to dream with them, makes plans for the future, and many more. When they leave that part of so many plans just fades away all of a sudden which is kinda hard to accept but sooner or later we get adjusted to reality.

Everything happens for a reason;

Yeap, I do agree with this completely. Whatever happens, it happens for the good. If I get to hit by something then it's a lesson to be careful next time and avoid something bigger than this.

We cannot but have faith and trust ourselves, love ourselves, and think about ourselves. At the end of the day, we have just ourselves to care about, if we aren't doing well then how are we gonna take care of the others?

yeah, It's hard to accept the sudden disappearance of people we've become accustomed to. But we adapt over time and get used to again. But we really have no one but ourselves.

Again, that situation is worse when after planning on so many things, and suddenly everything get collapses, it is not always possible to fix or not everyone is able to do or have enough time to getup and start from scratch, because people are not immortal.

Exactly, keeping ourselves high should be the main priority, because we have many others who need our cares.

because we have many others who need our cares.

Exactly, the family should be always on the top of the list to get us motivated enough to keep moving.