Tomorrow is my little niece's birthday and unfortunately I forgot to buy her a present! I am the first person to remember such special days and make the preparations, but this time it was the last day to buy gifts because I was very busy for a few weeks. Today, I went to the hairdresser to get hair care from home and I thought that tomorrow is his birthday, and the hairdresser also had a care oil applied to my hair! The care oil was supposed to stay on my hair for at least 4 hours to wash it, but because I didn't have that much time, I had to collect my hair this way and go to the shopping mall. Fortunately, there was a shopping center nearby which was not too crowded and I chose to go there because it was quieter. It was very difficult to walk around people with my hair in this state. I stopped everyone one by one and had them serviced, that's why it's like this! I mean. Fortunately, he was very calm and did not attract anyone's attention. ( I hope so!)
I quickly looked at a few products that I had in mind. Since I knew those who needed it before, I generally looked for products for his needs. But I bought a present for my great-nephew, who is a girl before my niece who has her birthday! I bought a cute pink pillow for her new room and I'm sure she'll love it when she sees it! Then I bought a jacket for my little niece from a brand that I constantly shop for and whose quality I like. If the jacket was for adults, I would have bought it for myself, I liked it incredibly. My nephew is blond and a very sweet boy, I'm sure it will suit him very well! I'll dress her up and post pictures of her after I give her her gift tomorrow. I left the mall to buy myself a few things and go home, but because I chose the wrong shoes for shopping, my feet hurt a little and I had to sit in the cold. I was too hurt to walk to the parking lot! Fortunately, the important thing is that I got the gifts I liked! I'm sure they'll both like it a lot, it's good for me to make them happy. I love my souls so much!
TR πΉπ·
YarΔ±n küçük yeΔenimin DoΔum gΓΌnΓΌ var ve maalesef ona hediye almayΔ± unuttum! Bu tarz ΓΆzel gΓΌnleri ilk hatΔ±rlayan ve hazΔ±rlΔ±klarΔ± yapan kiΕi benimdir fakat bu defa son gΓΌne kaldΔ± hediye alma iΕi çünkΓΌ birkaΓ§ haftadΔ±r Γ§ok yoΔundum. BugΓΌn evden saΓ§ bakΔ±mΔ± yaptΔ±rmak iΓ§in kuafΓΆre Γ§Δ±ktΔ±m ve yarΔ±n doΔum gΓΌnΓΌ olduΔu aklΔ±ma kuafΓΆr de geldi ve saΓ§larΔ±ma Γ§oktan bakΔ±m yaΔΔ± sΓΌrΓΌlmΓΌΕtΓΌ! BakΔ±m yaΔΔ±nΔ±n en az 4 saat saΓ§larΔ±m da kalmasΔ± gerekiyordu yΔ±kamak iΓ§in ama benim o kadar vaktim olmadΔ±ΔΔ± iΓ§in saΓ§larΔ±mΔ± bu Εekilde toplayΔ±p alΔ±ΕveriΕ merkezine gitmek zorunda kaldΔ±m. Neyseki yakΔ±nlar da Γ§ok kalabalΔ±k olmayan bir alΔ±ΕveriΕi merkezi vardΔ± ve daha sakin olduΔu iΓ§in oraya gitmeyi tercih ettim. SaΓ§larΔ±m bu haldeyken insanlarΔ±n iΓ§inde gezmek Γ§ok zordu. Herkesi tek tek durdurup bakΔ±m yaptΔ±rdΔ±m o yΓΌzden bu halde! Demek istedim. Neyse ki Γ§ok sakindi ve kimsenin dikkatini Γ§ekmedi. ( Γyle umuyorum!)
Hemen hΔ±zlΔ±ca aklΔ±m da olan birkaΓ§ ΓΌrΓΌne baktΔ±m. Γncesinde ihtiyacΔ± olanlarΔ± bildiΔim iΓ§in genelde onun ihtiyacΔ±na yΓΆnelik ΓΌrΓΌnlere baktΔ±m. Ama doΔum gΓΌnΓΌ olan yeΔenimden ΓΆnce kΔ±z olan bΓΌyΓΌk yeΔenim iΓ§in bir hediye aldΔ±m! Onun yeni odasΔ± iΓ§in Γ§ok tatlΔ± pembe bir yastΔ±k aldΔ±m eminim gΓΆrΓΌnce bayΔ±lacak! Daha sonra sΓΌrekli alΔ±ΕveriΕ yaptΔ±ΔΔ±m ve kalitesini beΔendiΔim bir markadan küçük yeΔenim iΓ§in bir Γ§eket aldΔ±m. Γeketin yetiΕkinler iΓ§in olanΔ± olsaydΔ± kendime de alΔ±rdΔ±m inanΔ±lmaz beΔendim. YeΔenim sarΔ±ΕΔ±n ve Γ§ok tatlΔ± bir Γ§ocuk eminim Γ§ok yakΔ±Εacak ona! YarΔ±n ona hediyesini verdikten sonra giydirip fotoΔraflarΔ±nΔ± paylaΕΔ±rΔ±m. Kendime de birkaΓ§ birΕey alΔ±p eve dΓΆnmek iΓ§in alΔ±ΕveriΕ merkezinden Γ§Δ±ktΔ±m ama alΔ±ΕveriΕ iΓ§in yalnΔ±Ε ayakkabΔ± tercih ettiΔim iΓ§in ayaklarΔ±m biraz acΔ±dΔ± ve soΔukta oturmak zorunda kaldΔ±m. Otoparka yΓΌrΓΌyemeyecek kadar canΔ±m acΔ±dΔ±! Neyseki ΓΆnemli olan beΔendiΔim hediyeleri almΔ±Ε olmam! Eminim ikisi de Γ§ok beΔenecek, onlarΔ± mutlu etmek bana Γ§ok iyi geliyor. Γok seviyorum canlarΔ±mΔ±!