Assassination is Censorship

in #life3 months ago

I have long said that free speech is an existential need. If we can't speak forthrightly to each other, we can't warn our families, friends, and neighbors about threats. Censorship is a threat to our lives, and to everyone we love and protect.

IMG source - Everywhere on the internet

The assassination attempt on Donald Trump was an attempt to silence him. Double tapping to the back of the head is the ultimate form of censorship, when all else fails. Everyone that has been censored, that has been kicked off corporate media, that has been flagged here on Hive, is threatened by violence. The people that want you silenced are first trying the easiest ways to silence you by those methods. If they are truly intent on silencing you they will not stop there.

Let everyone that is free and sovereign prepare to continue to speak freely regardless of the intent of evil murderers to silence you. You have seen where censorship leads now. You know what is coming. Read the comments of people that support censorship, of CNN, of Democrats, of the Big Corps that intend to farm us like a flock of sheep. Don't be led like sheep, dumb and silent, to slaughter.

Thanks to @lighteye for the above link

You are the reason they have to kill to silence us. The truth sets us free. They depend on lies, on feeble sheep that can be led by lies, and free speech destroys them. They have to kill us to defeat us. All we have to do is speak the truth to win. Don't follow lying shepherds that mean to do you harm, like a sheep. They will lead you to slaughter, like wolves. Protect yourself from violence that is coming, that they have to use to silence us when we will speak freely.

Be a G.O.A.T.


I'm just glad they didn't kill him. Seems like the only one willing to say the truth as it is and not get influenced by people in politics like Biden does

There's some folks that I have at least some confidence in, like Rand Paul and Thomas Massie. Unfortunately they're not running.


Dear @valued-customer !
I don't understand your political metaphor!
However, East Asians generally tend to think that if Trump becomes president of the United States, the United States will become a fascist country!

It is unfortunate that treacherous and evil psychopaths deceive and destroy us to take everything good and holy that is our birthright. There is not an alternative today between fascist and totalitarian enslavement to Machiavellian manipulators - but there will be when the brutality of the coming democide can no longer be denied by reasonable men. The wise will prepare to produce our security and felicity by our own hands, guided by our own sovereign wills.

The rest of us will die.

I have now posted that discusses this.


Some East Asian countries need to look inwards to first see what 'fascist' actually means before they start projecting on other nations

Dear @mobbs !
I am glad meet to you!
Are you British?
I am an eastaisan man! I live in a country neighboring mainland China.
I think the original fascists were Mussolini and Hitler!
Common East Asians think fascists are white supremacists!

I felt that European discrimination against people of color was very severe!

I hope you would understand for my akward english!😄

Thank you!!

I live in mainland China. Europe being the origin of Fascism doesn't mean this is the only place it can reside.

The USA is far, far from any form of fascism whatsoever. It's kind of a joke to even suggest it, or at least, ignorant.

Meanwhile, there are plenty of examples of fascistic behaviour across Asia and around the world people should be aware of. Trump is the least concern in this regard, and only said by people who only believe in democracy when their side is winning

Don't worry, your English is fine ;)

Europe being the origin of Fascism doesn't mean this is the only place it can reside.

I agree with you! I felt that the current Chinese people are becoming extreme fascists!
So, I don't trust chinese!

The USA is far, far from any form of fascism whatsoever. It's kind of a joke to even suggest it, or at least, ignorant.

Hmm, I think American white supremacy is similar to European fascists!
By the way, I can't object to your argument because I've never been to America.

Meanwhile, there are plenty of examples of fascistic behaviour across Asia and around the world people should be aware of. Trump is the least concern in this regard, and only said by people who only believe in democracy when their side is winning

Many East Asians think Trump is a white supremacist!
I think Trump could destroy American democracy and republicanism!

By the way, I'm amazed at Europeans living in China like you.
I guessed that the Chinese are currently showing hostility towards Europeans and Americans like you.

I suspect that the communist regime in China will collapse and a civil war will break out!

I hope your happy!

By the way, I'm amazed at Europeans living in China like you.

We got chained down by things like marriage haha...

I think Trump could destroy American democracy and republicanism!

I don't see how. If you actually listen to him he is a huge patriot and lover of democracy. He handled his loss pretty bad, sure, but there's been no evidence to suggest he would ever want to end democracy. I mean, he obviously knows his time on this planet is short. Why would he want to become a despotic king 'for life', which would amount to, what, 5-6 years? lol.

There's also no evidence to suggest he's a white supremacist or anything else. Good luck finding anything he's said to suggest so. He was a New York Democrat most his life, remember.

Most the racism claims are based on misinformation. Hell, even on wikipedia, it has him quoted as:

"They're bringing drugs. They're bringing crime. They're rapists. And some, I assume, are good people.

It doesn't even make grammatical sense to add 'they (the entirety of mexico) are rapists'. But now, he's a racist. Even though they are literally bringing their rapists into the USA lol.

Then they claim he says white supremacists are 'very fine people' - which again is just demonstrably untrue. It's just a bunch of lies. Sickening really

Dear @mobbs !

I assumed you married a Chinese woman!

I thought Trump was a populist, not a white supremacist, as you claimed!

I assumed Trump was trying to become president for the popularity, money, and fame!

But, Most East Asians like me think he is incompetent!😅

Nah. All 3 shots came from the S.S. sniper.

When you say 'Nah.' I'm not even sure what you're referring to. In the OP I don't discuss any of this, none of the specifics of the event nor persons. What I do discuss is the fact that shooting someone in the head shuts them up forever. My whole point is that assassination is the ultimate form of censorship. Your comment isn't responsive to the OP in any way I can grasp.

However, your comment is - as brief as it is - wrong on at least two known facts. The first is that there were more than three shots. The second is that the snipers on the roof in police uniforms weren't Secret Service, but local police officers. AFAIK, the Secret Service never fired a shot at that event.

Perhaps you could read my post and then make a comment that is responsive to it.

The left will always seek to justify itself, and feeds on precisely those flocks of sheep to which you refer. How difficult it is to live in peace.

I think it will become much more difficult, all too soon.


I have often said that the one thing i like about Trump is he really shines a light on how much censorship there is. How much the MSM is controlled. How much of the story we are NOT told.

He did steal the term 'fake news' and turn it on the enemedia. I do appreciate that as well.


CNN should be ashamed of themselves and be sued. Those actors should be sued for threats. The waters lady should be kicked out of congress. They are all complicit in yesterday’s attack.

Corporations don't feel shame. However, I absolutely agree with you.


For real. There is definitely a threat of violence to silence people. We must be vigilant to maintain these freedoms from violence and free speech. It's a wild thing that happened over the weekend. Even our local news was reporting on it!

It is a terrifying reality that America leads the world, and is leading us to destruction revealed in the genocide ongoing across the Ukraine, MENA, and Gaza. We, the People, that intend to deliver our children to felicity, must secure their minds and persons from the malevolent that will slaughter them without mercy through deception and violence.

Our fierce love and protection will keep them safe, if we are competent and strong enough.
