Sir Keir Starmer Saves the UK

in #lifelast month

Not satisfied with saving the UK's felons and murderous undocumented imports by booting them all from prison and thereby freeing up space for anyone that happened to see and report their stabbing sprees, the saviour of the UK, Sir Keir Starmer hisself, is plunging daringly into the stygian abyss of Net Zero. Well, he won't be in darkness, nor will any of his cronies or patrons, but anyone and everyone else will be, as per his policies vis a vis the blessings of civilization. Watts Up With That shares the following realities of Labour's leader's plans:

"After 2030, consider that all beef, lamb and dairy will be banned and “replaced by new diets”. Then there is a massive 45% cut in most common building materials such as cement, along with a similar reduction in road freight traffic. The attack on farming will be remorseless with fertiliser restriction halving “direct emission” from the soil. To sum up: widespread rationing and blackouts along with food, holiday and travel restrictions, all within about 60 months."

"...the Government-funded U.K. FIRES project...notes, correctly, that there is “insufficient time for the planning, development and construction of new large-scale infrastructure to contribute to the 2030 target”. Again correctly, it is observed that increased use of wind and solar power creates a problem with intermittency. “Eventually, this must be addressed by either demand-shifting or storage,” it states. Storage at scale is more or less impossible with current technology, and another word for “demand-shifting” is rationing. To enforce these consumption restraints across the broad range of modern industrial lifestyles, a “whole society” approach must be mobilised."

No mention of any lubrication, or even a peck on the cheek, before the vigorous rectal thrusting begins, but I suppose this is what they learn at the best schools lately.

IMG source - - The most punchable face in modern history, Sir Keir Starmer

With leadership like this, screw the King. God save the British people, and all their fellow subjects of this barmy bastard. So, yes, unless a few good chaps come round with pitchforks and torches to set things straight, the UK will become a stygian abyss of starvation, suffering, and woe, again, and of course, only for those subjugated to this raving poofter and not his Machiavellian masters, peers, or person.

As an American where we have the arcane electoral college that elect our President, I admit I am baffled how Starmer has become the PM.

"Labour's triumph was achieved with fewer votes than it secured in 2017 and 2019 - the latter its worst result for 84 years."

According to Reuters Ukip and Farage took only 4 seats, while Tories lost 250 and Labour added 210. If this is an accurate assessment, ya'll must be suicidal. I have no idea how you're going to survive. Maybe the prediction of Cliff High's Web Bot that 39 days after Joe Rogan interviews Donald Trump the alien invasion begins - today - made back in 2009 will churn things up a bit. At this rate some coal in your stockings come Christmas might be the bestest gift ever.

But I wouldn't hold your breath awaiting saviours from outer space. Starmer and the Cop29 crowd might find a way to ration air, and then you'll be turning blue in no time.

Dear @valued-customer !

Many East Asian men think that the British Empire is now a beggar!

It has certainly become inhumane.


Some East Asian men argued that America would rule all of Europe, including Britain.😂

Many East Asians don't like the British Empire!

I call Queen Victoria the Pirate Queen!😆

Rather than American rule, the fact that every nomination Trump has made for his cabinet is Jewish suggests that both the US and the EU are covertly ruled by an international cabal of Zionists, and the UK as well. The UK's affinity for piracy is well documented historically, but that ability to project power seems to be rapidly collapsing as the UK is just as quickly being repopulated by Muslims and the indigenes of the British Isles become relegated to second class, if not subhuman, untouchables, in an astounding political suicide of the UK by ruling Labor leader Sir Keir Starmer promising to eliminate lamb, beef, and dairy by 2030, cutting road freight by 45%, and power production the same.

The NWO is destroying the polities extant as I have long predicted, because that is what is necessary for a global government to attain to universal political power. Many E. Asians will momentarily be pleased, but as the rot and corruption spreads the increasing isolation from former allies that have been subsumed into a global technocratic totalitarian tyranny ruled by a death cult intent on turning the whole Earth into a desolate dystopian hellscape modeled on Gaza, they will shortly change their opinions and sing different songs.

Everyone dependent on centralized production of essential goods and services will learn that being dependent on tyrants makes civil rights impossible, and dependence is slavery. Grow food covertly, so that no one can starve you into abject subjugation to cruel death cultists that want you dead.

That's why i'm getting out. The conditions are all set for a good ass shafting and it won't be pretty. I look out the window now and it aint pretty.

It's concerning because I see the world lining up into such fascist dungheaps as if they're overjoyed at the prospect of being slaughtered in the streets. I hope you get free quick.


When i used to travel Hong Kong back in the mid 90s, i started to see the infrastructure of the digital tyranny in it's infancy. By then 15 min cities was already a thing hardcoded into the Asian lifestyles.

In the 2000s i started to see the surveillance state emerging. 15 years ago they already had the facial recognition, iris scans, Hong Kong ID cards which acted as your passport, day to day ID card and it was even linked to one's social security, pension, tax etc. They then came out with something called the Octopus Card, which inspired London's Oyster card, same deal...everything conveniently put into one card; you could top up the card, buy things and pay bills with the card, as well as having access to public transport.

It's happening over here now slowly but surely and the infrastructure will be hard to escape, if we don't escape physically. I must get out by 2028.

I don't expect any polities to be dissenting from this NWO. Places like Hungary, Romania, and Slovakia may. They are dissenting today from the general narrative, and could dig in and seek to decentralize production as much as possible to prevent their subjugation, which I would be ecstatic to see happen. What I do expect is that the least prosperous will have the least ability to impose this enslavement, and people that grasp dependence on centralized production will eventually be cut off from necessities, even if only temporarily and punitively for farting in elevators or something. The truth is that they will be cut off permanently. Overlords want them dead. It won't be fair, or just, or survivable. The only way people will survive, much less prosper, is by themselves making what they need and defending it from armed gangs of thugs that will come to take it from them.

This is why I have settled where I am. It is why I have eschewed money in favor of goodwill. It is why I beat the drum for economic independence from centralized economies and for interdependence of decentralized economies. The amount of resources it would take me to replace all the goods and services the centralized economy provides is unreasonable to expect me to myself provide. But networks of people in rural areas that specialize in this or that can better provide the panoply fundamental to modern civil society. As the problem gets worse and more people decide to take action to survive, then places like this will most quickly become able to thrive.

Hey, i recently realized that i can add people onto my private matrix group without having to make an account on the server i'm renting.

Can you send me your matrix username to

I can try. Will it simply add the room to those I am already in, or will my account have to choose between servers I am on?

the former.

send me a msg!

oh boy, I am so out of the loop it seems ahahah. Life in the forest man!

As one of the many critics of this manmade global warming madness has said: CO2 is how living things grow.

It is therefore plain to see which actors on stage are enemies of life and the living.

That's a very good point. The CO2 suppressors are enemies of life and the living.


@valued-customer, I paid out 0.344 HIVE and 0.127 HBD to reward 5 comments in this discussion thread.