Grund: The Hammer-Bearer of Praetoria || A Splinterlands Community Engagement Challenge Entry

in #hive-133239 days ago


Grund has become one of my favourite Splinterlands characters, especially with its solo capacity in Splinterlands battles. This melee melee attack monster from the Chaos Legion card set. At the basic level, Grund is equipped with the Double Strike ability that makes it attach twice each round. At higher levels, this unit develops the Trample and Cripple abilities. I call it the courageous monster.

According to its lore, Grund is a well-loved monster and he is a staunch defender of his people. His strong ideals of honour and justice infused within him from a young age. When he heard of the Chaos Legion invasion, Grund took up his hammers in anger and sought them out immediately. However, there is more to this uniquely powerful monster unit. hence, I wish to expand Grund's lore with a character backstory to reveal this character more.


Grund: The Hammer-Bearer of Praetoria

The swamps of the lowlands of Praetoria stretch like a sea of green and mist that clings to the air. There lived a young warrior named Grund. He was the son of the soil and homely. He loved his people and was loved by them too. As a hatchling, he was more curious than most, listening intently to the elder's tales of forgotten wars and legendary warriors. Each story he listened to ignited balls of fire within him, such fire as would burn for many years in the future.

One day, while looking through the woods in the swamp, Grund found a rusting sword, half-buried in the muck of the swamp. Out of curiosity, he picked it and that became his new toy. As he grew up, Grund understood that the rusting sword was a weapon that was either missed or forgotten by its original owner. Call it destiny or the like, he spent hours each day practicing an imaginary fight with the sword. He mimicked battle moves he had heard about in the stories passed down by his people. The swamp became his training ground, his place of reflection, there, he honed his body and mind.

As years passed, and Grund grew taller and broader, his muscles were hardened by years of self-training. He then ventured to New Everitt where his life truly changed. There, amidst the bustling town, he encountered a warrior unlike any he had seen - Bera Dallin. She moved like a storm, her "Warhammer" crashing down with precision and power. Grund was captivated by her skill, sought her out, and asked to learn from her. With Dallin, it occurred to Grund that the steel sword was only the beginning.

Bera, being experienced could not miss noticing the potential in Grund who was strong and splendorous. Bera took him under her wing, and showed him the intricacies of the "Warhammer". Though the weapon was designed for two hands, Grund’s immense strength allowed him to wield one in each hand. In his hands, they became extensions of his will, a pair of twin hammers capable of cleaving through any enemy who dared challenge him. Perhaps this is where his Double Strike ability was developed since he could comfortably wield the war hammers on both hands at the same time.

Under Bera’s tutelage, Grund grew into a formidable warrior in body and spirit. He grew in character and skills. He learned that true strength was not in the weapons one wielded but in the purpose that guided them. This helped him to develop his ideals of justice and protection for what he cared for deepened, and he swore to defend the lowlands (his roots) and its people from any threat.


When the Chaos Legion invaded the swamp, Grund’s fury was unleashed. He remembered the days when his village had been peaceful, the days when he had roamed freely, walking through the land in admiration of its "steeze" and creatures. But now, the land was under siege. The people who had nurtured him, whom he loved, all were at risk of being consumed by the forces of the Legion. Grund could not stand by and watch.

Grund took up his hammers, leading a group of warriors from the lowlands for combat against the legions. The troupe with him was inspired by his courage and fierce love for Praetoria. Grund became a symbol of hope, his hammers crashed down like thunderbolts on the battlefield, and the invaders were driving back with every strike. In battle, he was a force of nature, his movements swift and brutal, his heart filled with the strength of his people. Here, we can see how he developed the Tample and Criple abilities

Grund knew that his fight was not just about defeating an enemy but also to preserve the spirit of Praetoria itself as he learnt from Bera. One night, as he stood alone on the cliffs overlooking the swamp, his hammers at his side, he made a vow. "As long as I stand, the land will stand. As long as my heart beats, Praetoria will know peace."

The legend - Grund grew as a warrior and as a protector, a champion of the land he loved. To the people of Praetoria. He was not just a man but a symbol with a reminder that no matter the darkness that threatened him, there would always be those who fought for the light.

As the fires of war raged on, one thing was certain — Grund, the Hammer-Bearer of Praetoria, would stand tall, his mighty weapons would always be raised high to defend his homeland until his last breath.

All images are from Splinterlands game

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Splinterlands game is termed the "next generation of collectible card games" in which allows players to collect, trade, and battle with provably scarce digital collectibles with real-world value. Battles on Splinterlands Unlike most trading card games, are fast and furious and are usually completed within a few minutes. The Splinterlands gameplay is simple and easy to learn viz: reviewing combat rules, making and submitting the team, and watching the battle unfold.


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