Canada Withdraws C19 Jabs 'Urgently' to be Destroyed

in #life5 days ago

Castreau has mastered the art of duplicity, saying one thing while doing another, and the leaders of national governments globally have this skill in common, though few developed to the degree Castreau has.

So, we can handily discount whatever Castreau and Canada have to say about why this sudden about face regarding the extant vaccines withdraws them from the market immediately, as the recent publications of peer reviewed science demonstrating the hazards of the jabs that have today killed ~30M people worldwide.

According to Dr. William Makis (@makisMD on X):

"“To all the Covid vaccine clinics, to all the pharmacies, to all the Walmart parking lots, the stadiums, the back allies at Superstore, wherever Covid vaccines were given and whoever gave them – I have a message for you,” said Dr. Makis.

“You may be wondering if one day you will be held accountable for injecting a toxic pharmaceutical product into people who were then injured or died suddenly… You may be wondering if one day justice will be coming for you.

“In the meantime though, I have probably the best piece of advice I can give you. Do not under any circumstance remove or destroy vials of Covid-19 vaccines as you may have been instructed by Health Canada or by your bosses.

“Save those vials of vaccines. These vials are worth their weight in gold. They will be worth an absolute fortune. There is right now an attempt to cover up and destroy evidence of a very serious crime.

“These vaccines are contaminated. There will be labs in the future that are going to want to test these vaccines. Hundreds of them, maybe thousands of them, and they will pay top dollar.

“Do not let Health Canada and the government destroy these vaccines. Save these vials of Covid-19 vaccines. Do not let them get destroyed.”

The People's Voice doesn't mince words either, publishing the statement of ICC Prosecution regarding the evidentiary nature of the recalled jabs as to crimes against humanity they, in association with the blatantly false claims of Castreau and myriad others, were used to commit.

The statement is gut-wrenching for those of us that have lost loved ones, and wrestled with the gaslighting, lockdowns, and various despotic afflictions we suffered to remain unexposed to these bioweapons. I recommend the last link for those seeking some hope that closure for these horrific genocidal crimes that left us bereft of our beloved friends and family is forthcoming.

We have the power to hang the genocidal madmen that did this to us, and it is being exercised now.


System updating to new software.

New vaccines roll in

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That's not going to last very long. The market gets thin as they die off. The advent of AI is going to replace doctors and medical care with apps, and dangerous toxic poisons with proper nutrition folks grow and prepare themselves. The toxic goyslop/deadly pharmaceutical pipeline is self-limiting.


I was thinking that app might be similar to the PIE π network which required KYC before launch to mine and also to use their apps. I was thinking, that was the direction it was going with it. Who knows though.