At first, when I saw that I could access any of the five worlds in the Nexus. I was pretty intimidated early on. These levels are vastly different from one another, and the fear of dying constantly catches on, especially with enemies around.
A little bit fast-forward now, having better equipment, more experience, and courage to continue forward onto these areas, I have really seen things you wouldn't believe.
The Prison of Hope area is crawling with lost souls and mindflayers. Lost souls are harmless, yet I've encountered some that were stabbing me. This point I wasn't taking chances, I'd pushed on with no one alive in my way.
The statue that shoots arrows for those who trespasses, another ominously dreadful area that was hard to bypass. Though, thankfully found a shortcut.
Here is where I was attacked by a Phantom, found one of those lost one being a spellcaster for the next boss, and those gargoyles looking down are another foreshadowing for later on. I wasn't at my powerful level later on. It was hard.
I saved Freke, and defeated False Idol, before I came to Stonefang tunnel. Which was a tunnel filled with fire crested bugs and burrowing lizards. There's worse monsters underneath.
Maiden in Black has rewarded me thus so, after trekking through the depths of literal hell, purgatory, any synonym, and allowed me to venture stronger than before. But strength alone doesn't prepare me for what's to come. Bigger battles in dreary fire.
I faced off with a minion boss demon, he was easy to get around. But the poster demon god, who came right after, was not to be trifled with. I had to use conveniently placed cannons to kill him.
I got a giant sword, capable of toppling dragons even. Then I met the man who witnessed my victor. Unfortunately, playing with the world tendency going to evil, he went full phantom and I had to drop him off the ledge. But nothing was weirder than the new monstrosity in the beginning level.
I wish I'd taken more shots for world four, the things that crept around. The gluttonous blob I faced early on, was here. There were these flying whales, but they shot green arrows from the distance. And most of my ground foes were skeletons barrel rolling towards me. Much akin to Tower of Latria's later levels, I was carefully stepping around ledges and avoiding death.
This dude on the blue was constantly reminding me how bad he has it with his sardonic laughter and cynicism. But right after taking out the dragons in Boletaria, he asked me if I saw his body. He disappeared afterward.
Ah, later areas were trickier. I had to disguise myself as fat official, before he dropped the ladder and me saving the witch that was trapped. The path towards the king's palace was also highly guarded. I even came across the king's son, and the blood, bodies spread across, said so much.
Eventually I became ready to face off the other fat official who put me on a goose chase, till he got killed and left me to battle this evil Guts looking enemy called The Penetrator. I'm glad I found Biorr when I did, he put up a real fight, a close one at that too.
And thus I return to Tower of Latria, on the higher grounds too. Gargoyles came alive and attacked from air even, I saw horrible monstrosities made of man flesh. Trekking around ledges as mentioned before. Even came across someone I couldn't trust, good chance he would have killed everyone in the Nexus. But he was also in the way.
World three was over, I killed overseer and his phantom. I've found keys and saved another person to the Nexus. My work was mostly done. All that was left to finish was world four and five. I had fun, anxiety inducing fun. Thank you for checking my screenshots.