in #hive-15385019 days ago

All protein on Earth begins in the Nitrogen chains in PLANTS - not in animals. There is zero reason or need to eat animals to acquire protein - there are many ways to acquire sufficient plants from protein only. Please do more research on the topic.

"They steer clear from such a job because their food components do not contain their requirement that could make them stand in such jobs."

Uh, no. It is true that, for example, in India - the Jains are the most economically successful sub-group and they are either vegan or almost vegan. They don't do the hard jobs because they have more money and pay non vegans to work hard. However, there are many international champion athletes that are vegan which dispell the myth that vegans are weak.



This is quite an explosive and eye-opening composition. Probably, I am a die hard fan If being a non-vegan.
Now that the records are have proven otherwise, do I want to be a vegan? An outright NO.
Point made, though.
Lessons learned, yes.
But still, I love to eat fish, meat and eggs.

Many thanks for coming around

No problem. Some cultures are very pro the killing of animals, gradually though, it will be felt and understood that this is harming everyone. I personally hated vegetables growing up, but I also didn't like meat that much - but my family served meat so I ate it. However, after being sick for many years, I studied health and to my surprise I learned that a vegan diet has been repeatedly proven to be the best for health (as long as vegan junk food is avoided).


Well, experience they say, is the best teacher. Everyone has chose a path to walk and in most cases, the society helps or guides in choosing the path.
For most Asians, they'd rather go vegan. In part of Europe, you can find a mixed breed through contact with the outside world (Asia and Africa) which has in one way or the other affected the region.
In Africa as a whole, the people grew under the traditional lifestyle of hunting and eating meat. The vegan diet style is a borrowed lifestyle through acculturation which is acceptable.
Generally, any group one decide to choose there MUST be consequences.