I was watching materiel production during the last couple years, and Russia produces more artillery shells in a month than the rest of the world produces in a year. I haven't seen anyone besides Russia ramping up production of war materiel, and most of Europe lost a lot of it's artillery, cavalry, and ammo in the Ukraine.
I think France literally has no artillery shells left, or very, very few.
Since you can't get all of Europe set on a national policy, Europe really needs to shed the EU, because it's a worthless layer of parasitism on production that no nation in Europe today can afford, without providing any useful services the majority of Europeans need - and it's couping your nations to turn them into cash cattle for NATO, and Europe won't long survive that corral.
The economic resilience of Russia has vastly outperformed EU states, and they weren't at war. I used to troll Poles by telling them 'You're next!' because they were all in on the NATO propaganda about the 3 day conquest of Kiev and were falling for the propaganda that Russia was losing, which, of course, they weren't and aren't. I was mad for a bit that Russia had actually got to Kiev in a couple days and the war was effectively over, but somehow Kiev talked them into withdrawing and BoJo talked Zelensky into reneging on the surrender he'd negotiated. That has cost ~1M lives, and that made me mad.
I do expect Trump to be able to resolve the war by parting out the Ukraine to end the problem that the USSR created when they cobbled it together out of bits and pieces of their neighbors. I think the neighbors would be happy to get their clay back they lost in WWII in order to leave Russia what it's won fair and square, and Trump has the power to make NATO do it.
The EU is backing off the Romanian coup now. Iohannis has resigned and Georgescu is really looking like he's about to become the President, and he'd snap that deal up in a hot minute, which signals the direction the EU is going to fall. Too often bad people succeed in concentrating power they've always dreamed of having, like Von der Leyen just has, and when they do they so undercut the entity they conquer that it loses what made them want it to begin with, and that's what I think has happened to the EU since Von der Leyen consolidated power.
She's so concentrated power over the EU in her hands, the EU is losing it's grip on it's member states, and Romania is just the first to slap her dirty mitts off. Germany and Poland are next. The people of Europe don't want to die in ditches, and I think they know if they don't break free of Von der Leyen's control, they will.