Universal Energy Tetrahedron

in #hive-15869411 months ago

Hi!ve Aliens!

As a universal energy practitioner, one of the tools used is the tetrahedron.
This one specifically is part of my journey since 2007.
If someone recognizes or has the same, please comment! ;)
This is my ancient altar in the the old birth house...

In the last couple of days...there was in my mind to give it as an input to the #AI

prompt: universal energy tetrahedron, cosmic background, higher frequencies




Good base, although not using an image as a prompt...


Once I even made some #string-art out of plastic straws
"to enhance the structure" :D

back (or further) to AI





previous simpler prompt: universal energy tetrahedron, cosmic background

basic prompt





Hope you're having an awesome experience! ;)

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so nice of you again! ;)

Really nice and delicate creation, spiritual!

These turned out super cool!

Thank you! :)