New babies on board! Lemon verbena finally arrived !
We made an order for a few thousand herbs last May (yes, year 2021!) and till now we haven't received not even half of the order. The winter was unusually cold and the nurseries were destroyed twice, so imagine our joy when this fragrant little plants arrived!
Look at this beauty!
We planted them a few days ago before we live for our holiday and a good friend takes care of them and their watering while we are away! There is no single day not thinking of them but at the same time I am SO HAPPY to be in another place and another mood for a while. Although I am thinking of ways on how to keep the holiday mood even when we will return. Gardening certainly helps me feeling down to earth and being out at the fresh air is always pleasant and uplifting. Combined with a beautiful beach, life can be dreamy :)
The temperature has risen a lot, many days over 30°C and mulching is one of the most important tasks! A lot more to do when we will get back.
As always in life, some are working harder than others :)
Spring has brought some green color to our garden and the view is nice. Everything will be ok and the plants will grow healthy and happy, is the mantra while wandering around. Here are some lemon balm plants next to olive trees, still small but they look fine.
What seems to be doing really well is the rosehips, growing very fast.
Onions and rosemary at the background.
Everything is bigger than tiny rosemary, I hope it will not cause them any inferiority complex :)
The new leaves of the linden tree make my heart sing :)
So beautiful! Another transplantation that seems to be successful.
While the laurel is having a hard time... No idea why. Too much water maybe?
When we'll be back the potatoes will be ready for hilling. When we left they were this size.
Happy gardening everyone! Time with the soil is time well-spent :)